I was wondering if I could get some help on alleviating my issue. Apparently I am becoming emf sensitive. It started last spring when I developed this very harsh and noticeable pressue in my head (similar to going up and down in elevation without the relief one gets from swallowing). I could not touch bluetooth devices, wifi powered xbox one controller, be next to my older 2012 imac computer, touch my motorola g power phone, etc without getting this specific and very weird symptom. It lasted for a couple weeks and then suddenly went away. I decided from that moment I needed to be more careful about my electronics use. I disabled wifi on our router and I use ethernet only. I have this feeling that it was caused by an ear infection as I was struggling with one at the same time or a build up of wax (Im 46 and I think that may be a problem now at my age).
Ive been fine for almost a full year but suddenly I am experiencing the same symptom again. It started while I was playing my xbox series S console (with the controller wired) in my room. It starts with my head feeling hot and then the pressure in the head only. I have this feeling it has something to do with our new neighbors and what they are doing directly below my room. I found out in a weird way that they are crypto currency farmers of sorts. A gentlemen was stairing up at me from my back porch door wall (sliding glass door for west coast folks), and I asked him if I could help him. He then asked if I knew anything about HNT? I looked at him blankely because I genuinly had no idea. He then said helium or crypto currency. I exclaimed no. He then says someone here is doing very well for themselves with their helium hotspot and wanted to get help from them. Apparently you can go to this website and see where the hotspots are and what they are earning. Sure enough there is a hotspot right on top of where I live on the map. Interestingly this pressure has increased with their moving in. So for those that don't know these helium hotspots shoot out RF for miles and are powered by wifi (or ethernet if your nice). They power Internet of things devices. Examples are a dogs chip, smart bikes, etc. For having one of these everytime someone uses one for these Iot devices the issuer received rewards in the form of hnt or helium crypto currency. The more you have the more crypto you can make. They run around $500 U.S. The map does not indicate how many devices are in the one hotpost pin. However the one they have indicates they are making $900 a month from one of these devices. Unfortunately for me I think they have one or many of these strewn around their condo. Interestingly they keep the shades closed to this room that is right beneath mine and have these very strong lights on. I don't know what else they are doing down there but I imagine its not just for farming helium. Forgive me if Im not making a whole lot of sense. I am starting to struggle to type this as I am really feeling the pressure (im in the room typing on my Mac which I have located 8 feet from me and a beng monitor 3 feet from me). I decided to purchase a trifield tf2 meter to see what might be going on. My room measures anywhere from 2.3mg up to 8mg (weighted) depending on where you are in the room. Right now is flucatuating from 2.1 to 2.3 where I am sitting. Last night it was at 10-15mg all over the house measure on the floor (letting the meter rest on the floor and gently moving it with my foot around the whole condo). When they are not home the emf goes down a bit in my room. In one spot it actually goes down to 0.5mg. I have since moved my bed to this spot. Ironically its pretty close to an electrical outlet. The electrical outlet read nothing unless I have the meter right on it. I will say I have done some research and I saw where people were experiencing slightly similar symptoms in response to smart meters. We have 8 of them in a shed outside attached to the building no more then 20 feet from my bedroom, then another 8 about 15 - 20 feet from there. Let me just say I have never been worried about cell phones, wifi, bluetooth, etc until I started to develop these symptoms. I have always been blissfully ignorant and embraced all of this technology. I was always leary of cell phones though and never liked using one up against my head. It was speaker mode from the start if I could. I guess why I am stating this is because I might sound like a hypochondriac, but Im really not. I have read that these smart meters can make people emf sensitive. I went on the helium hotspot reddit asking if anyone was experiencing any weird symptoms from their hotspot and got mocked. I was just asking and they went on the attack. I should have known better since its the companies sub reddit. I depend on this room and the computer for my livliehood. Im not always on the computer but I do whats called reselling on ebay. I buy things locally and sell them on ebay. I have to be ont he computer and in this room for about 8 hours at a time sometimes. I spoke to a neighbor and asked if they were having any symptoms since they are near that bedroom and they said they werent experiencing anything. Unfortunately I have zero dollars to put towards any kind of emf protection. We want to move but right now it seems places to move to are almost non exhistant and the ones that are available are exhorbitantly expensive. I should probably speak to this neighbor to see what they are actually doing but I have a feeling I am just going to be met with ridicule. Im not great at confrontation and unfortunately tend to lose my cool way to fast. I will say this I thought it was just me but my girlfriend sat in my room and said she felt something to. I might try to get another neighbor to sit at my chair near the computer and see how they respond. My computer is a low power m1 mac and I have never reacted to it. Thanks in advance for any kind of advice. |
This post was updated on .
