I come across anecdotes like this https://www.bitchute.com/video/YVfQribXCEsX/ And then you see reports of patients asking the docs for vaccines as they are dying.. This is something that has created alot of tension for me being in Northern California and worry about the short term and long term numerological effects of the vaccine as well as getting covid again I got it December 2020 and worry about getting these new variants.I hear Doctors saying natural immunity lasts only for a few months.I have a hard time finding good data as long-term effects are unknown Thank You |
Here is my view, for what it's worth.
I am someone who is highly intolerant to modern life. I hate EMFs, hate wireless. I can't even use most types of light bulbs because I'm too sensitive. Same with foods, odors, fabrics, the list goes on. I'm 100% organic. But as for vaccines, well, I don't like them, because they contain unnatural additives like PEGs that are carcinogenic, which is why I don't have regular vaccines. I actually think flu vaccines are very concerning and from what I can tell they do no real good, possibly all about money. Nevertheless, when you're facing a deadly virus pandemic that has killed a large number of people, like we are, I worry less about the "trivial" things. My view is that sometimes a small bit of harm is better than a big threat. In this case, receiving a small amount of carcinogenic preservative in a vaccine (perhaps the same as if you ate some junk food) is the "lesser of two evils". I don't know how this will be viewed here, but for the record I am also a Christian and I try to listen to what the Lord tells me. When I heard of the Covid vaccine, I was fearful, because I don't normally take anything like that. But I was prompted by the Lord to take it, so I obeyed in faith. That's not to say He wants everyone to take it, but He did with me. My immune system is not good and I'm very sensitive to things and easily get ill. But we are all different and have different biology. So I took the jab (Pfizer, in my case, both shots). It was fine, and I am now so glad I took it as I feel protected. I live in an area with a large amount of Covid, and this summer, I've found myself increasingly surrounded by strangers, many of whom will have Covid. It is great to know I have protection. I don't think people should really be worrying about 1 or 2 shots of this thing, as an emergency measure. Though as for having a vaccine repeatedly, year after year, I would find that more concerning as that would be more like regular intake of unnatural materials. But I really think the most serious threat to human health right now is EMFs. I think it's an invisible time bomb, slowly hurting and killing people. That is something to be most concerned about. |
In reply to this post by dtesh85
You may want to think about joining Gab, if you haven't already, a social network. There are groups on there that post information regarding all things health, life and living. Here's a couple:
https://gab.com/groups/4234 https://gab.com/groups/4989 https://gab.com/groups/39 I think you can read the posts (gabs) but in order to post anything you will have to join the group. That's how I understand it anyway! I would never be injected with anything! I was a long time ago when I had no choice in the matter! This covid thing and offshoots of it, it's not a virus and not a vaccine, it's the flu and gene therapy technology. Watch Dr. David Martin's videos and videos by Dr. Sherri Tenpenney and there are many others. For myself I believe there's a connection between the gene therapy technology and electromagnetic frequencies, 5G and now they're talking 6G. ![]()
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
In reply to this post by dtesh85
i dont understand how we could allow this virus to linger for nearly 2 years now.
am i crazy, or would a COMPLETE shutdown be a decent solution to the problem? Like...no one do much or go anywhere for a good 2 months. Had we done that from the beginning, perhaps we'd have better control of things....unless....there's something else to the story. But when would a complete shutdown be necessary? Is it legal? I'd rather sacrifice a few months of freedom than to go two years dodging people and wearing masks.,,,and still trying to find truth. |
Hey! Firstly I want to say I am not an expert nor any kind of a medical person but I do possess common sense and not much afraid of anything. Losing my purse, sometimes I'm afraid of losing my purse!😄 What I'm sharing is coming from what I've learned from others and I tend to follow their opinions and beliefs and suggestions.
Okay! This covid is, if it's anything, is just the flu. How many years now have we been aware of THE FLU and we get it or we don't and we get better and our immune system has gained in immunity. Wearing a mask is more detrimental to your health than not wearing one. One of the doctors whom I listen to says there are millions upon millions of viruses floating around in the air ALL THE TIME. Those aren't his exact words but close. You can find images and graphics of the size of a 'virus' compared to the size of the openings between the material in a mask. As for the 'vaccination', it's not a vaccination against anything, it's gene therapy technology, it alters your DNA, the DNA you were born with. ![]() The image shows information as of July 2021 I don't and won't wear a mask. I don't and won't get their gene therapy technology pumped into my body. But sadly electromagnetic frequencies have already altered my DNA. That's another reason I haven't gotten any injections thinking it further lays ruin to my body. Stop with the FEAR! That's what the powers that be want, they want you to be afraid, don't be! It's only the flu. Stop watching and listening to mainstream media. There are lots and lots of independent investigative journalists and independent news organizations who share factual information, NOT distorted and spun for whatever reason. There's tons more information I've accumulated and could share. If you read this and want to know more or want links to further information I'm more than happy to share.
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
Yes but how do we explain those on the right in red states who spoke out against the vaccine and then ended up dying from Covid asking docs for the vaccine on their death beds?
I don't know that that happened. Did you get that information from mainstream media news?
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
In reply to this post by dtesh85
![]() Sharing this from a post.
