Hi all,
Today I went to see my nutritionist/EAV tester, who is helping me overcome my various health problems. Last month, she was complaining herself about ES symptoms, so I offered to bring in some EMF protection devices on the next visit for her to test herself on. Well, imagine my suprise when I called her earlier this week and she said that she had already solved her own problem! I asked her today what she did, and she said that she used gemstones that she already owned, and they eliminated her problems. Specifically, she was using a small piece of black tourlamine on her laptop, and there were some other things she was using when she's out and about. Since I changed workplaces a month ago, I wanted to have her muscle test me on my EMF protection devices to see what combination would work best in the new workplace. I did NOT bring in the Rejuvenizers that I had been experimenting with last month, because I KNEW they would test badly. In fact, her EAV testing showed the results or using these -- stressed metabolism and nervous system. Plus further testing showed that my mercury load seemed to have shifted from my thyroid to my brain. As for the items I brought in, there were no real suprises there -- she recommended various combinations of Springlife Polarizers, Quantum Products, and Radar Cards. The other items I brought in were tested as being useless. Then she took out her tray of gemstones to test me on. I also tested strong on the black tourlamine, plus purple fluorite and hawk's eye. She gave me her purple fluorite, and I bought a black tourlamine at a local gemstore, so I'll try these out (in fact, I'm using the black tourlamine right now as I type this). She tested the combination of these two as being better than anything I've ever tried at work before, but we'll see about that... she's not ALWAYS right about such things, but she's right enough times to give her the benefit of the doubt... Marc |
...oh, I see that I mispelled Tourmaline in my last message:
Here's a page which shows what these look like: My nutritionist seemed to think it was important that I get a rough (not polished) one which came to a sort or jagged point, so that is what I bought. It does indeed seem to be protecting against EMF, and the one I bought only cost US$3.50 at a local mineral shop. Marc |
Hi all,
After a day of using tourmaline for EMF protection, I ended up with a severe case of allergies and cold-like symptoms. Of course, since that sort of thing is going around anyway, I cannot really make any conclusions as of yet. I do know that the Springlife Polarizers alleviate my allergies, so perhaps it was the mere absence of them being around. Anyway, I see that tourmaline emits far infrared radiation and negative ions, which makes it rather interesting: I've read elsewhere (somewhere) that far infrared is good for countering EMF problems, so that may be one reason why this works. Marc |
Dear members,
I kept it fit to my body for 1/2 day. In the evening I got a big micraine. I kept the bioguard all night and in the morning I felt ill like flu. Then I kept away from me the bioguard and again I tried to kept close to me it. Same reaction as above. Yestarday I went to my naturopat doctor and She tested me with SuperMora EAV. I'm positive about mercury and lead, much more less about Electrosensitivity (I'm keeping away myself from e-device and I got 5 SuperMora treatments for E-sensitivity). WHEN I TESTED AGAIN THE lead and mercury WITH the bioguard in my hand THE MEASURE WENT MUCH MORE DOWN (more desease). Marc, I specially interested in your feedbak on this. Daniele [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
>WHEN I TESTED AGAIN THE lead and mercury WITH the bioguard in my hand THE
>MEASURE WENT MUCH MORE DOWN (more desease). Does that mean you tested worse with the Bioguard in your hand than without? If so, I would not use it, and would instead use something that makes you test better. My EAV tester did a similar test with respect to mercury and some of her gemstones. One of the gemstones ("Hawk's Eye") made me test stronger with respect to mercury. I suspect that if she had tested me in this way with my Springlife Polarizers, I would have also tested stronger. Marc |
May I trying to use it with DMSA in order to chelate the metals mobilized and improve the symptoms ?!
