All, I saw this ws posted in 2012, but wanted to bring it up as I just discovered this book written by Gary Patera about his wife's illness with MCS (twice) and later both MCS with EMF. While the book is not perfect I think it has some really great things people can try.
He says she is still healed as of 2019 from 2010. He says it took about 9 months to heal using the various methods in the book. Check out the "Look Inside" option to view some pages on Amazon. I am currently doing NAET with promising results.. Appointment 3 will be this week. Something good seems to be happening. I found it interesting that he believes CranioSacral therapy was perhaps the most effective treatment. I had stumbled upon that searching on my own and his rave review made me think I should actually try that in conjunction with NAET. He has good information, although a bit scattered. The best part of this book is that I really believe there is no real cure, but now I have some hope to have wellness. Of course I accept and believe I have to avoid RF for the rest of my life... perhaps I can at least go to an appointment or a store and not be covered up like Cousin IT or a grieving widow. :) To wellness for us all!!!! |
On March 1, Elle [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I found it interesting that he believes CranioSacral therapy was > perhaps the most effective treatment. I had stumbled upon that > searching on my own and his rave review made me think I should actually > try that in conjunction with NAET. You know, I've tried CranioSacral therapy, and as far as I could tell, it was doing nothing. Same for NAET. Although I've been long convinced that my issues have been heavy-metal related, and doing things to address that *have* been helpful to me. Marc |
Hi, Marc,
Thanks for the reply. I was just given a heavy metal test last week by an MD who used EDTA in an IV and oral Chelax pills. I collected the urine over 6 hours and now I wait for the result. Not so sure I will be happy about learning the answer. I am pretty sure I have them. Now the hard part will be removing them safely. I have been using the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Jinna recommends. Any insight into what works well for you to detox heavy metals? Thanks! |
On March 2, Elle [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I have been using the Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Jinna recommends. > > Any insight into what works well for you to detox heavy metals? There are lots of things that people claim helps them with detoxing heavy metals. Although some people who have a really bad case of it may find that they have extreme adverse reactions to many (or all) of them. Or you may find that one method works better for you than others, for no obvious reason, even if you read something somewhere else that there are better options. I took NDF from BioRay for many years, and that seemed to work pretty well for me, although it did not eliminate the problem altogether. I also tried "The Andy Cutler" protocol using alpha lipoic acid for a couple years, although I think that turned out to be a waste of time, and was arguably worse than when I started. Some rave about ionic foot baths, but I had a "backfire" with that and that made me much worse, very quickly. Chlorellla is a popular suggestion from alternative doctors, but I've had mixed results with taking chlorella tablets, although some of these have turned out to be contaminated to begin with, plus there are different varieties of chlorella -- my favorite is the one I'm taking currently, "Clean Chlorella" from the Health Ranger. Then there are the sulfur-based chelators, DMPS, DMSA, OSR, etc. I don't seem to do well with any of these. Me and high-sulfur don't seem to get along well. QuickSilver Scientific has something called IMD which is an intestinal binder, which is a bit strong for me (other than very tiny amounts). There is a more diluted version from BioPure called "Metal Sweep" which I personally prefer (although it has the same active ingredient). Some people like the liquid zeolite products, like TRS, however every zeolite product I've tried has caused me adverse reactions. You can also take activated charcoal or bentonite clay, but this seems to deplete my good minerals as well and then I end up with muscle cramps. So really, on the whole, attempting to detox metals is certainly not without its risks. Although there have been a few good things that I do well with, e.g. NDF, Metal Sweep, Clean Chlorella. Also, you might want to look at the company Quicksilver Scientific in general, as this is a newer company that wasn't around when I did most of my detox, and I've seen people say good things about their methods. Marc |
Also, if you can tolerate that heavy metal detox smoothie and you think it might be helping, I'd consider just doing that for now feeling fortunate you found something that works without much effort. :-)
Marc |
Wow! You have tried a LOT! I really appreciate the reviews and feedback.
This is such a crazy thing and I feel like it's a never ending loop at times. Are you well enough to be out in the world and if so do you have any exposure to 5G? That scares the 'you know what' out of me. |
Yes, I've accumulated enough "workarounds" over the years that I can go out and do most things. Occasionally there is a store that I cannot handle being in, but since it used to be that I could not stand to be in *any* store, it's still a vast improvement.
As to 5G, I believe T-Mobile's 5G is already deployed almost everywhere, and I don't think I notice it. The neighbor's wi-fi and smart meters are by far the bigger issue. Marc |
That's great that you are able to go places. Currently to go to any appointments I have to be covered in protective clothing and use Aaronia shield as a veil over my hat. I feel like Cousin It or some grieving widow, but ever stranger looking. :(
Otherwise I have terrible head pain, terrible inflammation which can be a delayed effect and start losing oxygen from clumpy red blood cells which leads to cognitive decline. |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Nice you are doing the HMDS!!! It was by far the easiest ones of all chelations I did too.
