report from Prague

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report from Prague

Drasko Cvijovic
I have just returned from Prague Workshop on Electrosensitivity...

There is too much to say, I would try to make it short, and be ready to further clarifications according to any particular interest of yours...

First of all, that was a meeting organized by Word Health Organization, which is the world authority regarding the issues of health.
It is not a scientific organization, although it deals with results of science. It is mainly a regulatory board.

I was surprised that the organizers have shown highest doubt regarding the reality of phenomenon. More than half of invited speakers were advocating the standpoint that ES is not related to EM fields, suggesting it should be treated as mental problem. .

I have to say that, being myself for years at managerial positions, I have some understanding for the WHO approach.
We have to admit that among ES population there is a significant percentageof people whose mental build up has added to the symptoms much more than the initial impact of the electric devices (if any). That is natural. I am myself aware that fear and perception of device boosts my symptoms.
Also, in the countries with well funded social programs, like Sweden, ES people are given much sympathy (even the pensions), what additionally encourages imaginary symptoms, and what costs society while having no much benefitto the sufferers.
In such situation, until valid diagnostic criteria are found, recognition of ES as a "real" phenomenon is not productive, especially when you have to think of the possible consequences of accordingly adjusted radiation limits. The rest of society prefers having their mobile phones, despites the potential (still faintly argumented) risk, and we have to be aware that they are majority!

The issue of main concern was whether the existing provocation studies haveproved the relation between exposure and the symptoms. That relation IS problematic, as I presented in my paper (attached below). Unfortunately, in that paper (which I didn't have enough time to finish as I liked), I didn't emphasize enough that there is no doubt from my side that the phenomenon ISrelated to operation of device.
Anyway, the only thing I said there was that the phenomenon itself can not be judged from the number of failures in provocation studies (mostly they give *self proclaimed* ES persons to guess whether a device is on or off). The only one case which is well documented is enough to counterweight the thousand failures, and for the phenomenon to be recognized as real - related to operation of certain electric devices.

Fortunately, we were happy to see several very serious and clever researchers standing for the truth and resisting tremendous pressures.
As one of them said, the fact we had this Meeting is enough for the moment.

So I have nothing to tell you regarding the practical issues, as the Meeting was not considering them.
This list seems to be more related to reality of ES sufferers than the Meeting was.
Anyway, I am happy I was there as I made many things clear to myself. I also met several interesting people. And spent some nice days in beautiful Prague.



Drasko Cvijovic, GHOSTBUSTERS,

serene environment consultancy

BELGRADE, Serbia & Montenegro

Malog Radojice 9

[hidden email]

+381 63 207 115


Branislav Vulovic, VINCA,

institute of nuclear sciences, radiation protection laboratory

BELGRADE, Serbia & Montenegro


[hidden email]

+381 63 864 5410


On Elusiveness of Relationship between EM Field Parameters and the Discomfort Reported by Electrosensitive Persons


in this paper we are discussing the obstacles that limit our ability to help ES people as non ionizing radiation protection practitioners




After years of attempts to be of practical help to Electrosensitive people, we have to say that this task is more difficult than it looks like. Measuring and eventual mitigating of EM fields are a simple task, compared to the interpretation and prediction of practical outcome and impact to a particular person.

In this paper we are more raising the questions than giving much answer. Fortunately, the corpus of evidence that ES phenomenon is real - is growing,so we don't have to worry that this paper would be understood as discrediting the efforts towards the understanding and recognition of the phenomenon. On contrary, we believe that naming the things that are uncertain would lift the burden from the facts that are positively established, and lead towards more precise descriptions of the matter.

A simple dose - response model, like there is with UV radiationfor example, seems at the moment to be inapplicable to ES phenomenon.

The relation between measurable exposure to EM fields and the related response is so elusive that even the claims that the symptoms are not triggered (only) by EM fields can not be disregarded easily. It is important to say that we are here not advocating the standpoints of various "alternative" theories, which generally look poorly founded. We just feel the necessity of rational consideration of any possible explanation of the following facts which we are facing in practice.

Most of those facts should be considered "anecdotal", as they are primarily based on collecting various personal reports, but we think they are generally so well known that they require no strict scientific verification.