Hello , You need to measure RF not ELF magnetic.
and I would not use the TF2 for RF (it has the option but I think it is not too good at it), I would use the CORNET ED88TPLUS or the more expensive Safe&soundPRO2, or the AM-10 from EMF-Fields. If you don't have money for RF protection, try using aluminum-made mosquito net to block the RF from below. Make sure you ground the network to the real ground outside, or to concrete walls. I would also recommend to get the hell out of there. Find a new place using the meter to make sure it is low EMF(Both ELF and RF). In addition, I recommend that you stop using any wireless or cellular devices. all the best amirb www.norad4u.com
Amir Borenstein
www.norad4u.com www.4EHSByEHS.com |
Hey thanks for your reply! Have the coronet on order. Is it also good for emf? The trifield was about the same price as the coronet so If I dont need both id sell the trifield. My only option is to move in with my parents (im 46) so kinda resisting that option. Hate to leave my girlfriend of 22 years (yeah I know why arent we married its complex). Incidentally I tried measuring RF using the trifield (in hand where im sitting in our living room) and its peaking at 1.564 mW/m2 but the reg measurement is between 0.401-0405.
So if I'm reading this correctly, your main problem is the hotspot that's directly beneath you? In which case you could shield the floor to bounce it all back at them, or shield + ground it to send it all to your ground (nearby outlet). Or move.
In reply to this post by chupa38
Don't leave your girlfriend.
EHS is something that buildup, it is acquired over time and with exposure. She might become sensitive as well, you wrote she already feels discomfort. Try to explain it to her. The CORNET ED88TPLUSV2 can measure RF, ELF magnetic field, and ELF electric field. The TF2 is better for ELF but I like the CORNET more on RF, and RF is the first thing you need to measure in this case. 5W RMS hotspot is kind of strong. eighter protect or move. I would move. Please see my info site about protection - https://www.norad4u.com/emf-protection/rf-protection/ In addition, I think it would be a bad idea to keep using RF emitting devices. all the best amirb
Amir Borenstein
www.norad4u.com www.4EHSByEHS.com |
In reply to this post by chupa38
The cornet ED88T is a pretty good all-around meter that can detect low frequencies (like magnetic fields from fan motors and problems with wiring) and high frequency fields from things like cell phones. Merializer has done a lot of tests of meters.
There are quite a few people on here with similar stories, so no worries :) (I worked for a decade in a lab with very high exposure and never worried about it until I started having really bad sleep and concentration problems.) |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Thanks for taking the time to read this I know it was way too long.
Honestly im not 100% if its right below my bedroom but when I observe the light on (light bleeds through blinds in their bedroom beneath mine), the emf readings are high. I went out to the smart meters and got very high emf 30mg weighted when held right up against them but when I held the meter away a couple feet it was back to 6mg (6 is the norm for this area right now I guess maybe because, everyone has their Air on). I could not really get RF readings. I get them sitting in my living room. Very high 1.889 mW/m2 peak and around 0.011-0.018 avg. My room is about 120 sq. ft. What would be the best way to shield it? Rip up the carpet and use the paint? Gotta say its so bad in there at times I can barely stand it. |
In reply to this post by Karl
Thanks for the endorsement of that meter.
Do you know why a xfinity router that has had the wifi turned off is giving off high rf readings when the meter is held right up against it? |
If the WIFI was really turned off, it is probably EMI (mid frequencies) that are still being emitted from the electronics of the router.
can you post a picture of the measurrement?
Amir Borenstein
www.norad4u.com www.4EHSByEHS.com |
In reply to this post by chupa38
Thanks for posting this story.