----- Original Message ----- From: Marc Martin To: [hidden email] Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 4:29 PM Subject: Re: [eSens] Bioguard individual test >WHEN I TESTED AGAIN THE lead and mercury WITH the bioguard in my hand THE >MEASURE WENT MUCH MORE DOWN (more desease). Does that mean you tested worse with the Bioguard in your hand than without? If so, I would not use it, and would instead use something that makes you test better. My EAV tester did a similar test with respect to mercury and some of her gemstones. One of the gemstones ("Hawk's Eye") made me test stronger with respect to mercury. I suspect that if she had tested me in this way with my Springlife Polarizers, I would have also tested stronger. Marc Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Links a.. To visit your group on the web, go to: b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [hidden email] c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
> May I trying to use it with DMSA in order to chelate
> the metals mobilized and improve the symptoms ?! I suspect that for many, any use of mercury chelators will make symptoms worse! This is because I believe that for some (including me), ES symptoms are merely the symptoms caused by the EMF fields mobilizing mercury into our bloodstream. And since chelators also mobilize mercury into our bloodstream, this would just make the problem worse. If one could find a chelator that does not mobilize stored mercury from one's cells, but only attaches to already mobilized mercury in the bloodstream and then takes it out of the body via the urine or stools, then that would make one's symptoms better. So far, I've found that antioxidants and foods high in protein fall into this category. Anyone know of something else? Marc |
> If one could find a chelator that does not mobilize
> stored mercury from one's cells, but only attaches > to already mobilized mercury in the bloodstream > and then takes it out of the body via the urine > or stools, then that would make one's symptoms > better. So far, I've found that antioxidants > and foods high in protein fall into this category. > Anyone know of something else? Come to think of it, probiotics and sea vegetables may fall into this category as well. Marc |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
--- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote: > If one could find a chelator that does not mobilize > stored mercury from one's cells, but only attaches > to already mobilized mercury in the bloodstream > and then takes it out of the body via the urine > or stools, then that would make one's symptoms > better. So far, I've found that antioxidants > and foods high in protein fall into this category. > Anyone know of something else? I've read that bioavailable selenium provides protection against the effects of mercury by combining with it. The Hg is still in your body but has somehow been rendered less biointeractive. Some evidence suggests that their is still excretion, but it isn't on the same level as chelated Hg. Maybe this is a good complementary approach? Beau |
> I've read that bioavailable selenium provides protection against the
> effects of mercury by combining with it. Possibly... I just checked for foods which are high in selenium, and it appears that I'm getting that everyday (for me, it would come from grains, sea vegetables, and sunflower seeds, I would think). Brazil nuts are supposed to be the highest food in selenium. I should buy some and see if they do anything... Marc |
> I've read that bioavailable selenium provides protection against the
> effects of mercury by combining with it. My naturopath just came back from a conference, and the hot topic of the conference was the impact of selenium on mercury. Evidence shows that selenium can neutralize mercury, but there is also new evidence that once it neutralizes mercury, that the neutralized mercury can no longer be detoxed from our body. So they are debating whether having non-poisonous form of mercury stuck in body is okay. Glenn |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
DMSA is a extracellular chelator, so it works only at the bloodstream level. Coriander and ALA are INTRACELLULAR chelator and they able to pass the BBB. I suppose the Bioguard is INTRACELLULAR just as you say it mobilize metals in the bloodstream. I'm going to use the "every 4 hours" posology for DMSA and every 6 hours for C,A,B,E, minerals SOLGAR baby supplement. This avoid the danger of redistribution. P.S. Selenium make me very very nervous Daniele ----- Original Message ----- From: Marc Martin To: [hidden email] Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 4:29 PM Subject: Re: [eSens] chelating mercury & ES symptoms > May I trying to use it with DMSA in order to chelate > the metals mobilized and improve the symptoms ?! I suspect that for many, any use of mercury chelators will make symptoms worse! This is because I believe that for some (including me), ES symptoms are merely the symptoms caused by the EMF fields mobilizing mercury into our bloodstream. And since chelators also mobilize mercury into our bloodstream, this would just make the problem worse. If one could find a chelator that does not mobilize stored mercury from one's cells, but only attaches to already mobilized mercury in the bloodstream and then takes it out of the body via the urine or stools, then that would make one's symptoms better. So far, I've found that antioxidants and foods high in protein fall into this category. Anyone know of something else? Marc Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Links a.. To visit your group on the web, go to: b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [hidden email] c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
> DMSA is a extracellular chelator, so it works only at the bloodstream level.
