Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

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Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making


Hello everyone,

As of late i have been having difficulties making decisions when new things pop up.

Like discovering i have prior infections has me second guessing if i should spend all my
savings (1000usd) on a medication to treat CFS before dealing with EHS.

I know that it is better for me to be in a low emf environment and would have some regrets
if i spent the remainder of my resources there vs a medication.

I was curious looking at my IGG labs I have found that I have prior exposure
To 6 viruses and it seems that most of these are now latent but some may be active.
The treatment for these medically is through a medication called Valcyte which can take up to a year
to see improvement.This is an anti-viral

It is also expensive.

Some of the labs that found IGG titers are EBV,Herpes Varcella,HSV1,HSV6,Cytomegalovirus and Coxsackie virus

IGG meaning that you were infected at some point in the past

Some of these are common in a lot of people however can also trigger CFS manifestations. Anthony William has mentioned though these viruses may be latent they can effect the nervous system. I think this may be possible and would like to see some research on this because doctors will tell you it’s a past infection but some people maybe experiencing the after-affects.

Right now i have been eating canned salmon,sardines,shrimp,caned oysters as these are important
for DHA in the brain

I also find that with more protein i have more muscle without working out

Eating fruits,potatoes,celery i don't feel like i have that vigor without the seafood protein
at the same time it feels like there may be in inflammation in the nerves

There are some variables that are known and unknown

It has just been announced that 5G is expanding to 30 cities. And 5G phones are
Now available. I spoke with Less EMF a few days ago and they said they will be using the 5ghz-6ghz range until late 2020 where they will start using 26ghz.Perhaps this is unkown

That I am sensitive to emf and would =do better in a lower emf environment is known

I am looking into Yucatan Mexico or perhaps my parents home in Folsom,California
Its less hot than Mexico but eventually the higher frequencies will reach there.
I was thinking to sleep in a tent in the garage with aluminum foil. Someone who
rents property in Mexico and  said I could stay in a tent for 5-8 dollars a night.

Yucatan,Mexico is a 3 hour flight from Atlanta

Dr. Kruse says that the way the crater sits in the earth.It is a place for good mitochondria.

Maybe its a good prep for going to Ethiopia later

Open to this as well

I am having some difficulties making decisions

I do have around 1000 USD left in savings

He also mentioned that Americans who live their mostly work online since the other
Jobs are hard to get.

I also know of a friend who lives off grid in Alabama,USA an hour and half from me
It is a beautiful state,lots of forestry.The town he lives in is small and I don’t know if 5g will eventually expand there

When I visited him a year ago I felt better. I walked long distances even with EHS

Then the CFS came and I think it maybe connected to the escorts that I saw

If antivirals are needed to treat this since I have CFS/ME or if being in a low emf environment is enough
is another unknown.If I go visit Yucatan Mexico how I will react to the strong UV being closer to the equator.I find that in the morning 8-11 and 4-8 Infared red light hours I feel better in red light

And since EHS there is sensitivity to hot weather

Thank You Guys and Gals i appreciate it
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

This post was updated on .
Sometimes you need to try things to know if they were the right decision or not :)
Is Valcyte a drug from the farma industry ?
Then it could do more damage than good, but i'm not a doctor.
But doctors had a corrupt education and their advice and prescriptions are of questionable use.
Some drugs may be helpful and crucial, i don't know, but i had so many bad experiences i feel like giving a warning.
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by dtesh85
On April 27, [hidden email] [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> It has just been announced that 5G is expanding to 30 cities. And 5G phones are Now available

Is there even a single model of a 5G phone now sold in the USA?  I just checked the news, and the "world's first 5G phone" was released in South Korea just a couple weeks ago.  So not exactly something one needs to worry about now.  Although certainly this will be an issue in the coming years...

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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

Phones w/5G is not the only problem, though.  I'm sure everyone remembers prior FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's creepy "prophetic"(?) words from the July 2016 FCC 5G Press Conference that there will be, "Billions & Billions of [5G] chips in Everything."

It wouldn't surprise me if manufacturers were already embedding 5G chips in "everything" other than cellphones.

