A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick Billings
Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
 a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick Billings
Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
 pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM

Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Cheryl Griffing-2
Hi Aimee,

Thanks for the link.

Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.


 From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM

Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick Billings
Hi Cheryl.
I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Aimee,

Thanks for the link.

Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.


From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM

Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Cheryl Griffing-2
Hi Rick,

So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!

For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 

Thanks again for your quick responses,


 From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl.
I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Aimee,

Thanks for the link.

Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.


From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM

Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I wanted to suggest that you check to see what your refresh rate is set at on your computer.  My husband changed mine from 60 Hz to 75 Hz without telling me and I became deathly ill for 3 days until I put the pieces together.  I knew he'd been on my computer so I asked him to describe EVERYTHING he had done (he was installing a game for my son) and he finally mentioned that he'd changed the refresh rate.  I can't tell you how sick it made me.  Changed it back and the symptoms stopped.  So check yours--maybe it's contributing to the problem.  60 Hz doesn't seem to bother me.

--- In [hidden email], Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...> wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!
> For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 
> Thanks again for your quick responses,
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
>  From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl.
> I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Aimee,
> Thanks for the link.
> Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM
> Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
> pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
> http://www.minimegeology.com/home/mgeo/page_209
> I found this on google.
> Aimee
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM
> Hi Cheryl,
> Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
> a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
>           Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
> All the best, Richard 
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.
> I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.
> I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl,
> I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.
> Thanks ever so much,
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi  Cheryl,
> You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
> would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
> All the best,
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
> Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hello,
> My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
>         I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
>         For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
>         Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
> sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
>         I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
>         The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
>         In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
>         During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
>         I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
>     I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
>         Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
>         The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
>         So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
>         How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
>         There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
>         You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
>         I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.
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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

In reply to this post by Rick Billings
I recall some 15yrs ago that my work computer was changed over from  dos to
windows and at the same time the refresh rate on my work pc that was  
previously running at 80-100hz was lowered to 60hz, I had no knowledge of this  
until I next used the computer and noticed the flicker, the IT manager did
not  see it as much as me an said I would get used to it, over the next month
or so I  became light sensitive and started to develop ES, I am sure that's
what  started it all.  I eventually found that it was easy to change the
refresh  rate so all my suffering was unecessary.  A year later my employer
invited  professer Leslie Hawkins into the work place to assess my claim of
being ES, he  found that I was suffering from a work related upper limb
disorder due to poor  ergonomic design of my work station but did not have the
familiar symptoms of  ES.. I was suffering from both ES and WRULD, having spent
7yrs prior glued to 2  large cathode ray tube monitors for 5-7 hours a
day.... the ES has never left me  nor the wruld.
In a message dated 06/10/2012 02:56:39 GMT Daylight Time,  
[hidden email] writes:

Hi Cheryl,
I wanted to suggest that you check to see what your refresh  rate is set at
on your computer. My husband changed mine from 60 Hz to 75 Hz  without
telling me and I became deathly ill for 3 days until I put the pieces  together.
I knew he'd been on my computer so I asked him to describe  EVERYTHING he
had done (he was installing a game for my son) and he finally  mentioned that
he'd changed the refresh rate. I can't tell you how sick it  made me.
Changed it back and the symptoms stopped. So check yours--maybe it's  
contributing to the problem. 60 Hz doesn't seem to bother  me.

--- In _eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) , Cheryl  
Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...> wrote:
> Hi Rick,
> So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like  a
great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself  
while being able to help so many others!
> For me I get sick on  the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy
and a feeling close to  vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to
work and I can't until I get  over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone
can help me personally, as I  believe it can from what you said, I will
eternally grateful!Â

> Thanks again for your quick responses,
>  Cheryl
>  ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings  <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Â  
> Hi  Cheryl.
> Â
> I don't seem to need any more of this rock  than the two pounds I have
been carrying around for the last few  months.  I did try sleeping with an
extra ten-pound piece beside me, but  that  caused me to have  twoÂ
extremely unpleasant  nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the
beneficial  effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."Â  But carrying
two  pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough  
people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may  gainÂ
the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial  effect is
achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism  at work here, we
may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would  provide the same
benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in  my interest as
much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other  people.
> Â
> Richard
>  ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing  <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Aimee,
>  Thanks for the link.
> Rick, thanks for your reply. Just  wondering - will you need to cut off
more pieces for yourself too or are you  just doing this for us? Very kind of
you indeed to make this effort to help  us. Meanwhile I will take your
advice to research the rock yards and stone  masons. I will let you know how
that goes.

> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee  <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: _eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email])  
> Sent:  Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Â  
> Ok Rick  thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the
person that wanted  it could also use the link (forgot her name)
> --- On Tue,  10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From:  Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM
> Aimee, the sample you  found certainly looks much like the oolitic
limestone that I have been using,  though it is not as white and "pure" as the
stuff I found.  The  off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included
in that  specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  
It  is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one  
to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length,  which
means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some  minimum
mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell  you what
that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled  with many
smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger  piece.  
Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be  generated by a
unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't  know.  If you cannot
find anything larger, then I would suggest trying  some of these little
> pieces--though you may need quite a few of  them.  I cannot send any
more of this rock to anybody just now, though I  hope to be able to do so
fairly soon.  

> Richard
>  ________________________________
> From: Aimee  <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: _eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email])  
> Sent:  Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Rick, do you think these  samples would help if anyone ordered it?  
> Â
>  _http://www.minimegeology.com/home/mgeo/page_209_