Today I tried to take just the barley grass juice powder and the barley grass powder, to compare each other. I ended up taking 2 teaspoons one after another and I have to say, it DID make something to my brain!!! I did not know they could be so nourishing and intense, as I always take it WITH the rest of the smoothie. I wonder what others would say about barley grass (juice) powder... A couple of hours later, I felt like a stinging pain inside my brain, and I wonder if it came from the barley grass?... Anyway, just wanted to tell you many people cannot take the HMDS, either because of cilantro or Hawaii spirulina. They over react to it. Anthony William suggested parsley as alternative to cilantro leaves. He said parsley helps with aluminum a lot and it's milder than cilantro. As for spirulina, he suggested then peppermint tea. He said peppermint chelates heavy metals mildly too. As for NAET, I know many people who used to swear by it. I do think I did something similar, but not exactly, because I could cancel many of my allergies, one by one. The only problem with NAET and similar dissensitization techniques is that the allergies start rotating. You get new allergies, and in the end, even the ones NAET could 'erase' come back again. In my opinion, there is a problem with the food, that causes allergies or inflammation such as eggs, dairy, gluten, GMOs such as soy, corn (even when they become organic, if the body knows GMOs, it will react with the organic one).... I did not know that foods that are known to cause allergies are in fact, the foods that pathogens eat. At least, that's what Anthony says... Whatever you believe, if you do NAET but keep on the allergenic foods, NAET won't solve the allergy problem. That's what I think. NAET is a rather old technique, so there are hundreds of people who shared their experiences. I think if guys have just problem with ONE or a few foods, fine. But if you were like me, with dozens of food allergies and many increasing with the time, NAET won't work long term. I just tell you what I heard from other people. If NAET was the real solution long term for problems such as Master Cell Activation Disorder, believe me, we would know. It doesn't solve MCAD either, because these are the serious cases, the guys that react to everything almost.... |
As for cranio sacral, it seems to still be popular here in Europe too.
Dr Klinghardt says it is one of the few techniques that still help patients. But as with everything, you got to find a good practitioner! Cranio sacral is known to stop crying babies to keep crying. It seems to be a very efficient technique, for what I heard. Good luck! |
Thanks, Jinna. The Heavy Metal Smoothie is by far the easiest thing so far for me to tolerate.
Thank you for that! I was starting to feel a bit stronger but my poor fiancé who has all the burden to shop and go out in the world got Type A Influenza and it was highly contagious per the doctor. Of course, I got it last week and have been suffering to eat and get the fever down. Now poof, no appetite and feeling so awful. I have been taking Vitamin C at least 500 mg every 2-3 hours and elderberry syrup 2-3x a day. Lots of fluids and aspirin as needed. Any flu killer advice? Thanks! |
On March 9, Elle [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Any flu killer advice? You might want to look into Lauricidin / Monolaurin as an antiviral. Some might also recommend colloidal silver, but I'm pretty sure that would be considered a last resort for people who are metal toxic (extended colloidal silver makes my ES worse) Marc |
In reply to this post by Elle
Elle, this may not be of help to you at the moment, but I began taking 5,000 IUs Vit D3 once a day seven years ago. I have not had a cold, flu, sinus infection, or sore throat in the past 7 years. I use only soft capsules in an org. olive oil base with a
meal that has oil in it avoiding all vits and minerals in vegetable or soy oil base. Three of my adult children began to take the same several years ago, and all report not having any of the above mentioned bugs since then either. Hope you feel better soon!
From: Elle [via ES] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2020 6:06 PM To: Fog Top <[hidden email]> Subject: [ES] Re: Healing Severe Chemical and EMF Sensitivity - Book Thanks, Jinna. The Heavy Metal Smoothie is by far the easiest thing so far for me to tolerate.
Thank you for that! I was starting to feel a bit stronger but my poor fiancé who has all the burden to shop and go out in the world got Type A Influenza and it was highly contagious per the doctor. Of course, I got it last week and have been suffering to eat and get the fever down. Now poof, no appetite and feeling so awful. I have been taking Vitamin C at least 500 mg every 2-3 hours and elderberry syrup 2-3x a day. Lots of fluids and aspirin as needed. Any flu killer advice? Thanks! If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
On March 9, Fog Top [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Elle, this may not be of help to you at the moment, but I began taking > 5,000 IUs Vit D3 once a day seven years ago. I Oh yeah, Vitamin D is also recommended to prevent an overreaction of your immune system to the flu, which is what can sometimes make the flu lethal. Unfortunately, I've found that Vitamin D causes me hearing loss (like immediate/same day), so I'm no longer taking 5000 IU per day as I once did. Seems like 500 - 1000 IU per day doesn't impact my hearing. Also you're supposed to balance Vitamin D intake with Vitamin K2. Marc |
"Unfortunately, I've found that Vitamin D causes me hearing loss (like immediate/same day), so I'm no longer taking 5000 IU per day as I once did. Seems like 500 - 1000 IU per day doesn't impact my hearing. Also you're supposed to balance Vitamin D intake
with Vitamin K2...
Thanks for mentioning that, Marc. I have had a hearing loss in the past few years! I'd rather have the flu than lose my hearing. I'm going to look for a lower dosage. Did your hearing return after lowering your dosage?