Within the past circa 2-3 weeks, @DrJackKruse tweeted that he already "takes anything he buys & has all chips removed" (or similar words to that effect).  Unfortunately, he did not elaborate.  Which chips? In what? (appliances?)  Take them where? &/or To whom? to have all chips removed.
__(I need to buy a mini-frig & dread it because will labels/specs really tell us what's in them already?  Prior one died, they only last 14 years, practically to the day/month!)

Also saw a comment somewhere within the past month (guys talking) that Motorola already had "adapters" that would turn their 4G phones into a 5G phone.  I have no idea if that is true or even possible.

On Apr 28, 2019, at 10:59 AM, "Marc Martin [via ES]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is there even a single model of a 5G phone now sold in the USA?  I just checked the news, and the "world's first 5G phone" was released in South Korea just a couple weeks ago.  So not exactly something one needs to worry about now.  Although certainly this will be an issue in the coming years... 

On April 27, [hidden email] [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> It has just been announced that 5G is expanding to 30 cities. And 5G phones are Now available.

Electrician's Daughter (ED)
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

In reply to this post by dtesh85
Re: all the places to consider for a safer EMF environment: Bad News & Good News below, FYI:

1_Bad News First (EMF-wise):


Patrick Wood

Massive implementation of Smart City technology headed for poorer areas of America. They will never know what hit them. #StopTechnocracy
9:06 AM - 5 Apr 2019

"9,000 'Opportunity Zones' In U.S. Targeted For Smart City Infrastructure":
There are 35 million people living in Opportunity Zones throughout America who have no idea that Chinese-style surveillance [me: & the radiation that goes with it] is about to descend upon them.

Per the article, 8,+++ (near 9,000) areas in USA have been approved by State & Fed Govts. as Business "Opportunity Zones" & that those areas will have "Facial Recognition Cameras" & "License Plate Readers" & "Free WiFi" Everywhere, all for the sake of "Safety" & to draw Businesses to those areas. 
__There's a link to a Govt. website that lists those specific towns/"Biz Opp Zones" (to make it easier for any/all of us to AVOID those areas!)  
__HUD Sec'y Dr. Ben Carson also tweeted recently praising that new BizOppZones endeavor.  (Terrible that a retired-brain surgeon is not up to date re EMFs.  I've tweeted Carson in the past about it, that he & fellow brain surgeon Jack Kruse should get together for a pow-wow, but I never got a reply, of course.)
__FWIW, Patrick Wood, who tweeted the above, has been around online a long time; not a joker.  His prior site was called "The August Review." At some point he wrote a book about, & totally switched gears & his site to "Technocracy Now" aka @StopTechnocracy, but he mostly covers news re the Spying/Surveillance aspect vs. the Health aspects.

2_Some GOOD News, If True!

Ignore the scary headline & check out the excerpt re RURAL Areas:

4/26/19:  "Annals of Communications: The Terrifying Potential of the 5G Network" - The New Yorker:
Rural communities will be out of luck—too many trees, too few people—despite the F.C.C.’s recently announced Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. According to Blair Levin, a communications analyst and former F.C.C. chief of staff in the Clinton Administration, the fund “has nothing to do with 5G.” Rather, it will subsidize companies to lay fibre-optic cable that, minimally, will provide speeds forty times slower than what 5G promises.

That would be great news for all of us!  I hope "Blair Levin" knows what he is talking about.  (And, fyi, the "Terrifying" in the headline was re CYBER-non-security of 5G & had NOTHING, No-Mention-Whatsoever re HEALTH.)

Unfortunately, there are still wireless companies out there whose main goal ("for the sake of rural school students") is to saturate RURAL areas with "FIXED Wireless" which they claim is "safer." 
__One such company is GEO LINKS, & its young 35+ CEO, Skyler Ditchfield.  I tweeted back & forth with that guy last year re EMF dangers/health but it didn't make a dent even though he has a young daughter himself. He was still gung-ho re accomplishing his "Fixed-Wireless Vision" across America for rural school students. :(  Ajit Pai/FCC even appointed Skyler Ditchfield to some panel in Nov.2018.