>  Â
> I found this on google.
> Â
> Aimee
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>  wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
>  Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM
> Hi Cheryl,
>  Â
> Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.   Not only is
carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to  drive many miles
out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering  would not bother
anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban  area.  I'm afraid I just
don't have the time for that.  And there  is virtually no chance of finding
pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I  have been using one-pound chunks
of this rock, about the size of a clenched  fist.  In places like Home Depot
and Lowes one is only going  to  find bags of very small pieces, and I
have no idea whether pieces of that size  will have the same effect as the
pieces I have been using.  The  alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone
mason, and these places are  only likely to carry very large blocks--like
the one I bought.  But  don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's
just that I am  overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
>  a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I  can.
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Regarding  your sense of well-being when you were in
Leesburg, I do not know whether that  had anything to do with the local
rock.  I understand that eastern  Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while
western Florida is made of  bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether
bryozoan limestone  would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  
Leesburg is right on  the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the
rock in that area is  oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place
to live, and  people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to
explain the  huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get
here.  To  what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficia
l effects  of Florida, I do not know.Â
> All the best, RichardÂ
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing  <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Richard,
>  Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large
piece  that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that
could be a  problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some
place else but  then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large
to easily  move.
> I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.
> I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and  how
it is helping others who have tried it.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings  <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Â  
> Hi  Cheryl,
> Â
> I would gladly send you some oolitic  limestone, but I have run into a
problem.  I was cutting up  some of the rock to send to a couple of group
members when my landlady and  some of my neighbors started complaining about
the noise I was making.   Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is
a very noisy  business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way
of cutting  this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I
will let you  know when I have solved this problem.  Richard
>  ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing  <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A  natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really  
tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has  
moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well
 appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.
>  Thanks ever so much,
> Cheryl
>  ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings  <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A  natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Â  
>  Hi  Cheryl,
> Â
> You are correct.  It seems  that oolitic limestone does not naturally
occur in may parts of the  country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and
 gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of  rocks.  Ask
if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them  fob you of by saying,
"Oh yes! We carry limestone."Â  We have no reason  to suppose that any otherÂ
form of limestone will help this  problem.  If they haven't heard of
oolitic limestone, try  somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have
oolitic  limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap  
magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece  
of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire  surface
should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you  can't find
oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent  some of this rock
to one group member, and  agreed to send  some to another member.  I
> would prefer it if people  could find this rock for themselves, because
it is rather time consuming for  me to do this.  But if you are completely
stymied, let me know.

>  Â
> All the best,
> Â
> Richard
>  Â
> Â
> Â
>  ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing  <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A  natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps.  I
am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here  
in LA.
> Cheryl
>  ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings  <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) "
<_eSens@yahoogroups.com_ (mailto:[hidden email]) >
>  Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
> Subject: [eSens] A natural  solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Â  
>  Hello,
> Â
> My name is Richard, and I just joined this  group.   I was invited by
the moderator to introduce myself and to  tell the group about my own
problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal  with this issue.  Well, I did
recently come across something that helped  me in a big way, and I guess others
migtht benefit from it too.  So here  is my story.
>  Â        I developed EMF  sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  
I moved into a top-floor  apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs
neighbor was a ham radio  operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building
roof,  about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a  
college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.   And my
neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or  six evenings a  
week.       Â
>  Â        For nearly three  months, I hardly slept.  My head
would not shut down and let  me  sleep at night.  I thought I was going
insane.  I knew nothing  then about the effects of radio frequency on the human
brain.  After  about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem,
and the landlord  made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was
already done. I  had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency,
but to EMF as  well.
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Over the  years I have tried many, many different devices
and techniques for dealing  with this problem.  Most of the man-made
devices were too strong for  me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I
can tolerate, but it  only provides me with limited protection. (I do not
know whether I am allowed  to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I
have tried, black  tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it
for a few hours at  a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south
Florida), I did find a way  to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an
oceanfront  building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned
dune land  between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep
shelter out  of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and
I slept out  in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any
source of  electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
>  sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And  I
slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.  Â
>  Â        I realize that most  people are not in a position to
do as I was doing there, and  I myself have lost that ideal sleeping
environment.  Recently, due to  circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in
Hollywood and was obliged  to move into an apartment in Miami where the
electrical and electro-magnetic  readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic
field is a steady ten  milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates
between one thousand and  fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do
anything to change those  numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean
will think me crazy  for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The black tourmaline  and my man-made protection deviceÂ
were hopelessly inadequate in such a  strong field.  I couldn't sleep at
all, I started experiencing non-stop  tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible
mess.  I was in serious  trouble.  
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â In desperation, I  tried an idea that had come to me
recently--though I hesitate to explain just  how this idea came to me.  I went
to a public park near my place of work  in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and
I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks  of oolitic limestone.  It turns
out that most of eastern Florida  consists of oolitic limestone, and there
are places where one can find it on  the surface.  I have been keeping those
rocks in my pockets all day long  ever since, and I sleep with them beside
me at night. (I keep them in  sandwich bags because this rock is soft and
crumbly, and it tends to make a  mess.)Â  And the effects of this rock have
been quite remarkable.   I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams
that I usually experience  when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I
wake up with my head in good  shape.
>         During  the daytime, I receive the same protection.  
Again, because of force of  circumstances, I was recently obliged to start
doing a telephone sales job in  Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was
in an appallingly strained and  exhausted state.  But I needed that job to
survive, in spite of the  damage it was doing me.  The day I started
carrying the oolitic  limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came
out of work  at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in
the  morning.  
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I realize that I must  still move out of this apartment
as soon as possible because the extreme  electrical and electro-magnetic
fields in here may well be killing off brain  cells and damaging my DNA as
well.  But at least the oolitic limestone  is protecting my conscious brain
state so that I am fully functional and I can  sleep well.  
>     I did have two  setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The
first one came with the  start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own
a television and I  do not normally watch television.  My new landlady
lent me a tiny  flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This
television is  so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see  
anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a  
device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did  not, and I
had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more  television for
me.  Whether I would have had the same result from  watching a normal sized
television at a normal viewing distance, I do not  know.  And I do not intend
to experiment.  
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Secondly, I did buy a  large, one-hundred-pound block of
oolitic limestone from a local stone  mason.  It occurred to me that I
might get even better effects from  having a lot of this rock all around my
apartment.  I thought that  enough of the rock might protect me from things
like that television.   But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused
me to have a very  strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were
quite different from  those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big
block outside, but I  did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in
addition to the two  one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this
much proved to be  too much, and I had another very unpleasant night.  
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â The rock must be  creating some field effect of its own
that does not agree with me, except in  very small quatities.  So long as I
use no more than the two one-pound  pieces that I started with, the rock
does not cause me any problems.  
> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â So, if  anybody else is interested in trying oolitic
limestone, be warned: Start out  using very small quantities; and there may be
things, such as television, that  will cancel out any benefits.  
>  Â        How does it  work?  I do not know!  Maybe the
crystalline structure somehow  modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not
a scientist.  
>         There are  different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I
am using the pure, white  variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  
There are varieties  that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend
to be red,  yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with
those  varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone,
break  off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through
a  magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out  
>  Â        You will not find this  rock in a rock shop.  But you
may find it at a yard  carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and
construction  purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the
country, try  contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will
ship to you,  for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself
is  very cheap. Â
>  Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I should be interested  to hear if others benefit from
using this stuff as I have done.  I  would also like to hear if others
find better ways of using it than I  have.  Â But remember, this rock has not
cured me.  It has  not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I
do not know if it  is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not
know of any  significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not
use a  cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects
of  EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: monitor refresh rate

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Mary
On October  5, epicsconartist <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I wanted to suggest that you check to see what your refresh rate
> is set at on your computer.  My husband changed mine from 60 Hz to 75 Hz
> without telling me and I became deathly ill for 3 days until I put the
> pieces together.