Sharing this helped me understand this new field of HNT, which I was not aware of. Regarding high reading, while the light in this room is on, it could be because of bad electricity connectivity or high EMF lights, but it could be another reason as well. Usually, light bulbs are not high current and therefore are not high EMF sources, unless you are right next to them, or they are using lots of CFL light bulbs, or in some wired configuration. The Smart meter is a high EMF source. It (and electric cabinets switch box) emits high ELF magnetic and electric fields. In addition, the smartest meters emit very high RF pulses every 3-15 seconds. Lots of people got sick because of them. Very close to them you would measure both ELF and RF. few meters away from them you will measure mostly RF (the ELF fields drop, the RF still exist). Please see - https://www.norad4u.com/knowledge/smart-radiating-meters/ 6mG is far from OK. OK should be lower than 2 mG, even lower for EHS people. As for RF, I think that for EHS people the level should be below 0.001mW/m2. but the TF2 is measuring also frequencies below 100MHz and has the habit of showing very high levels, so I am not sure what this means. it mixes things up. If you see 1.889mW/m2 on the TF2, then the levels are high. I usually look at the peaks, not the average. If the room is bad, and you feel bad, and you already stopped using RF emitting devices, and the levels are high, If I was in your place, I would move. From what you are writing, it seems that you are just on the start of learning about EMF and EHS. In this point of time it might be too much to expect that you would be able to do the protection nad measurement the right way, so the best option would be to find a place with ELF magnetic field lower than 1mG and RF lower than 0.001mW/m2.
Amir Borenstein
www.norad4u.com www.4EHSByEHS.com |
In reply to this post by chupa38
The Xfinity routers can have 5 RF signals coming from them.
-- 2 wi-fi for you, @ 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz -- 2 wi-fi for the neighborhood, @ 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz -- 1 security system, whether or not you have a security system To turn these all off, you need to do 3 separate things: -- login to the modem to turn off the wi-fi for you -- login to your Xfinity account online to turn off the wi-fi for your neighbors -- call Xfinity on the phone to get them to turn off the security system (and they will likely deny that it's on, because they don't really understand what they are doing) I have Xfinity, but I supply my own modem & router, so don't have to worry about all of this. |
+1 Thanks Marc for this info. very helpful.
You can count on the cable/wire internet company today, One must test, and retest, and then do the job yourself.
Amir Borenstein
www.norad4u.com www.4EHSByEHS.com |
Yeah, I'm sure there are circumstances where the signals will return, even if they've been turned off in the past. Like a router software upgrade, or a power recycle. Far better to get equipment that Xfinity has no way of turning on any RF signals.
Yes, it happened to me in the past, after SW upgrade of the router that was done from away.
This is why I keep a close loop on this and charge my EMF meters next to the router (in case it will start emitting RF, they will beep).
Amir Borenstein
www.norad4u.com www.4EHSByEHS.com |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Thank-you! Yeah I am aware of this. Both 2.5 and 5 is turned off. Hotspot is turned off in account settings and has been. I guess the security is the culprit then. So just say please turn off the security on the modem/router?
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Marc, isn't there also a lower frequency signal from the coaxial cable? (I've read that cable companies use a band that extends from 5 MHz to 1.2GHz. But since I don't have cable, I can't check it with a meter.)
In reply to this post by chupa38
Went to the doctor today to get checked out. Nothing obvious. Interestingly the doctors office did not trigger my symptom and neither did sitting in the car next to my girlfriends samsung s9 phone with bluetooth on, with her actively playing pokemon (bluetooth turned on for her pokemon go plus accessory), surfing Instagram (shes glued to her phone). I decided to hold my phone and play a little pokemon go just as an experiment and felt almost nothing for hours. Came home and almost instantly the pressure came back.
Also as an experiment I went up to my neighbors window (while they were away I know naighty) and took a measurement of the room beneath my girlfriends room and it was at 90mg weighted. I was shocked! Fortunately my girlfriends room only reads around 6-5mg from floor to her bed (about 3 feet off the ground). Could this be an electrical issue? |
In reply to this post by Karl
Well yes, the coax cable can "leak" out stuff, however I consider that to be a lesser problem than the wi-fi from the router.
In reply to this post by chupa38
> So just say please turn off the security on the modem/router?
I assume so. That's what people have said. I've never had to do it myself, as I've never used a router with wi-fi built into it. |
In reply to this post by NoRadiationForYou
No problem! You can go here and see where the hotspots are near you if you want (I believe they have an app): https://explorer.helium.com/hotspots
Many thanks for all your suggestions. I just have no where to go really. I share this condo with my girlfriend and we own it. The neighbor downstairs rents fwiw. We have tried to find another place but there really are no houses available in the area. Also we have to get our place ready to sell. The way im feeling right now, Im not sure I can paint, pack, etc. I can barely type this on my phone right now. Its less of a bother if I dont touch anything like a phone, mouse, etc, but still noticeably annoying and hard to cope with. Do you think I should just go have a conversation with the neighbor? Im just not aure what to say. I dont want to spark controversy. Im thinking of just approaching it like there is something wrong with the power and are they feeling any symptoms? |
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