3_Re: Alabama:

Beginning 2014, during my "forced education" online searches re EMFs, I came across the site that listed zip codes/towns/utilities that used BPL (Broadband Over PowerLines) aka PLC (PowerLine Communications) which is Utilities sending Microwave-Radiation-Across-Powerlines.
__It was quite a long list & even included 3 zip codes in my city in FLA (older zip code/areas of town not near me, thankfully).
__But what surprised me the most was the MANY zip codes it listed in ALABAMA, of all places, that had BPL/PLC.  Alabama had more than any other States.
__Just something to keep in mind if you decide to move to your friend's place in Alabama.  Him being Off-Grid would be great but check out how far away any Powerlines are that may be near him.
__One lady that knows a LOT re BPL/PLC (because she's had it since 2006), is the lady in W.MASS. that runs the blog.  Getting rid of her SmartMeter (which took her 6 years! 2012) did allieve her MWR symptoms, BUT the horrible NOISE the BPL/PLC creates in the powerlines did NOT stop & she has often complained it will drive you insane.
__Within the past 1-1.5 years, when I went to access the site again, it is still there but doesn't work (for me anyway).  You can type in a zip code on the page's search window but it returned a 404 Error page. It's link to the FULL LIST of all BPL zip codes also now returns a 404 Error page:  
Maybe has a copy of the prior Full List page, including the ALA zip codes(?)

__Your friend is probably nowhere near Montgomery, ALA, but just in case, check out this 1/30/19 Montgomery man's excellent/informative testimony of all the EMF "pulsing & reverberating" going on in his house & other EMF problems around his area:

4_Good or Bad News, depending how you interpret it:

Last week the WSJ reported that the NSA announced it was ready & willing to shut down its Cellphone & Text Message Spy System (for real) that it (allegedly only) began after 9/11/01**.  (That program needs renewal/approval every December from the President.  GHWB & Obama renewed it every year since its inception):

Some people think it's because the NSA & Intels want to hide/dump their OWN evidence of their spying crimes on Trump since 2015.  But my first reaction was:  They probably won't be NEEDING it anymore once 5G kicks in since everything & everybody will be "tracked" & "monitored" & "spied upon" in many different ways via IoT.  YMMV. :)

**The ECHELON spying program (USA along w/ the other "Five Eyes" nations) began back in the 1950s (NSA was founded secretly by President Truman in 1952). Per Senator Frank Church on NBC Meet The Press (8/17/1975), the Intels could already "monitor messages through the air" back then, phone calls, telegrams, etc., he said.

__More of interest to ES-Forum:  Echelon is what is still ongoing in WV in the NRQZ, not in GreenBank, but in Sugar Grove, 30 miles from GreenBank.  The Navy moved out of its 50+ -years-long "Sugar Grove Station" in Sept.2015, & turned over its monitoring of five big Echelon satellite dishes in a field nearby to the NSA who are still there & now monitor those satellites.  Wiki will tell you it all shut down when the Navy left, but that's not what area news articles & news videos stated during the transition.  So, if you don't mind the NSA as "neighbors," Sugar Grove area may be an option for "less EMF"(?)

8/12/17 independent mini-documentary re Sugar Grove & NSA:
8/15/17 related:

Best wishes wherever you decide to move!

On Apr 27, 2019, at 11:23 AM, "[hidden email] [via ES]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
I spoke with Less EMF a few days ago and they said they will be using the 5ghz-6ghz range until late 2020 where they will start using 26ghz. Perhaps this is unkown.
I am looking into Yucatan Mexico or perhaps my parents home in Folsom,California.
Its less hot than Mexico but eventually the higher frequencies will reach there.
I was thinking to sleep in a tent in the garage with aluminum foil. Someone who rents property in Mexico and  said I could stay in a tent for 5-8 dollars a night.

Yucatan,Mexico is a 3 hour flight from Atlanta
Maybe its a good prep for going to Ethiopia later.
I also know of a friend who lives off grid in Alabama,USA an hour and half from me.
It is a beautiful state,lots of forestry.The town he lives in is small and I don’t know if 5g will eventually expand there. 

When I visited him a year ago I felt better. I walked long distances even with EHS.

Then the CFS came and I think it maybe connected to the escorts that I saw.