Yes, I used to have problems with this, when I had a CRT (tube)
monitor.  Higher refresh rates caused me increased EMF problems,
while lower refresh rates had flicker.  I think I eventually
settled on 70Hz as the best compromise.

Now that I used LCD, monitors, I have the computer set to 60Hz,
as I don't notice flicker on LCD monitors.

I also have noticed that it would be (theoretically) possible
to use an LCD television set and use a computer video card
designed to output to television at a refresh rate of 24Hz.
I've never tried this (and not even sure if it would work),
but I do wonder if this would be even more helpful from an
EMF standpoint.

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Re: monitor refresh rate

S Andreason
Don't forget it is not just the video monitor or LCD screen that creates
unwanted noise. The video card is also half the equation.
I have adjusted the display settings to measure and feel the difference,
and for each resolution 640x480, 800x600, 832x624, 1024x768, etc. there
are different horizontal and vertical refresh rates available, depending
on the capabilities of both card and monitor.
A lower number in vertical can result in higher numbers and speeds
elsewhere, also in how hard the video processor works, which is another

Point is, don't assume a lower number is best. Try several settings if
the current one is not comfortable.

Changing the video card can also make a BIG difference.


Marc Martin wrote:

>> I wanted to suggest that you check to see what your refresh rate
>> is set at on your computer.  My husband changed mine from 60 Hz to 75 Hz
>> without telling me and I became deathly ill for 3 days until I put the
>> pieces together.
> Yes, I used to have problems with this, when I had a CRT (tube)
> monitor.  Higher refresh rates caused me increased EMF problems,
> while lower refresh rates had flicker.  I think I eventually
> settled on 70Hz as the best compromise.
> Now that I used LCD, monitors, I have the computer set to 60Hz,
> as I don't notice flicker on LCD monitors.
> I also have noticed that it would be (theoretically) possible
> to use an LCD television set and use a computer video card
> designed to output to television at a refresh rate of 24Hz.
> I've never tried this (and not even sure if it would work),
> but I do wonder if this would be even more helpful from an
> EMF standpoint.

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Re: monitor refresh rate

Marc Martin
Yes, actually I should have said this -- in my case, I
think it's the video card that makes ALL of the difference.  The
signal that's coming from the computer to the monitor (or in the case
of TV, the signal that's coming from the DVD/Blu-ray player/cable box
that's going to the TV) seems to be the determining factor
in terms of my symptoms.

And on a TV, you often can feed it different signals as well
-- 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480i at 60 frames per second (interlaced),
24 frames per second (progressive), etc.


On October  6, S Andreason <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Don't forget it is not just the video monitor or LCD screen that creates
> unwanted noise. The video card is also half the equation.
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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick Billings
In reply to this post by Cheryl Griffing-2
Hi Cheryl,
I do not know whether oolitic limestone would help with your computer problems or not.  You must experiment.  But the first line of defense with these EMF sensitiviy problems should always be to try and minimize one's exposure to the offending source.  With computers the first thing is make sure you are using  a unit with a flatscreen display.  Those old CRT monitors were really bad.  Secondly, when I bought my laptop I went to the computer stores with a Trifield meter so I could measure the magnetic field.  I found that the Sony Vaio had the lowest field by far of all the brands I tested, and I've been using the same unit ever since.  Whether the latest Sony's are as good, I do not know.  Thirdly, I use an external keyboard so that I can sit at least four feet away from my laptop, thereby avoiding any electrical field it might be putting out.  At that distance the typeface becomes a bit hard to read.   To overcome this one just has to use
 the zoom function under the page tab to enlarge the display somewhat.  Lastly, I would follow the advice others have given to adjust the refresh rate of your computer.  I read last year of some very interesting results obtained by some British researchers.  They discovered that all persons exhibiting EMF sensitivities are affected by the exact same frequencies.  They also discovered that it is only certain specific energy field frequencies that produce these undesirable effects.  Some frequencies seem to have no effect on us at all, while some frequencies are actually beneficial because they somehow cancel out the effects of the harmful frequencies.  I'm afraid I have lost the name of that research outfit and their web address.  The reason I mention them is that their research would seem to explain why adjusting the refresh rate of one's computer can make such a big difference. Presumably by adjusting the refresh rate one is adjusting the
 frequency of the electrical field that the computer generates.  So, as others on this site have suggested, you should experiment with the refresh rate of your computer till you find a setting which is comfortable for you.  Please don't ask me how the refresh rate is adjusted.  That I do not know. 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!

For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 

Thanks again for your quick responses,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl.
I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Aimee,

Thanks for the link.

Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.


From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM

Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Cheryl Griffing-2
Hi Richard,

Thanks for all the interesting info. I had also thought if I could sit further away that might help but I don't know where that page tab is. I don't know how to change the set-up for the refresh but since you said you didn't know either I will ask the person who suggested it.

It is an interesting study that certain frequencies are beneficial and that E.S. people are all effected by the same frequencies. .


 From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I do not know whether oolitic limestone would help with your computer problems or not.  You must experiment.  But the first line of defense with these EMF sensitiviy problems should always be to try and minimize one's exposure to the offending source.  With computers the first thing is make sure you are using  a unit with a flatscreen display.  Those old CRT monitors were really bad.  Secondly, when I bought my laptop I went to the computer stores with a Trifield meter so I could measure the magnetic field.  I found that the Sony Vaio had the lowest field by far of all the brands I tested, and I've been using the same unit ever since.  Whether the latest Sony's are as good, I do not know.  Thirdly, I use an external keyboard so that I can sit at least four feet away from my laptop, thereby avoiding any electrical field it might be putting out.  At that distance the typeface becomes a bit hard to read.   To overcome this one just has to use
the zoom function under the page tab to enlarge the display somewhat.  Lastly, I would follow the advice others have given to adjust the refresh rate of your computer.  I read last year of some very interesting results obtained by some British researchers.  They discovered that all persons exhibiting EMF sensitivities are affected by the exact same frequencies.  They also discovered that it is only certain specific energy field frequencies that produce these undesirable effects.  Some frequencies seem to have no effect on us at all, while some frequencies are actually beneficial because they somehow cancel out the effects of the harmful frequencies.  I'm afraid I have lost the name of that research outfit and their web address.  The reason I mention them is that their research would seem to explain why adjusting the refresh rate of one's computer can make such a big difference. Presumably by adjusting the refresh rate one is adjusting the
frequency of the electrical field that the computer generates.  So, as others on this site have suggested, you should experiment with the refresh rate of your computer till you find a setting which is comfortable for you.  Please don't ask me how the refresh rate is adjusted.  That I do not know. 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!