From: Marc Martin [via ES] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, March 9, 2020 7:10 PM To: Fog Top <[hidden email]> Subject: [ES] Re: Healing Severe Chemical and EMF Sensitivity - Book On March 9, Fog Top [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Elle, this may not be of help to you at the moment, but I began taking > 5,000 IUs Vit D3 once a day seven years ago. I Oh yeah, Vitamin D is also recommended to prevent an overreaction of your immune system to the flu, which is what can sometimes make the flu lethal. Unfortunately, I've found that Vitamin D causes me hearing loss (like immediate/same day), so I'm no longer taking 5000 IU per day as I once did. Seems like 500 - 1000 IU per day doesn't impact my hearing. Also you're supposed to balance Vitamin D intake with Vitamin K2. Marc If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
On March 9, Fog Top [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thanks for mentioning that, Marc. I have had a hearing loss in the > past few years! I'd rather have the flu than lose my hearing. I'm going > to look for a lower dosage. Did your hearing return after lowering your > dosage? My hearing has not totally returned, but I can certainly tell the difference between taking 5000 IU per day and not taking any at all. As there is a pretty quick dropoff / return (otherwise I would have never noticed this). Also, my hearing seems to improve when I'm outside in the sun, so I probably should try to get as much of my Vitamin D from that -- maybe even try a Vitamin D UV light sometime. As supplementing with Vitamin D appears to have some significant differences to getting it from the sun (at least for me). Marc |
I do think my Vitamin D problems are part of an overall calcium problem -- not enough calcium in some parts of my body, too much calcium in other parts. Possibly exacerbated by EMF. That is why people take Vitamin K2, which I am, although maybe I'm not taking enough?
Marc |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Elle, sorry about your flu....
I wonder if you don't have the corona? If you do, you may listen to dr K. He's in this video here: His suggestions are vit C or liposomal Vit C 2gr day (I take much more than that though....), or IV Vit C. Herbs that help: main one is Andrographis, the others are calendula, licorice, skullcap (I suppose it's Chinese Skullcap, only the root though), rosemary, artemisia annua and dandelion. Vit D3 as supportive as you are already taking. Anthony William says we all have enough Vit D3 if we take sun even sporadically. The problem is that the liver is too busy doing other things and forget to release D3. So he recommends super tiny doses of Vit D3, so that the liver will be reminded about, and release a much better vit D3 than store bought. If you take an overdose, like many suggest, the liver will stop delivering its own D3, because it will think there is too much already. Marc, as for calcium, this is one of the most known topics involving all body systems: like veins, arteries, thyroid, glands, joints, etc.... Eating dairy products (any dairy, from any animal) brings the bad calcium to the body, as all dairy is extremely acidic. The body does not know what to do with that calcium, so it will liberate its own calcium from bones, etc, to sort of 'cancel' that bad calcium alkalinizing it, so that it does not harm the body (that is my understanding of the problem). There are some doctors who support this view. Just look what happened in all Asian countries that did not have a lot of osteoporosis before introduction of dairy from the West. Countries where dairy colonized now have a similar osteoporosis rate than the West, while before introduction of milk products, Asians were in MUCH better shape. They loose good bone calcium now, like in the West. But not all bad calcium is lost (if one's been eating dairy during the years), and some will deposit inside wrong places such as veins.. Anyway, another way to get the wrong calcium deposits seems to be by letting chronic infections develop. This is according to Anthony William: the body tries to encircle viruses and other bacterial agents with a cap made of calcium, to sort of contain spread of the pathogens. that's what make thyroid cysts or many other cysts in the body, he said. I know that I had something that I think medical doctors call granuloma inside my jawbones, under infected teeth. The surgeon showed me: he scooped it out like a ball, about 5mm of size (big!!), a bit hard on the surface. My doctor was there and said this was a concentration of infection... I feel the body builds these protections around wounds/ infections to prevent spreading, but we all know pathogens know how to go around this simple mechanism of protection. So says Anthony too.. Crazy thing about hearing. I wonder what happened.... |
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
I don't get to ES Forum online often but some messages are emailed to me. Some of the messages you talked about Vitamin D3 and how it affected your hearing. And reading that news saved my sanity. I've been taking D3 for some time and it didn't happen right away but recently I've had this horrible roaring in my head and some loss of hearing. I read somewhere you can take more than a suggested dose of that vitamin and still be safe. So I was taking D3 (as cholecalciferol) 10,000 IU. Today I didn't take any Vitamin D3 and the roaring in my head is gone! I am just so thankful for your message (not intended for me though) on ES Forum regards your experience with Vitamin D3 and your hearing loss or diminished hearing.
The last time I ordered supplements I inadvertently ordered Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) but it's 50mcg (2,000IU), purportedly the D3 are made with cultured nutrients, fruits and vegetables. So I'll wait a while and try them but in the meantime, THANKS AGAIN, MARC!
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
Interesting! So that's maybe 2 people here who have noticed this.
I wonder if Vitamin D2 has this same issue? I have not tried this. I know that being in the sun doesn't appear to cause me any issues, and in fact seems to make my hearing better. Marc |
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