Unfortunately, I don't believe any of that nonsense about chelators not getting through the blood-brain barrier. I've tried these chelators that aren't supposed to get through, and I've gotten brain fog, "swollen brain", memory loss, and pains in my head in less than an hour. I read somewhere that exposure to certain types of EMF will open up your blood brain barrier, which will let the toxins through that otherwise would not make it. And it appears that applies to chelators as well... Marc |
Hi, just thought I would join in on the mercury discussion! I think I have just managed to detox some mercury from my system, by default! I've had M.E. for 11 years and joined this group to get advice about EM radiation which I'm sensitive to. I also have a mercury problem....had my 4 fillings removed in 2001 but didn't follow any chelation protocol. My M.E. seemed to be triggered by a series of Hep B vaccinations (the vaccines contained theomersal which is a mercury substance). I suffer fatigue, digestive problems, mood swings, memory/concentration loss and sometimes confusion and occasionally get a metal taste in my mouth. Recently I started taking a supplement to help with mercury (it contains fish oils and various antioxidants). It also contains 100mgs of Alpha Lipoic Acid. I'm also taking selenium. I started getting mental confusion and the metal taste in my mouth came back big time. I also felt extremely irritable and angry and this all heightened on Wed and Thurs last week which doesn't surprise me coinciding with the full moon which always makes me feel much better or much worse (I also used a chi machine over these two days which is supposed to raise oxygen levels in the body). I then developed a cold (haven't had a cold for about 7 years!!) and during the cold my energy levels and brain symptoms improved loads (even though I felt 'ill' with cold symptoms). My energy levels at the moment are as if I don't have M.E. at all which completely amazes me and though my brain function has improved, it's still a bit up and down. I wonder though if the high amount of ALA (and perhaps selenium) started to chelate mercury out of my system. Also the chi machine may have's a bit confusing when you're trying different things to know which are having an effect. Sorry this is long, thanks for reading! Anne --- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote: > > DMSA is a extracellular chelator, so it works only at the bloodstream level. > > Unfortunately, I don't believe any of that nonsense about chelators not > getting through the blood-brain barrier. I've tried these chelators that > aren't supposed to get through, and I've gotten brain fog, "swollen brain", > memory loss, and pains in my head in less than an hour. > > I read somewhere that exposure to certain types of EMF will open up your > blood brain barrier, which will let the toxins through that otherwise > would not make it. And it appears that applies to chelators as well... > > Marc |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
If you are using 100mg of ALA, you are likely chelating a fair amount of
mercury. I have seen stats that show that a person can chelate .5% of brain mercury per day on ALA on frequent dose protocol. Since it was 2001 when you had your amalgams removed, this likely has given your body time to naturally detox much of the bulk of the mercury. ALA is usually used at the 2nd half of a detox, to cleanup past blood brain barrier. Your schedule seems to match in that you are on 2nd half of detox. So it all seems fitting what you are doing. Many suggest taking an extensive set of vitamins/minerals/antioxidants to help your body cope with mercury release. I have a specific list of vitamins if you are interested. One thing I've noticed is that many people seems to experience a whole series of symptoms, some reducing over time, and new ones popping up. Sometimes this can be due to multiple issues due to mercury (eg. Brain fog, hypothyroid, ES). So one problem starts to get better, and another surfaces as the dominant symptom. So as long as you are able to function & cope with symptoms, you are doing well. Glenn ----Original Message Follows---- From: "Anne" <[hidden email]> Reply-To: [hidden email] To: [hidden email] Subject: [eSens] Re: chelating mercury & ES symptoms Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2004 16:56:33 -0000 Hi, just thought I would join in on the mercury discussion! I think I have just managed to detox some mercury from my system, by default! I've had M.E. for 11 years and joined this group to get advice about EM radiation which I'm sensitive to. I also have a mercury problem....had my 4 fillings removed in 2001 but didn't follow any chelation protocol. My M.E. seemed to be triggered by a series of Hep B vaccinations (the vaccines contained theomersal which is a mercury