For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 

Thanks again for your quick responses,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl.
I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Aimee,

Thanks for the link.

Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.


From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM

Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

From: Aimee <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
I found this on google.

--- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM

Hi Cheryl,
Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
          Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
All the best, Richard 

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Richard,

Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.

I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.

I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.

Thanks ever so much,


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi  Cheryl,
You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
All the best,

From: Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Rick,

Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


From: Rick Billings <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
        I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
        For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
        Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
        I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
        The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
        In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
        During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
        I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
    I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
        Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
        The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
        So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
        How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
        There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
        You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
        I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.

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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Cheryl Griffing-2
In reply to this post by Mary
Hi Mary,

How do you check this and reset it? I am willing to try anything as sometimes when I sit at this computer I am feeling sick within minutes!



 From: epicsconartist <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 6:56 PM
Subject: [eSens] Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Hi Cheryl,
I wanted to suggest that you check to see what your refresh rate is set at on your computer.  My husband changed mine from 60 Hz to 75 Hz without telling me and I became deathly ill for 3 days until I put the pieces together.  I knew he'd been on my computer so I asked him to describe EVERYTHING he had done (he was installing a game for my son) and he finally mentioned that he'd changed the refresh rate.  I can't tell you how sick it made me.  Changed it back and the symptoms stopped.  So check yours--maybe it's contributing to the problem.  60 Hz doesn't seem to bother me.

--- In [hidden email], Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...> wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!
> For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 
> Thanks again for your quick responses,
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
>  From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl.
> I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Aimee,
> Thanks for the link.
> Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM
> Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying
 some of these little

> pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
> http://www.minimegeology.com/home/mgeo/page_209
> I found this on google.
> Aimee
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM
> Hi Cheryl,
> Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal
 problems at the moment, so I need

> a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
>           Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
> All the best, Richard 
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.
> I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.
> I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl,
> I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.
> Thanks ever so much,
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi  Cheryl,
> You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and 
 agreed to send some to another member.  I

> would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
> All the best,
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
> Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hello,
> My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
>         I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
>         For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
>         Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and
 electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my

> sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
>         I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
>         The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
>         In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
>         During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
>         I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
>     I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
>         Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
>         The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
>         So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
>         How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
>         There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
>         You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
>         I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.
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Re: computer monitor refresh rates

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Cheryl Griffing-2
On October  7, Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thanks for all the interesting info. I had also thought if I could
> sit further away that might help but I don't know where that page
> tab is. I don't know how to change the set-up for the refresh but
> since you said you didn't know either I will ask the person who
> suggested it.

The video card refresh rate is set on the computer, but the steps
to do this vary by the operating system.

For example, on my computer that is running Windows 7, I would
do this:

- go the "Control Panel" (which is an icon on my desktop)
- select "Display"
- select "Adjust Resolution"
- select "Advanced Settings"
- select "Monitor"
- and there it is -- "Screen refresh rate", set to 60Hz.
  (although the operating system is not offering me any
   alternatives to this, which I think is overly restrictive,
   because I'm sure that the video card can handle other
   refresh rates)

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Re: computer monitor refresh rates

Cheryl Griffing-2
Hi Marc,

Thanks! I am not sure if I did this correctly. Font size is now larger so at least I can stay a little further away.

A strange thing occurred to me that I never thought of before. I had my computer hacked twice. I had been getting sick on it, then suddenly I wasn't, then later I started to again. I am wondering if when it was hacked that the person may have changed the settings and that could have something to do with it. So if any of you have your computer hacked, which is so common these days, be aware that if you start getting sick on it, or more than usual, the hacker may have changed the settings on you! Or, if you suddenly seem to feel better on it the same may apply! Food for thought anyway...



--- On Sun, 10/7/12, Marc Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: Marc Martin <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: [eSens] computer monitor refresh rates
To: [hidden email]
Date: Sunday, October 7, 2012, 2:18 PM



      On October  7, Cheryl Griffing <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Thanks for all the interesting info. I had also thought if I could

> sit further away that might help but I don't know where that page

> tab is. I don't know how to change the set-up for the refresh but

> since you said you didn't know either I will ask the person who

> suggested it.

The video card refresh rate is set on the computer, but the steps

to do this vary by the operating system.

For example, on my computer that is running Windows 7, I would

do this:

- go the "Control Panel" (which is an icon on my desktop)

- select "Display"

- select "Adjust Resolution"

- select "Advanced Settings"

- select "Monitor"

- and there it is -- "Screen refresh rate", set to 60Hz.

  (although the operating system is not offering me any

   alternatives to this, which I think is overly restrictive,

   because I'm sure that the video card can handle other

   refresh rates)





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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

In reply to this post by Cheryl Griffing-2


I have to sit away from my computer, too and many times cannot read the print.  

To change the size of the print HOLD the CONTROL key down and Press the + key and the print size increases.  CONTROL and the - key reduces the print size.