Generally, there are two types of troublesome facts in our consideration:

· Expected ES response fails to occur in relation to certain EM field.

· A response similar to ES occurs without EM field.





1.. It is often difficult for an ES person to distinguish the symptoms coming from EMFs, from those induced by chemicals, flu, etc..

Although Electrosensitivity seems to be sometimes shown up through objective signs like skin changes, mostly it is manifested through subjective changes, like mental confusion and feeling sick. So attempt to objectively explore the ES phenomenon needs highly introspective and reliable subjects, ableto pass blind tests. But even experienced ones seem to be limited to stating whether the symptoms are present or not, and have difficulties in distinguishing whether they come, for example, from chemical exposure (as many ESpeople are also MCS), flu, or from some other source. Distinguishing of the EM field parameters seem to be inachievable.


2.. There are tremendous personal differences in reaction to certain fields.

Physiological predispositions definitely play a role.

Personal short and long term history with particular EMFs seems to be relevant in both ways - so as to facilitate and to inhibit the reaction.

We have apparently contradictory reports - that prolonged exposure to a certain field (computer for example) facilitates the reaction, as kind of allergy, but also that people get used to some fields.

Different people react to the same fields differently. For example the samecomputer monitors are found by one person as acceptable while by other as horrible, and for the other pair of monitors it turns opposite.

We have no reason not to believe any of those reports, and generally we arenot inclined to explanation that all comes from some sort of imagination, although it is obvious that among self - reported ES persons exists a largenumber of those who have no connection with real ES, or who extremely exaggerate.

Some reports are too alike that it doesn't look possible that different people could imagine so similar stories.

Possible explanation is that some involuntary cognitive processes, like attention, could modulate the response.


3.. The reaction is dependant on surrounding, presence of plants, chemicals, overall personal health, mood, meteorological conditions, etc.

Presence of chemicals builds up the reaction to EMFs. Cloudy weather and night is also reported to be worsening the condition, even if the person is in a room without windows. Any illness, stress, bad mood, anything that lowers overall physical energy acts the same way. Serene surrounding, presence of plants, harmonic relationship with other people, etc. seems to be working the opposite way.

This matches the research reports which point out non uniform findings and difficulties in replicating results.

A probable explanation is that general weakness or strength adds up to the general physiological predisposition, but other explanations are also possible, especially regarding the sensing of meteorological conditions.


4.. Average background residential exposure to various EMFs is often by orders of magnitude higher than the increment added by operation of a devicethat causes symptoms (fluorescent lights, low radiation monitors...)

Dominant source of RF/MW pollution in most urban surroundings are mobile phone base stations. Dominant residential exposure to LF magnetic and electric fields comes from street and house installation.

Radiation coming out from computers and fluorescent lights is incomparably lower (at the usual distance). So it is curious why people still react to those low emission devices.

Possible explanation is that flickering present both at screens and fluorescent lights induces symptoms. Another explanation could be that the reaction is based on subjective (psychological) triggers. More blind testingshould be done, but we believe that even with the eyes closed the reactionremains.

Also, this could have been related to research reports stating that there are power and frequency "windows".


5. Some relatively strong sources (old cordless phones, commercial radio stations, E fields from installation...) are seldom reported as problematic.



Old cordless phones generally seem to be causing much less trouble than mobile and DECT phones. The same applies to the comparison between commercial radio stations and mobile phone base stations.

The frequency is higher, and the signal is pulsed at the new devices, what could have been one of the clues.

E fields from simple extension cords and light bulbs can cause LF electric field to be up to 10.000 V/m high near the source, but there would be hardly any ES person who believes to be able to distinguish that fields about the house.

All this suggests there is no single value that is relevant.


6.. The subjective feeling in some shielded rooms is often so
unpleasant that it proves better not to shield.


Shielding in order to make an ES friendly environment generally fails. Total shielding is extremely difficult to perform, but any shielding should have given some relax, as it creates environment with less EMFs. But often theshielded rooms are reported as unacceptable, despites the objective figures. It seems that metal shielding causes special problems.


That matches the fact there are a lot (more or less credible) reports (someof them are peer reviewed) about reactions induced by EM fields that cancel each other or that are shielded, so that they make no measurable effect, and they still give the same or even stronger reaction.

