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... anyone thought about this?
Then one would not need some blocking paint etc, nor worry from satellites, etc...
Living far from it all has a long time been in my thoughts, and maybe one day this might happen.
But I see there are different options, and it would be stupid not too look into them as well.
Cellars, underground houses (in Spain I've heard it does exist....), caves or other underground dwellings.
I have noticed that some EHS are quite "tight" with sharing information. I do understand that the situation is difficult and one thinks a bit on "survival mode", that is, only for him/herself... I have been tempted to think like that as well, but realise this in not the way in the long run.
Anyway, one way to really get away from the radiation, including the satellite, am/fm etc, is not necessarily far far away from everyone else, (as I always assumed, and wished for), but underground.

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Re: Underground...

April R
Frankly I like the idea myself in certain ways.  Mostly it's a matter (beyond safety) of not having a home that looks and feels like a fallout bunker.  Seriously, check out Faerie Magazine/Enchanted Living, especially their hobbit issue from last year.  I would want a house that looks all nature-y inside like that...:D
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Re: Underground...

In reply to this post by kara
Yes, also considering the planned levels of future satellite exposure.
The lower the frequencies, the harder to shield, tetra and digital radio/tv towers could remain a bit of a problem.
The deeper you dig, or the thicker the heap of ground on the roof, the better it will be.
There is an old thread about caves worth reading :
The closer your home is to the civilized world, the larger the chance that you may want to move again soon.
A new high voltage power line could appear behind the garden or a 5G emitter right in front of your entrance.
The lower the price of a house, the lesser the potential loss.
In France cheap buildings can be found, in fact i bought one for 10.000 euro.
Now there is always some hassle, e.g. unless connected to the public sewer the EU is enforcing the installation of an updated septic tank plus draining system, which can cost 10.000 as well, a sheer waste of time and money.
Although there is a way to work around it with a dry toilet and fat-filter for the kitchen-water.
There are several things to look at when buying a house.
Too close to neighbours will usually lead to wifi and dect in the air, more noise and less privacy, too far away attracts thieves, especially if you do not live there continously.
In Greece people could burn down your house, in Italy the property rights are not securely protected, and in Spain a bureaucratic department might demand the demolition of it, claiming that a permit is not valid.
A lot of immigrants got screwed in southern europe, do not move there unless you know these kind of games.
In addition, you must speak the language a bit of course, in France as well.
Essential but hard to measure, you need a sensitivity for it, is the absence of a geopathic stress :
And there are places with the opposite effect, where the vibes from the earth support and heal.
It's like dense versus elevated energy hanging around.

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Re: Underground...

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by kara
In my previous house, the radiation level from a nearby cell tower was about 20 microW/m2 in my bedroom on the ground floor.
In a room in the basement, just below my bedroom, it was about 0.25 microW/m2. However, there was a mold problem, so it was not suitable for a bedroom.
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Re: Underground...

In reply to this post by earthworm
Yes, earth energies are really quite a big thing most of us are not aware of. Underground water flowing for instance, creating disturbing/strong/special energies,. Altars etc have been found to be built on top of special underground water places, underground water rushing upwards (but still in the ground), but not good in the long run to live with.
I remember having strong but disturbing dreams when sleeping in a place that had an underground water source.
I used to travel a bit in the past, I try to remember what kind of places I did like or not. Noise, annoying neighbours and emf were always the worst.
Places next to rivers were uplifting, lots of negative ions, but can be too damp (and full of bugs), and some people tend to feel stressed by the constant rush of water after some time. I realise, I prefer to visit places near water, but not live too near them. Plus I've heard more than one story about river floods destroying homes. But being next to running water is really nice.
Moisture/unwanted water is probably one big issue with underground home, cellars etc.
I've seen some pleasant sandstone cave, that was really dry, even if located in a wet region.
Maybe we also need to learn more about geology and dowsing.

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Re: Underground...

In reply to this post by kara
underground would be awsome