--- In [hidden email], Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for all the interesting info. I had also thought if I could sit further away that might help but I don't know where that page tab is. I don't know how to change the set-up for the refresh but since you said you didn't know either I will ask the person who suggested it.
> It is an interesting study that certain frequencies are beneficial and that E.S. people are all effected by the same frequencies. .
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
>  From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl,
> I do not know whether oolitic limestone would help with your computer problems or not.  You must experiment.  But the first line of defense with these EMF sensitiviy problems should always be to try and minimize one's exposure to the offending source.  With computers the first thing is make sure you are using  a unit with a flatscreen display.  Those old CRT monitors were really bad.  Secondly, when I bought my laptop I went to the computer stores with a Trifield meter so I could measure the magnetic field.  I found that the Sony Vaio had the lowest field by far of all the brands I tested, and I've been using the same unit ever since.  Whether the latest Sony's are as good, I do not know.  Thirdly, I use an external keyboard so that I can sit at least four feet away from my laptop, thereby avoiding any electrical field it might be putting out.  At that distance the typeface becomes a bit hard to read.   To overcome this one just has to use
> the zoom function under the page tab to enlarge the display somewhat.  Lastly, I would follow the advice others have given to adjust the refresh rate of your computer.  I read last year of some very interesting results obtained by some British researchers.  They discovered that all persons exhibiting EMF sensitivities are affected by the exact same frequencies.  They also discovered that it is only certain specific energy field frequencies that produce these undesirable effects.  Some frequencies seem to have no effect on us at all, while some frequencies are actually beneficial because they somehow cancel out the effects of the harmful frequencies.  I'm afraid I have lost the name of that research outfit and their web address.  The reason I mention them is that their research would seem to explain why adjusting the refresh rate of one's computer can make such a big difference. Presumably by adjusting the refresh rate one is adjusting the
> frequency of the electrical field that the computer generates.  So, as others on this site have suggested, you should experiment with the refresh rate of your computer till you find a setting which is comfortable for you.  Please don't ask me how the refresh rate is adjusted.  That I do not know. 
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!
> For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 
> Thanks again for your quick responses,
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl.
> I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Aimee,
> Thanks for the link.
> Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM
> Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
> pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 
> http://www.minimegeology.com/home/mgeo/page_209
> I found this on google.
> Aimee
> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM
> Hi Cheryl,
> Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
> a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
>           Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 
> All the best, Richard 
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Richard,
> Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.
> I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.
> I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Cheryl,
> I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.
> Thanks ever so much,
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi  Cheryl,
> You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another member.  I
> would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.
> All the best,
> Richard
> ________________________________
> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hi Rick,
> Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.
> Cheryl
> ________________________________
> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>
> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
> Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
> Hello,
> My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.
>         I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
>         For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
>         Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
> sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
>         I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
>         The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
>         In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.
>         During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
>         I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 
>     I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
>         Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
>         The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
>         So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 
>         How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 
>         There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
>         You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
>         I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.
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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Thanks for this Jim--I have always wondered how to make the print

-----Original Message-----
From: sradv777 <[hidden email]>
To: eSens <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sun, Oct 7, 2012 9:54 pm
Subject: [eSens] Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.



I have to sit away from my computer, too and many times cannot read the

To change the size of the print HOLD the CONTROL key down and Press the
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--- In [hidden email], Cheryl Griffing
&lt;cheryl_griffing@...&gt; wrote:
&gt; Hi Richard,
&gt; Thanks for all the interesting info. I had also thought if I could
sit further away that might help but I don't know where that page tab
is. I don't know how to change the set-up for the refresh but since you
said you didn't know either I will ask the person who suggested it.
&gt; It is an interesting study that certain frequencies are beneficial
and that E.S. people are all effected by the same frequencies. .
&gt; Cheryl
&gt; ________________________________
&gt;  From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:33 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Cheryl,
&gt; I do not know whether oolitic limestone would help with your
computer problems or not.  You must experiment.  But the first line
of defense with these EMF sensitiviy problems should always be to try
and minimize one's exposure to the offending source.  With computers
the first thing is make sure you are using  a unit with a flatscreen
display.  Those old CRT monitors were really bad.  Secondly, when I
bought my laptop I went to the computer stores with a Trifield meter so
I could measure the magnetic field.  I found that the Sony Vaio had
the lowest field by far of all the brands I tested, and I've been using
the same unit ever since.  Whether the latest Sony's are as good, I do
not know.  Thirdly, I use an external keyboard so that I can sit at
least four feet away from my laptop, thereby avoiding any electrical
field it might be putting out.  At that distance the typeface becomes
a bit hard to read.   To overcome this one just has to use
&gt; the zoom function under the page tab to enlarge the display
somewhat.  Lastly, I would follow the advice others have given to
adjust the refresh rate of your computer.  I read last year of some
very interesting results obtained by some British researchers.  They
discovered that all persons exhibiting EMF sensitivities are affected
by the exact same frequencies.  They also discovered that it is only
certain specific energy field frequencies that produce these
undesirable effects.  Some frequencies seem to have no effect on us at
all, while some frequencies are actually beneficial because they
somehow cancel out the effects of the harmful frequencies.  I'm afraid
I have lost the name of that research outfit and their web address. 
The reason I mention them is that their research would seem to explain
why adjusting the refresh rate of one's computer can make such a big
difference. Presumably by adjusting the refresh rate one is adjusting
&gt; frequency of the electrical field that the computer generates. 
So, as others on this site have suggested, you should experiment with
the refresh rate of your computer till you find a setting which is
comfortable for you.  Please don't ask me how the refresh rate is
adjusted.  That I do not know. 
&gt; Richard
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Cheryl Griffing &lt;cheryl_griffing@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:14 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Rick,
&gt; So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds
like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for
yourself while being able to help so many others!
&gt; For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get
dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to
return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this
oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what
you said, I will eternally grateful! 
&gt; Thanks again for your quick responses,
&gt; Cheryl
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Cheryl.
&gt; I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I
have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping
with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have 
two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit. 
And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing
out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain
in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide
useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out
how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical
account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a
lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less
inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that
I should send this rock to other people.
&gt; Richard
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Cheryl Griffing &lt;cheryl_griffing@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Aimee,
&gt; Thanks for the link.
&gt; Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut
off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us?
Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I
will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I
will let you know how that goes.
&gt; Cheryl
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Aimee &lt;ohkanaduh@...&gt;
&gt; To: [hidden email]
&gt; Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought
the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)
&gt; --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt; wrote:
&gt; From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM
&gt; Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic
limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure"
as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic
elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as
the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says
that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are
about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater
mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any
appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might
be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will
have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the
benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified
mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find
anything larger, then I would suggest trying some of these little
&gt; pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send
any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to
do so fairly soon. 
&gt; Richard
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Aimee &lt;ohkanaduh@...&gt;
&gt; To: [hidden email]
&gt; Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered
&gt; http://www.minimegeology.com/home/mgeo/page_209
&gt; I found this on google.
&gt; Aimee
&gt; --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt; wrote:
&gt; From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM
&gt; Hi Cheryl,
&gt; Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is
carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive
many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering
would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban
area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is
virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I
have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a
clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only
going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether
pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been
using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and
these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I
bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just
that I am overloaded with personal problems at the moment, so I need
&gt; a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.
&gt;           Regarding your sense of well-being when you
were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with
the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic
limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I
have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as
oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida,
and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or
bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people
generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge
number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what
extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial
effects of Florida, I do not know. 
&gt; All the best, Richard 
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Cheryl Griffing &lt;cheryl_griffing@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Richard,
&gt; Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very
large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes,
that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do
this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from
may be too large to easily move.
&gt; I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.
&gt; I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and
how it is helping others who have tried it.
&gt; Cheryl
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Cheryl,
&gt; I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run
into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a
couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors
started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock
with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first
figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I
can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have
solved this problem.  Richard
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Cheryl Griffing &lt;cheryl_griffing@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Rick,
&gt; Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I
really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order
it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can
send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will
help me.
&gt; Thanks ever so much,
&gt; Cheryl
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi  Cheryl,
&gt; You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not
naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages
under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection
of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them
fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason
to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this
problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere
else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check
it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from
Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock
surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should
consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find
oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of
this rock to one group member, and  agreed to send some to another
member.  I
&gt; would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves,
because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are
completely stymied, let me know.
&gt; All the best,
&gt; Richard
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Cheryl Griffing &lt;cheryl_griffing@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM
&gt; Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hi Rick,
&gt; Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it
helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find
around here in LA.
&gt; Cheryl
&gt; ________________________________
&gt; From: Rick Billings &lt;newrwb5432@...&gt;
&gt; To: "[hidden email]" &lt;[hidden email]&gt;
&gt; Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM
&gt; Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
&gt; Hello,
&gt; My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was
invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group
about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this
issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a
big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is
my story.
&gt;         I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years
ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my
downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio
antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I
sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that
desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all
evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        
&gt;         For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head
would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was
going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio
frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn
what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move
his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly
sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.
&gt;         Over the years I have tried many, many different
devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the
man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those
devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited
protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.) 
Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me
quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my
last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a
really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building
with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between
the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of
natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept
out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source
of electricity and electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my
&gt; sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening
cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   
&gt;         I realize that most people are not in a
position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal
sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my
control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an
apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings
are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss,
while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen
hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those
numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me
crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.
&gt;         The black tourmaline and my man-made protection
device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't
sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was
in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 
&gt;         In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to
me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to
me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice
Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic
limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of
oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the
surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long
ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in
sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to
make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite
remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I
usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I
wake up with my head in good shape.
&gt;         During the daytime, I receive the same
protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently
obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five
o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted
state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it
was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my
pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock
with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 
&gt;         I realize that I must still move out of this
apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and
electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and
damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is
protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I
can sleep well. 
&gt;     I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone. 
The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I
do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My
new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the
games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a
couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of
getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone
would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as
a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had
the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal
viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 
&gt;         Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound
block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to
me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock
all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might
protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of
the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant
night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by
EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off
a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two
one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to
be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 
&gt;         The rock must be creating some field effect of its
own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So
long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started
with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 
&gt;         So, if anybody else is interested in trying
oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities;
and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any
&gt;         How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the
crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy
field.  I am not a scientist. 
&gt;         There are different varieties of oolitic
limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of
nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of
sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I
do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you
do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit
of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The
tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 
&gt;         You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But
you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden,
ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in
other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south
Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not
need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  
&gt;         I should be interested to hear if others benefit
 from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if
others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this
rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in
any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio
frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in
this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know
that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever
has.  For me, that is huge.
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Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