Possible explanation for this would be that the field characteristic we areusually concerned with are not the only relevant parameters, while there is something else that (also) triggers the symptoms.



7. "Miraculous devices" (crystals, "Polarizers", "Neutralizers", etc.)do mitigate ES symptoms; checked by objective methods.


We are aware that advocating the above statement could lead to loosing credibility, as apparently there is no plausible mechanism of interaction between such devices and biological systems, not to mention that such devices have no measurable effects to EM fields.

But the above statement is real.

None of the therapies seem to have had similar success among those afflicted by ES. This could have been explained by desperation of ES sufferers, butfor some devices we have done blind tests ourselves. We have also been presented an objective proof by difference in measurement of acupunctural points.

The only explanation is that we are missing some big part of the puzzle. Anyway, that part doesn't necessarily have to do directly with ES, such devices could have an (unexplained) impact to overall body strength, and therefore to easier bearing of EMFs.




There is a problem of apparent mismatch between EM field parameters and therelated symptoms. Also, any existing explanation is unable to adopt all the facts. Our opinion about the outcome of future the research is that this discrepancy would be explained by one of the following:


· Symptoms could be occurring on a relatively simple physiological level, but in a relation to some alternative parameter ("magnetic vector potential" etc.).

· The phenomenon could be simply related to EMFs, but strongly mediated by some basic cognitive processes.

· The phenomenon could prove closer to currently "delicate" issues (dowsing, homeopathy, astrology.), than to well defined phenomena (radiation effects, etc.). That would mean that facts have to be further separatedfrom fiction, before establishing whether the facts are explainable by themeans we already have (primarily two of the above), or some alternative approaches would have to be introduced.


We also find that the available scientific research has been focused too much on objective aspects of the phenomenon, leaving too much place for various unfounded but attractive ad hoc theories (generally trying to support the mentioned "miraculous" devices) which are more concerned with fitting thesubjective findings than with reality.

More attention should be paid by science to subjective reports and findingsof people who have objectively proven to be ES.



We are still far from understanding the phenomenon and basing predictions on it. Subjective reports are not fitting into explanations. More research has to be done. Any simple outcome like establishing of a strict dose - response relationship looks improbable. Once the scientific community is ready to believe the phenomenon is real, combining of objective methods with subjective indications could yield most results.



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: report from Prague

Marc Martin
> So I have nothing to tell you regarding the practical issues, as the Meeting was
> not considering them. This list seems to be more related to reality of ES
> sufferers than the Meeting was.

Thanks for the report (and the paper), Drasko!

I'm sorry to hear that the meeting organizers weren't taking the subject

I am finding the paper with the testimonials from 400 Swedish ES sufferers
interesting to read, though...


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Re: report from Prague

Andrew McAfee
In reply to this post by Drasko Cvijovic
Thank you Drasko for putting yourself out there and speaking your truth
and doing your best to represent us. I am not surprised to hear that
the WHO (World Health Organization) has funded the workshop in order to
squash the information. It is a common practice to fund both sides of a
war to control and profit from both sides. The WHO would like to
control the ES information so they are funding both sides to control
the outcome.
Our information has to go directly to the people and not through the
established networks. We won't get any real help from the controlled
media or governments. Establishing our own financial base and
advertising campaign is the most effective method of spreading the
word. Otherwise it will be sabotaged from the start and continually
altered and manipulated.
I look forward to working with those that still have the energy to take
On Oct 31, 2004, at 12:37 AM, Drasko Cvijovic wrote:

> I have just returned from Prague Workshop on Electrosensitivity...
> There is too much to say, I would try to make it short, and be ready
> to further clarifications according to any particular interest of
> yours...
> First of all, that was a meeting organized by Word Health
> Organization, which is the world authority regarding the issues of
> health.
> It is not a scientific organization, although it deals with results of
> science. It is mainly a regulatory board.
> I was surprised that the organizers have shown highest doubt regarding
> the reality of phenomenon. More than half of invited speakers were
> advocating the standpoint that ES is not related to EM fields,
> suggesting it should be treated as mental problem. .
> I have to say that, being myself for years at managerial positions, I
> have some understanding for the WHO approach.
> We have to admit that among ES population there is a significant
> percentage of people whose mental build up has added to the symptoms
> much more than the initial impact of the electric devices (if any).
> That is natural. I am myself aware that fear and perception of device
> boosts my symptoms.
> Also, in the countries with well funded social programs, like Sweden,
> ES people are given much sympathy (even the pensions), what
> additionally encourages imaginary symptoms, and what costs society
> while having no much benefit to the sufferers.
> In such situation, until valid diagnostic criteria are found,
> recognition of ES as a "real" phenomenon is not productive, especially
> when you have to think of the possible consequences of accordingly
> adjusted radiation limits. The rest of society prefers having their
> mobile phones, despites the potential (still faintly argumented) risk,
> and we have to be aware that they are majority!
> The issue of main concern was whether the existing provocation studies
> have proved the relation between exposure and the symptoms. That
> relation IS problematic, as I presented in my paper (attached below).
> Unfortunately, in that paper (which I didn't have enough time to
> finish as I liked), I didn't emphasize enough that there is no doubt
> from my side that the phenomenon IS related to operation of device.
> Anyway, the only thing I said there was that the phenomenon itself can
> not be judged from the number of failures in provocation studies
> (mostly they give *self proclaimed* ES persons to guess whether a
> device is on or off). The only one case which is well documented is
> enough to counterweight the thousand failures, and for the phenomenon
> to be recognized as real - related to operation of certain electric  
> devices.
> Fortunately, we were happy to see several very serious and clever
> researchers standing for the truth and resisting tremendous pressures.
> As one of them said, the fact we had this Meeting is enough for the
> moment.
> So I have nothing to tell you regarding the practical issues, as the
> Meeting was not considering them.
> This list seems to be more related to reality of ES sufferers than the
> Meeting was.
> Anyway, I am happy I was there as I made many things clear to myself.
> I also met several interesting people. And spent some nice days in
> beautiful Prague.
> Drasko
> =====================
> Drasko Cvijovic, GHOSTBUSTERS,
> serene environment consultancy
> BELGRADE, Serbia & Montenegro
> Malog Radojice 9
> [hidden email]
> +381 63 207 115
> Branislav Vulovic, VINCA,
> institute of nuclear sciences, radiation protection laboratory
> BELGRADE, Serbia & Montenegro
> Vinca
> [hidden email]
> +381 63 864 5410
> On Elusiveness of Relationship between EM Field Parameters and the
> Discomfort Reported by Electrosensitive Persons
> in this paper we are discussing the obstacles that limit our ability
> to help ES people as non ionizing radiation protection practitioners
> After years of attempts to be of practical help to
> Electrosensitive people, we have to say that this task is more
> difficult than it looks like. Measuring and eventual mitigating of EM
> fields are a simple task, compared to the interpretation and
> prediction of practical outcome and impact to a particular person.
> In this paper we are more raising the questions than giving much
> answer. Fortunately, the corpus of evidence that ES phenomenon is
> real - is growing, so we don't have to worry that this paper would be
> understood as discrediting the efforts towards the understanding and
> recognition of the phenomenon. On contrary, we believe that naming the
> things that are uncertain would lift the burden from the facts that
> are positively established, and lead towards more precise descriptions
> of the matter.
> A simple dose - response model, like there is with UV
> radiation for example, seems at the moment to be inapplicable to ES
> phenomenon.
> The relation between measurable exposure to EM fields and the related
> response is so elusive that even the claims that the symptoms are not
> triggered (only) by EM fields can not be disregarded easily. It is
> important to say that we are here not advocating the standpoints of
> various "alternative" theories, which generally look poorly founded.
> We just feel the necessity of rational consideration of any possible
> explanation of the following facts which we are facing in practice.
> Most of those facts should be considered "anecdotal", as
> they are primarily based on collecting various personal reports, but
> we think they are generally so well known that they require no strict
> scientific verification.
> Generally, there are two types of troublesome facts in our
> consideration:
> · Expected ES response fails to occur in relation to certain EM
> field.
> · A response similar to ES occurs without EM field.
> 1.. It is often difficult for an ES person to distinguish the
> symptoms coming from EMFs, from those induced by chemicals, flu, etc..
> Although Electrosensitivity seems to be sometimes shown up through
> objective signs like skin changes, mostly it is manifested through
> subjective changes, like mental confusion and feeling sick. So attempt
> to objectively explore the ES phenomenon needs highly introspective
> and reliable subjects, able to pass blind tests. But even experienced
> ones seem to be limited to stating whether the symptoms are present or
> not, and have difficulties in distinguishing whether they come, for
> example, from chemical exposure (as many ES people are also MCS), flu,
> or from some other source. Distinguishing of the EM field parameters
> seem to be inachievable.
> 2.. There are tremendous personal differences in reaction to certain
> fields.
> Physiological predispositions definitely play a role.
> Personal short and long term history with particular EMFs seems to be
> relevant in both ways - so as to facilitate and to inhibit the
> reaction.
> We have apparently contradictory reports - that prolonged exposure to
> a certain field (computer for example) facilitates the reaction, as
> kind of allergy, but also that people get used to some fields.
> Different people react to the same fields differently. For example the
> same computer monitors are found by one person as acceptable while by
> other as horrible, and for the other pair of monitors it turns