Electrician's Daughter (ED)
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

April R
In reply to this post by dtesh85
Would it be possible for you to do kinesiology/muscle-testing?  Or, if you don't feel you are physically up for that, have someone you trust dowse on your behalf?  Those are really big questions to be trying to answer on your own basically in the dark, especially the physiological ones.  

I would also look into Couchsurfing internationally, if you're really serious about that - might be a good way to get your feet wet without having to commit to anywhere.  
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

Muscle-testing isn't fail-safe.
A couple of naturapath's tested me and said i need to eat oatmeal to get stronger.
It may make me stronger, but it's only half of the truth,
because on the other hand eating oatmeal gives me much more pains.
Later, another naturapath tested me with technology and specifically said i should avoid oatmeal,
(without me telling about what the other 2 had said), and it made much more sense to me,
based on my own experiences.
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

Thanks Amy and Meralizer

I am not very familiar with muscle

Testing.I had reflex tests from

nuerologist at a MS clinic and doc

asked me to pull his arms.

Test came out normal as well

as brain mri.

It’s strange that I would have

these electric sensations after

buildup of exposure.One day I

was in a hospital with several

Wifi routers in the patient waiting

area of the ER waiting for my

results.There was probably close

to hundred people with cell

phones,multiple routers in

different sections of the ER

After a couple hours with

all of the concentrated RF levels

I went home and couldnt sleep.I

felt electrified and brain zapped.

This is what sometimes concerns

me about flying out of America

and going through that kind of

experience.I know the trip on

Ethiopian Airlines from DC to

ETH 12hrs May not have wifi.

But it’s the cumulative exposure

going inside the airport that

worries me.Seems like longterm

it may be better but the bad

electric sensations is something.

Although i can feel some

nuerodegenration without heavy

exposure.Just being in the

environment.Almost feels like

a feeling of being stuck in the US

Sometimes I think that with the

damage that has been done

maybe i should find a countryside.

Unfortunately if you don’t have

much savings and cannot do farm

work you are of no economic

value.The American government.

doesn’t want to hear excuses

to why you cannot work and the

studies of emf.Oh well

Thank You guys and gals
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

April R
In reply to this post by Merializer
Granted kinesiology isn't foolproof, but I've also had much better luck doing it by myself - I think you get interference from the other person's biofield doing it the old-fashioned chiropractic way of lying on your back on the table and having someone else shove down on your arm, not to mention that you aren't grounded.  You can consciously set the parameters yourself, pretty much any voluntary muscle actions anywhere in the body, like just stand somewhere that you're grounded outside and say 'okay, leaning forward is 'yes', backward is 'no', right is 'maybe' and left is 'maybe not'' and go from there.  Semantics do matter here (little things can trip you up - simple yet as specific as possible is best; your 'body' is not as intellectual as your 'brain')  It also helps, if you are testing for allergies or supplements, if you can hold whatever-it-is in your right hand at the time so your body can feel its energy instead of just trying to go by memories (I can apparently 'feel' through glass, but not plastic or metal, which is also common.)

And I went through that 'stronger' nonsense at first myself; it doesn't mean much, really.  Asking whether something would make you stronger is absolutely no reliable barometer for how well you will actually be able to biologically assimilate it and use it - that's a completely different question!  And some people who are gluten sensitive can't tolerate oats at all, so that's not a big surprise, either.  
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Merializer
On April 29, Merializer [via ES] <> wrote:
> Muscle-testing isn't fail-safe.

Yes, I agree... I've gone to practitioners who gave such blatantly wrong information & harmful treatments as a result of muscle testing, that I would have been better off going to virtually anyone else.

And I've been to someone who trains others to muscle test that has on occasion said that I'm virtually "untestable", because she can test me one minute for something, and then test again a minute later and get a different result.

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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

April R
Different results in the same place usually mean that you are either not grounded where you currently are, or you're receiving interference off of something, in my experience.  First question should always be, 'can I test here?'
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Re: Viruses,EHS and Decision-Making

Has anyone had any experiences with Asthaxinin for Heat sensitivity?

I hear it helps with sunburns

But with a immune reaction that one gets to the heat possible due to Herpes Family viruses

I wonder if it would be helpful