Cheryl Griffing-2
In reply to this post by Jim
Hi Jim,

Thanks! With this increased print size I am seeing if sitting further away helps me.


--- On Sun, 10/7/12, sradv777 <[hidden email]> wrote:

From: sradv777 <[hidden email]>
Subject: [eSens] Re: A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.
To: [hidden email]
Date: Sunday, October 7, 2012, 6:54 PM





I have to sit away from my computer, too and many times cannot read the print.  

To change the size of the print HOLD the CONTROL key down and Press the + key and the print size increases.  CONTROL and the - key reduces the print size.


--- In [hidden email], Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...> wrote:


> Hi Richard,


> Thanks for all the interesting info. I had also thought if I could sit further away that might help but I don't know where that page tab is. I don't know how to change the set-up for the refresh but since you said you didn't know either I will ask the person who suggested it.


> It is an interesting study that certain frequencies are beneficial and that E.S. people are all effected by the same frequencies. .


> Cheryl



> ________________________________

>  From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:33 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.




> Hi Cheryl,


> I do not know whether oolitic limestone would help with your computer problems or not.  You must experiment.  But the first line of defense with these EMF sensitiviy problems should always be to try and minimize one's exposure to the offending source.  With computers the first thing is make sure you are using  a unit with a flatscreen display.  Those old CRT monitors were really bad.  Secondly, when I bought my laptop I went to the computer stores with a Trifield meter so I could measure the magnetic field.  I found that the Sony Vaio had the lowest field by far of all the brands I tested, and I've been using the same unit ever since.  Whether the latest Sony's are as good, I do not know.  Thirdly, I use an external keyboard so that I can sit at least four feet away from my laptop, thereby avoiding any electrical field it might be putting out.  At that distance the typeface becomes a bit hard to read.   To
 overcome this one just has to use

> the zoom function under the page tab to enlarge the display somewhat.  Lastly, I would follow the advice others have given to adjust the refresh rate of your computer.  I read last year of some very interesting results obtained by some British researchers.  They discovered that all persons exhibiting EMF sensitivities are affected by the exact same frequencies.  They also discovered that it is only certain specific energy field frequencies that produce these undesirable effects.  Some frequencies seem to have no effect on us at all, while some frequencies are actually beneficial because they somehow cancel out the effects of the harmful frequencies.  I'm afraid I have lost the name of that research outfit and their web address.  The reason I mention them is that their research would seem to explain why adjusting the refresh rate of one's computer can make such a big difference. Presumably by adjusting the refresh rate one is
 adjusting the

> frequency of the electrical field that the computer generates.  So, as others on this site have suggested, you should experiment with the refresh rate of your computer till you find a setting which is comfortable for you.  Please don't ask me how the refresh rate is adjusted.  That I do not know. 


> Richard




> ________________________________

> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Friday, October 5, 2012 3:14 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.


> Hi Rick,


> So very glad your extra effort will benefit you as well! Sounds like a great plan. Maybe you could turn this into a little business for yourself while being able to help so many others!


> For me I get sick on the computer and have to limit my use. I get dizzy and a feeling close to vertigo. I want so badly to be able to return to work and I can't until I get over this problem. So if this oolitic limestone can help me personally, as I believe it can from what you said, I will eternally grateful! 


> Thanks again for your quick responses,


> Cheryl


> ________________________________

> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 6:09 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.



> Hi Cheryl.