> opposite.
> We have no reason not to believe any of those reports, and generally
> we are not inclined to explanation that all comes from some sort of
> imagination, although it is obvious that among self - reported ES
> persons exists a large number of those who have no connection with
> real ES, or who extremely exaggerate.
> Some reports are too alike that it doesn't look possible that
> different people could imagine so similar stories.
> Possible explanation is that some involuntary cognitive processes,
> like attention, could modulate the response.
> 3.. The reaction is dependant on surrounding, presence of plants,
> chemicals, overall personal health, mood, meteorological conditions,
> etc.
> Presence of chemicals builds up the reaction to EMFs. Cloudy weather
> and night is also reported to be worsening the condition, even if the
> person is in a room without windows. Any illness, stress, bad mood,
> anything that lowers overall physical energy acts the same way. Serene
> surrounding, presence of plants, harmonic relationship with other
> people, etc. seems to be working the opposite way.
> This matches the research reports which point out non uniform findings
> and difficulties in replicating results.
> A probable explanation is that general weakness or strength adds up to
> the general physiological predisposition, but other explanations are
> also possible, especially regarding the sensing of meteorological
> conditions.
> 4.. Average background residential exposure to various EMFs is often
> by orders of magnitude higher than the increment added by operation of
> a device that causes symptoms (fluorescent lights, low radiation
> monitors...)
> Dominant source of RF/MW pollution in most urban surroundings
> are mobile phone base stations. Dominant residential exposure to LF
> magnetic and electric fields comes from street and house installation.
> Radiation coming out from computers and fluorescent lights is
> incomparably lower (at the usual distance). So it is curious why
> people still react to those low emission devices.
> Possible explanation is that flickering present both at screens
> and fluorescent lights induces symptoms. Another explanation could be
> that the reaction is based on subjective (psychological) triggers.
> More blind testing should be done, but we believe that even with the
> eyes closed the reaction remains.
> Also, this could have been related to research reports stating
> that there are power and frequency "windows".
> 5. Some relatively strong sources (old cordless phones,
> commercial radio stations, E fields from installation...) are seldom
> reported as problematic.
> Old cordless phones generally seem to be causing much less trouble
> than mobile and DECT phones. The same applies to the comparison
> between commercial radio stations and mobile phone base stations.
> The frequency is higher, and the signal is pulsed at the new devices,
> what could have been one of the clues.
> E fields from simple extension cords and light bulbs can cause LF
> electric field to be up to 10.000 V/m high near the source, but there
> would be hardly any ES person who believes to be able to distinguish
> that fields about the house.
> All this suggests there is no single value that is relevant.
> 6.. The subjective feeling in some shielded rooms is often so
> unpleasant that it proves better not to shield.
> Shielding in order to make an ES friendly environment generally fails.
> Total shielding is extremely difficult to perform, but any shielding
> should have given some relax, as it creates environment with less
> EMFs. But often the shielded rooms are reported as unacceptable,
> despites the objective figures. It seems that metal shielding causes
> special problems.
> That matches the fact there are a lot (more or less credible) reports
> (some of them are peer reviewed) about reactions induced by EM fields
> that cancel each other or that are shielded, so that they make no
> measurable effect, and they still give the same or even stronger
> reaction.
> Possible explanation for this would be that the field characteristic
> we are usually concerned with are not the only relevant parameters,
> while there is something else that (also) triggers the symptoms.
> 7. "Miraculous devices" (crystals, "Polarizers", "Neutralizers",
> etc.) do mitigate ES symptoms; checked by objective methods.
> We are aware that advocating the above statement could lead to loosing
> credibility, as apparently there is no plausible mechanism of
> interaction between such devices and biological systems, not to
> mention that such devices have no measurable effects to EM fields.
> But the above statement is real.
> None of the therapies seem to have had similar success among those
> afflicted by ES. This could have been explained by desperation of ES
> sufferers, but for some devices we have done blind tests ourselves. We
> have also been presented an objective proof by difference in
> measurement of acupunctural points.
> The only explanation is that we are missing some big part of the
> puzzle. Anyway, that part doesn't necessarily have to do directly with
> ES, such devices could have an (unexplained) impact to overall body
> strength, and therefore to easier bearing of EMFs.
> There is a problem of apparent mismatch between EM field parameters
> and the related symptoms. Also, any existing explanation is unable to
> adopt all the facts. Our opinion about the outcome of future the
> research is that this discrepancy would be explained by one of the
> following:
> · Symptoms could be occurring on a relatively simple
> physiological level, but in a relation to some alternative parameter
> ("magnetic vector potential" etc.).
> · The phenomenon could be simply related to EMFs, but strongly
> mediated by some basic cognitive processes.
> · The phenomenon could prove closer to currently "delicate"
> issues (dowsing, homeopathy, astrology.), than to well defined
> phenomena (radiation effects, etc.). That would mean that facts have
> to be further separated from fiction, before establishing whether the
> facts are explainable by the means we already have (primarily two of
> the above), or some alternative approaches would have to be
> introduced.
> We also find that the available scientific research has been focused
> too much on objective aspects of the phenomenon, leaving too much
> place for various unfounded but attractive ad hoc theories (generally
> trying to support the mentioned "miraculous" devices) which are more
> concerned with fitting the subjective findings than with reality.
> More attention should be paid by science to subjective reports and
> findings of people who have objectively proven to be ES.
> We are still far from understanding the phenomenon and basing
> predictions on it. Subjective reports are not fitting into
> explanations. More research has to be done. Any simple outcome like
> establishing of a strict dose - response relationship looks
> improbable. Once the scientific community is ready to believe the
> phenomenon is real, combining of objective methods with subjective
> indications could yield most results.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: report from Prague