substance). I suffer fatigue, digestive problems, mood swings, memory/concentration loss and sometimes confusion and occasionally get a metal taste in my mouth. Recently I started taking a supplement to help with mercury (it contains fish oils and various antioxidants). It also contains 100mgs of Alpha Lipoic Acid. I'm also taking selenium. I started getting mental confusion and the metal taste in my mouth came back big time. I also felt extremely irritable and angry and this all heightened on Wed and Thurs last week which doesn't surprise me coinciding with the full moon which always makes me feel much better or much worse (I also used a chi machine over these two days which is supposed to raise oxygen levels in the body). I then developed a cold (haven't had a cold for about 7 years!!) and during the cold my energy levels and brain symptoms improved loads (even though I felt 'ill' with cold symptoms). My energy levels at the moment are as if I don't have M.E. at all which completely amazes me and though my brain function has improved, it's still a bit up and down. I wonder though if the high amount of ALA (and perhaps selenium) started to chelate mercury out of my system. Also the chi machine may have's a bit confusing when you're trying different things to know which are having an effect. Sorry this is long, thanks for reading! Anne --- In [hidden email], Marc Martin <marc@u...> wrote: > > DMSA is a extracellular chelator, so it works only at the bloodstream level. > > Unfortunately, I don't believe any of that nonsense about chelators not > getting through the blood-brain barrier. I've tried these chelators that > aren't supposed to get through, and I've gotten brain fog, "swollen brain", > memory loss, and pains in my head in less than an hour. > > I read somewhere that exposure to certain types of EMF will open up your > blood brain barrier, which will let the toxins through that otherwise > would not make it. And it appears that applies to chelators as well... > > Marc |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
I too have read that cell phone and tower radiation (EMR) opens up the
blood-brain barrier. Andrew On Nov 3, 2004, at 10:29 AM, Marc Martin wrote: > >> DMSA is a extracellular chelator, so it works only at the bloodstream >> level. > > Unfortunately, I don't believe any of that nonsense about chelators not > getting through the blood-brain barrier. I've tried these chelators > that > aren't supposed to get through, and I've gotten brain fog, "swollen > brain", > memory loss, and pains in my head in less than an hour. > > I read somewhere that exposure to certain types of EMF will open up > your > blood brain barrier, which will let the toxins through that otherwise > would not make it. And it appears that applies to chelators as well... > > Marc > > > > > Yahoo! Groups Links > > > > > > > |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
>Unfortunately, I don't believe any of that nonsense about chelators not
>getting through the blood-brain barrier. I've tried these chelators that >aren't supposed to get through, and I've gotten brain fog, "swollen brain", >memory loss, and pains in my head in less than an hour. The symptoms may have been redistribution of mercury and not the chelator itself. Glenn |
> The symptoms may have been redistribution of mercury and not the chelator
> itself. That was my point -- chelators are supposed to bind and take mercury out of your body, but instead I often find that they simply redistribute the mercury, causing lots of adverse symptoms. And often there seems to be no barrier to my brain... Marc |
what DMSA dose did you used when you tried it? (time and dose) Daniele ----- Original Message ----- From: Marc Martin To: [hidden email] Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:19 PM Subject: Re: [eSens] chelating mercury & ES symptoms > The symptoms may have been redistribution of mercury and not the chelator > itself. That was my point -- chelators are supposed to bind and take mercury out of your body, but instead I often find that they simply redistribute the mercury, causing lots of adverse symptoms. And often there seems to be no barrier to my brain... Marc Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ADVERTISEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Links a.. To visit your group on the web, go to: b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [hidden email] c.. Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] |
>what DMSA dose did you used when you tried it? (time and dose)
Energetically, I tested badly for DMSA, so I've never taken it. I have however tried just a tiny amount of calcium disodium EDTA, which is not supposed to go through the blood-brain barrier, and had adverse symptoms in my head for the next day. Marc |
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