> I don't seem to need any more of this rock than the two pounds I have been carrying around for the last few months.  I did try sleeping with an extra ten-pound piece beside me, but that  caused me to have  two extremely unpleasant nights.  Two pounds seems to be my limit.  And the beneficial effects of the rock do not appear to be "wearing out."  But carrying two pounds of rock around all day really is a pain in the butt.  If enough people try this for themselves and provide useful feedback, we may gain the data we need in order to figure out how this beneficial effect is achieved.  Once we have a theoretical account of the mechanism at work here, we may be able to manufacture a lightweight device that would provide the same benefits in a much less inconvenient form.  So it is in my interest as much as anybody's that I should send this rock to other people.


> Richard


> ________________________________

> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Thursday, October 4, 2012 3:52 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.


> Hi Aimee,


> Thanks for the link.


> Rick, thanks for your reply. Just wondering - will you need to cut off more pieces for yourself too or are you just doing this for us? Very kind of you indeed to make this effort to help us. Meanwhile I will take your advice to research the rock yards and stone masons. I will let you know how that goes.


> Cheryl


> ________________________________

> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>

> To: [hidden email]

> Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 2:43 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.



> Ok Rick thanks. Actually I wasn't going to order it but thought the person that wanted it could also use the link (forgot her name)


> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:


> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 9:43 PM


> Aimee, the sample you found certainly looks much like the oolitic limestone that I have been using, though it is not as white and "pure" as the stuff I found.  The off-white color comes from non-calcitic elements included in that specimen.  It may well work just as well as the stuff I have.  It is a rather small sample.  The caption says that these samples are one to two inches in length.  My pieces are about four inches in length, which means that they a much greater mass.  One surely does need some minimum mass of this rock to have any appreciable effect, but I cannot tell you what that minimum mass might be.  It may well be that a bag filled with many smaller pieces will have the same effect as a single, much larger piece.  Or perhaps the benefits I have been experiencing can only be generated by a unified mass of some minimum size.  I just don't know.  If you cannot find anything larger, then I would suggest trying
 some of these little

> pieces--though you may need quite a few of them.  I cannot send any more of this rock to anybody just now, though I hope to be able to do so fairly soon. 

> Richard


> ________________________________

> From: Aimee <ohkanaduh@...>

> To: [hidden email]

> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 11:16 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.


> Rick, do you think these samples would help if anyone ordered it? 


> http://www.minimegeology.com/home/mgeo/page_209


> I found this on google.


> Aimee


> --- On Tue, 10/2/12, Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...> wrote:


> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 8:30 PM


> Hi Cheryl,


> Yes, I am cutting small pieces off a very big block.  Not only is carrying that block around a lot of work, but I would have to drive many miles out into the Everglades to find a spot where this hammering would not bother anybody.  I live in a densely populated urban area.  I'm afraid I just don't have the time for that.  And there is virtually no chance of finding pieces ready-cut to the right size.  I have been using one-pound chunks of this rock, about the size of a clenched fist.  In places like Home Depot and Lowes one is only going  to find bags of very small pieces, and I have no idea whether pieces of that size will have the same effect as the pieces I have been using.  The alternative is to go to a rock yard or a stone mason, and these places are only likely to carry very large blocks--like the one I bought.  But don't worry.  I will figure this out soon.  It's just that I am overloaded with personal
 problems at the moment, so I need

> a little time.  I'll get you some of this rock as soon as I can.

>           Regarding your sense of well-being when you were in Leesburg, I do not know whether that had anything to do with the local rock.  I understand that eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, while western Florida is made of bryozoan limestone.  I have no idea whether bryozoan limestone would have the same effect as oolitic limestone.  Leesburg is right on the centerline of Florida, and I have no idea whether the rock in that area is oolitic or bryozoan.  Florida is rather healthy place to live, and people generally feel good down here.  I guess that helps to explain the huge number of tourists, retirees and snowbirds that we get here.  To what extent (if any) the underlying rock contributes to the beneficial effects of Florida, I do not know. 

> All the best, Richard 


> ________________________________

> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:37 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.


> Hi Richard,


> Thanks for your reply. Are you cutting small pieces off of a very large piece that can't easily be moved to another location to cut? Yes, that could be a problem. At first I thought perhaps you could just do this some place else but then I realized the piece you are cutting from may be too large to easily move.


> I even tried ebay for this. None there so far.


> I will be looking forward to hearing about this from you later and how it is helping others who have tried it.


> Cheryl


> ________________________________

> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Monday, October 1, 2012 8:32 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.



> Hi Cheryl,


> I would gladly send you some oolitic limestone, but I have run into a problem.  I was cutting up some of the rock to send to a couple of group members when my landlady and some of my neighbors started complaining about the noise I was making.  Cutting up rock with a stone chisel and hammer is a very noisy business.  I must first figure out a socially acceptable way of cutting this rock up before I can send any more of it to anyone.  I will let you know when I have solved this problem.  Richard


> ________________________________

> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2012 4:11 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.


> Hi Rick,


> Would you be able to send me some of that oolitic limestone? I really tried to find it here in L.A. The store that was going to order it for me has moved away. Let me know what to do next so that you can send it to me. Well appreciated, believe me! I really believe it will help me.


> Thanks ever so much,


> Cheryl


> ________________________________

> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 9:03 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.



> Hi  Cheryl,


> You are correct.  It seems that oolitic limestone does not naturally occur in may parts of the country.  Look in the yellow pages under "sand and gravel."  Some of those places also carry a selection of rocks.  Ask if they carry oolitic limestone. And don't let them fob you of by saying, "Oh yes! We carry limestone."  We have no reason to suppose that any other form of limestone will help this problem.  If they haven't heard of oolitic limestone, try somewhere else.  If somebody tells you that they have oolitic limestone,  check it carefully under a magnifying glass--a cheap magnifying glass from Walgreens will do the job.  Look at a clean piece of the rock surface under the magnifying glass and the entire surface should consist of thousands of tiny rounded oolites.  If you can't find oolitic limestone in LA, let me know.  I have already sent some of this rock to one group member, and 
 agreed to send some to another member.  I

> would prefer it if people could find this rock for themselves, because it is rather time consuming for me to do this.  But if you are completely stymied, let me know.


> All the best,


> Richard





> ________________________________

> From: Cheryl Griffing <cheryl_griffing@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 4:47 PM

> Subject: Re: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.


> Hi Rick,


> Thanks for all this info. I will give this a try. Sure hope it helps. I am desperate! Sounds like it may be a little difficult to find around here in LA.


> Cheryl


> ________________________________

> From: Rick Billings <newrwb5432@...>

> To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>

> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 2:39 PM

> Subject: [eSens] A natural solution to my EMF sensitivity.