Drasko Cvijovic
In reply to this post by Marc Martin

> I'm sorry to hear that the meeting organizers weren't taking the subject
> seriously.

On contrary, the problem is they *are* taking it seriously! :-) :-)
One of the invited speakers, a psychologist from US, was presenting the
standpoint ES and MCS are the same - mentally induced illnesses. He was (as
to my opinion) so honestly convinced the facts are on his side, and the
presentation was so inspired and lucid that I caught myself thinking he
could have been right... At least I had no reasonable objection against his
argumentation. So I wanted to ask if that was so, why have they made the
Meeting, and why scientific establishment pays that much attention to the
issue, why don't they simply disregard all the cases as they do with classic
paranoia and hypochondria!? Unfortunately, there was time just for several
questions, and I didn't get one. I would probably write to him asking about
that, I am so curious... But I think that I know the answer. He probably
thinks that some alternative health practitioners, lawyers, etc, are taking
the advantage of the issue (what can not be done regarding the paranoid
claims about aliens or such), supporting, disseminating and biasing the
unfounded stories about ES and MCS...
The above could have been his valid reason for taking the issue seriously,
even if he was very convinced it was imaginary... (Naturally, in general,
there could have been other less acceptable reasons, such as being paid to
discredit the matter.)

Anyway, what I want to say is that unfortunately they seem to be taking the
issue rather seriously, possibly more seriously than we do.
For example, how many of us are making blind tests?! We have given up hope
to trust anybody (much), but that doesn't mean we can trust ourselves! When
we are subjectively assured an electric device is causing us troubles, we
should test if we are really able to distinguish whether the device is on or
off, without seeing it! The same applies to protective devices. In our
position it is extremely easy to fall into irrational self confidence
regarding the matter. I am talking here about myself, and also about others
whom I know. If we don't test our presumptions before taking them as final
conclusions, mental deviations are one step far, and not to mention the
public discrediting of the issue.


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Re: report from Prague

Andrew McAfee

On Oct 31, 2004, at 11:47 PM, Drasko Cvijovic wrote:

> When
> we are subjectively assured an electric device is causing us troubles,
> we
> should test if we are really able to distinguish whether the device is
> on or
> off, without seeing it!

I live this reality every (#^#(*&)$ day.
I am driving down the street and I get a blast on the side of my head
and I look over and there is a tower. I am at a restaurant and get hit
on the back of head with a pain and I turn around there is a guy on a
cell phone.
I got to sleep at night thinking, I am feeling really good today. I am
not going to sleep with my shielding wrapped around my head. Fu__K! The
pain returns from the tower and it goes away when I wrap my head in the
shielding. How many times does it take to confirm that this is a

Sure, I think there are psychological ramifications. In reading about
Mercury poison, one doctor believes that all kinds of illnesses are
cause by Heavy metal toxicity including bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia, irrational fears, etc., etc. I am sure that the people
on this list know more of them than I do.

The point I want to make here is that there is a very strong lobby that
we will face in bringing this condition to a public forum. This strong
lobby will try to deface us, discredit us, and call us wackos and

My job is to heal myself and hopefully prevent others from tripping
over the same tree root that I have tripped upon along the path.

Anybody that calls us mental cases without addressing the relevant
causative factors obviously has an agenda of their own and does not
truly care about health, prevention of injury and healing.

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Re: report from Prague

In reply to this post by Drasko Cvijovic

Thanks very much for attending the conference and submitting your
paper, Drasko. I really appreciate your paper and emphasis on trying
to come up with scientifically verifiable methodologies.

I think without an a priori knowledge of some of the mechanisms behind
ES (such as having the condition oneself), or acceptance of
statistically large reported triggering conditions, an extremely
controlled environment is nearly impossible to create for accurate
provocation-reaction studies. Especially since the nature of this
condition appears to be rooted in the range of extremely small scale
biochemical to subtle energy phenomena. Unfortunately, this leaves
the bulk of most research attempts trying to report on objectively
verifiable ES mechanisms lacking to date.

The conditions in the environment, regional and local, vary so much it
is hard to determine how one gets oversaturated and symptomatic one
day and not another. And once one is symptomatic, sometimes you can't
tell if something is still provoking a reaction or whether it is on or
off. As an example of how difficult it is to identify inciting causes
and how far out they can be, sometimes I can correlate a string of
highly symptomatic days to higher-than-average solar activity by
monitoring the solar weather reports. But not always. What the
differences are I can't find. Then I get ppl, usually without ES
themselves but accepting of energetic phenomena outside the
establishment thought-box, telling me HAARP is probably active or
something else hypothetically connected but even more unverifiable.
They're trying to be helpful but overall the credibility factor takes
a hit. We've definitely got a lot to wade through and consider in
finding an answer.

I'm curious, did anyone mention the combination
single-blind/double-blind study first published in 1991 in the
"Journal of Bioelectricity" by Dr. William Rea and associates? This
study has, to my knowledge, yet to be honestly refuted and distinctly
shows the existence of ES. See it on the web at

Thank you again for your great efforts on behalf of all of us ES folk.


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Re: report from Prague

Drasko Cvijovic
I appreciate, Beau, your understanding of the most difficult situacion we
are in... Left all on our own...

Regarding Dr. Rea, yes, he was mentioned, but as an unreliable speaker for
the issue. The psychologist I have mentioned in my previous message seems to
have a special concern with Dr. Rea, and as I also mentioned, he seems so
honestly convinced he was right, that I am ready to believe him that Dr.
Rea's exeriments are not much of a hardcore science... For example, he told
that (as I understood) Dr. Rea for example measured the difference
(regarding to chemical exposure of MCS persons) by heart beat rate, and
found statistically significiant difference... But although the difference
was indeed statistically significant, it "weighted" - only one beat (per