> Hello,


> My name is Richard, and I just joined this group.   I was invited by the moderator to introduce myself and to tell the group about my own problems with EMF and about my attempts to deal with this issue.  Well, I did recently come across something that helped me in a big way, and I guess others migtht benefit from it too.  So here is my story.

>         I developed EMF sensitivity about fourteen years ago.  I moved into a top-floor apartment in Miami Beach, and my downstairs neighbor was a ham radio operator.  He had his radio antenna on the building roof, about eight feet away from my head as I sat at my desk.  I was a college student then, and I sat at that desk all evening long.  And my neighbor talked on his radio all evening long, about five or six evenings a week.        

>         For nearly three months, I hardly slept.  My head would not shut down and let  me sleep at night.  I thought I was going insane.  I knew nothing then about the effects of radio frequency on the human brain.  After about three months, I did learn what was causing the problem, and the landlord made my neighbor move his antenna.  But the damage was already done. I had become highly sensitized, not only to radio frequency, but to EMF as well.

>         Over the years I have tried many, many different devices and techniques for dealing with this problem.  Most of the man-made devices were too strong for me.  I do still use one of those devices, which I can tolerate, but it only provides me with limited protection. (I do not know whether I am allowed to mention the name.)  Of the natural products I have tried, black tourmaline does help me quite a bit, but I can only use it for a few hours at a time.  At my last home (in Hollywood, south Florida), I did find a way to get a really good night's sleep.  I was living in an oceanfront building with a one-hundred-foot strip of natural, state-owned dune land between the property and the beach.  I built myself a sleep shelter out of natural, non-toxic materials (tents are appallingly toxic), and I slept out in the dune, close to the beach.  I was well away from any source of electricity and
 electro-magnetic fields, and I surrounded my

> sleeping cot with a screen of radio frequency screening cloth. And I slept like I hadn't done since I was a child.   

>         I realize that most people are not in a position to do as I was doing there, and I myself have lost that ideal sleeping environment.  Recently, due to circumstances beyond my control, I lost my home in Hollywood and was obliged to move into an apartment in Miami where the electrical and electro-magnetic readings are truly frightening.  The magnetic field is a steady ten milligauss, while the electrical field fluctuates between one thousand and fifteen hundred millivolts.  And I cannot do anything to change those numbers.  Anybody who knows what those numbers mean will think me crazy for being in such a place.  Believe me, I had no choice.

>         The black tourmaline and my man-made protection device were hopelessly inadequate in such a strong field.  I couldn't sleep at all, I started experiencing non-stop tinnitus, and my head was in a terrible mess.  I was in serious trouble. 

>         In desperation, I tried an idea that had come to me recently--though I hesitate to explain just how this idea came to me.  I went to a public park near my place of work in Miami--Alice Wainright Park--and I picked up a couple of one-pound chunks of oolitic limestone.  It turns out that most of eastern Florida consists of oolitic limestone, and there are places where one can find it on the surface.  I have been keeping those rocks in my pockets all day long ever since, and I sleep with them beside me at night. (I keep them in sandwich bags because this rock is soft and crumbly, and it tends to make a mess.)  And the effects of this rock have been quite remarkable.  I can sleep soundly, with none of the awful dreams that I usually experience when sleeping in an EMF-filled environment, and I wake up with my head in good shape.

>         During the daytime, I receive the same protection.  Again, because of force of circumstances, I was recently obliged to start doing a telephone sales job in Miami, and by five o'clock each day my head was in an appallingly strained and exhausted state.  But I needed that job to survive, in spite of the damage it was doing me.  The day I started carrying the oolitic limestone in my pockets, the problems disappeared.  I came out of work at five o'clock with my head as fresh as it had been at nine in the morning. 

>         I realize that I must still move out of this apartment as soon as possible because the extreme electrical and electro-magnetic fields in here may well be killing off brain cells and damaging my DNA as well.  But at least the oolitic limestone is protecting my conscious brain state so that I am fully functional and I can sleep well. 

>     I did have two setbacks in using this oolitic limestone.  The first one came with the start of the Olympic Games in London.  I do not own a television and I do not normally watch television.  My new landlady lent me a tiny flatscreeen television so I could watch the games.  This television is so small that one has to sit within a couple of feet of it to see anything.  I wouldn't normally dream of getting so close to such a device, but I thought the oolitic limestone would protect me.  It did not, and I had an awful, sleepless night as a result.  So no more television for me.  Whether I would have had the same result from watching a normal sized television at a normal viewing distance, I do not know.  And I do not intend to experiment. 

>         Secondly, I did buy a large, one-hundred-pound block of oolitic limestone from a local stone mason.  It occurred to me that I might get even better effects from having a lot of this rock all around my apartment.  I thought that enough of the rock might protect me from things like that television.  But having that much of the rock in my bedroom caused me to have a very strange and unpleasant night--though the effects were quite different from those caused by EMF.  The next night I put that big block outside, but I did break off a ten-pound piece that I put by my bed (in addition to the two one-pound pieces that I was already using).  Even this much proved to be too much, and I had another very unpleasant night. 

>         The rock must be creating some field effect of its own that does not agree with me, except in very small quatities.  So long as I use no more than the two one-pound pieces that I started with, the rock does not cause me any problems. 

>         So, if anybody else is interested in trying oolitic limestone, be warned: Start out using very small quantities; and there may be things, such as television, that will cancel out any benefits. 

>         How does it work?  I do not know!  Maybe the crystalline structure somehow modulates the local man-made energy field.  I am not a scientist. 

>         There are different varieties of oolitic limestone.  I am using the pure, white variety, which consists of nothing but oolites.  There are varieties that include quantities of sand or clay.  These tend to be red, yellow or orange in color.  I do not have any experience with those varieties.  To verify that you do in fact have oolitic limestone, break off a corner and look at a bit of clean unweathered rock surface through a magnifying glass.  The tiny, ovoid-shaped oolites will stand out clearly. 

>         You will not find this rock in a rock shop.  But you may find it at a yard carrying rock and gravel for garden, ornamental and construction purposes.  And if it is not available in other parts of the country, try contacting a rock yard in south Florida.  I guess they will ship to you, for a price.  You do not need very much, and the rock itself is very cheap.  

>         I should be interested to hear if others benefit from using this stuff as I have done.  I would also like to hear if others find better ways of using it than I have.   But remember, this rock has not cured me.  It has not lessened my sensitivity to EMF in any way.  And I do not know if it is proctecting me from radio frequency, because I do not know of any significant sources of RF in this neighborhood (I myself do not use a cellphone).  But I do know that it is protecting me from the effects of EMF as nothing else ever has.  For me, that is huge.


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