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
Hmmm. Following the recommendation here, I checked out Dr. David Martin's allegations that the Covid vaccine is a hoax.
With respect, I don't buy what he's saying. This man seems like a sensationalist scaremonger who compares getting the vaccine to "being enslaved". This kind of language betrays a vivid imagination, rather than scientific expertise, IMHO. He claims: "Covid isn't a disease, it's merely a collection of symptoms" But it is a recognized virus which is why we are able to create the vaccine to emulate its specific configuration. He claims "Not everyone who carries it gets sick" That's true of many virus or illness. Doesn't mean it isn't killing vulnerable people. He claims The vaccine isn't fully tested, therefore it's bad That isn't logical. Sure, it might be that the vaccine is somehow harmful, that doesn't mean it is bad. We are taking a controlled risk - sometimes a slight risk CAN outweigh the results of not doing so. It has been weighed up by the medical experts, who are injecting this stuff into themselves and their own families. He claims There's no new virus killing pepole, it's just basically the same old flu. But we do know that large number of people have been dying from this, and hospitals have been full. This is not something that happens year in, year out, this is something new and different that has been crippling the healthcare system over the past 18 months. He calls the vaccine "toxic", because it causes parts of the virus to be released inside our bodies. But that's no different to any vaccine. The idea is that we give ourselves a bit of something bad in order to develop immunity to it. Calling it "toxic", to me, seems like sensationalist language. He claims Statistics are being misrepresented or falsified in order to push the vaccine, all for the purpose of profit. That might well be true. I do not trust the pharmaceutical industry, or modern safety standards, and there definitely is a lot of corruption and monkey-making involved in it. So I can well imagine statistics being exaggerated for profit. But none of this warrants the vaccine being treated as though it's harmful or sinister, or intended to "enslave" people! He claims The vaccine can alter people's genetic codes ("I am not going to let anybody have the opportunity to manipulate my genetic code.") But no, m-RNA does not enter the nucleus and does not have the ability to change our DNA, it merely gives instructions to build safe copies of the tip of the virus (known as 'spike' proteins). These get released out of the cell, and antibodies are then naturally formed by the body, as normal, to neutralise the unknown proteins. So the antibodies are fine, all natural. The 'spike proteins' also seem fine, only a copy of a small bit of the virus. IMHO this would actually seem much better than traditional vaccines which deliver the whole virus. Let me conclude by saying I'm sure Dr Martin believes what he is claiming. But individuals can be wrong, even delusional. And while the pharmaceutical industry is accused of having misguided or ulterior motivations, so too can conspiracy theorists. There can be certain amount of ego and personal glory involved in being "smart enough to see through the lies" and setting oneself up as a hero who exposes such conspiracies. That's not to say that all conspiracy theorists are wrong or bad, but just to note that some men thrive on finding and promoting exciting scandal where there actually is none. Whether or not the vaccine is somehow flawed, I have seen interviews with several of the leading scientists involved in its development, and these people strike me as sincere, normal people, just trying to help society. They do not come across to me as conspirators in some evil plot to "enslave mankind", or notions to that effect. Nor do I think it would even be plausible for such a conspiracy to be carried out at such a scale involving so many individuals. |
Thank you, John Jones. I'm not here to argue or debate the issue. I was merely sharing what I've learned. That's great you listened to Dr. Martin and able to arrive at your own conclusions. This is possibly not the platform to share information regarding anything other than electric sensitivity.
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
Not my thread topic! : - )
Is there any evidence that the vaccine will make one emf sensitive?
Thank You |
> Is there any evidence that the vaccine will make one emf sensitive?
I haven't seen that on the ES Facebook group. Although I'm not sure how many people have actually gotten it there... |
Appreciate it marc,
Do you think the risk of the unknown vaccine effects few years does the road is greater than getting the virus itself? Thanks |
> Do you think the risk of the unknown vaccine effects few years does the road
> is greater than getting the virus itself? I don't know... too early to say... certainly a lot has been speculated on longterm problems, but it would take longterm studies to confirm or deny that. Meanwhile, if one is relatively young and healthy, the risks from the virus itself seem quite low. |
In reply to this post by dtesh85
I realize you didn't ask for this information but I feel here is a good place to share it.😊
DR. MICHAEL MCDOWELL - EXPLAINS SARSCOV2 - BIOWEAPON AGENDA https://www.bitchute.com/video/pz1NQGjo9SSl/ It would be great if the video could play here on the forum. I hope people will watch it!
Kay Today is a good day for a good day! |
Seems true that affects of the virus are being underreported.Its seem challenging to get good data as it seems most are ok with the vaccine,though not everyone
Seems that Delta can mess someone up short term and lead to long haul chronic fatigue in about 10% of the cases long term I don't believe it's just a flu. The Spanish flu left 1 in 5 with long term post viral fatigue Long term effects of vaccine seem to be unknown as well which seems to make decision making for me more complex |
Anyone else here get the vaccine?
In reply to this post by dtesh85
Informative report on this vax on Mercola's website today with video of highly credentialed Dr. McCullogh warning against it.
Because of government censorship and threats, Mercola's articles will remain for only 48 hours after posting, so must be watched/read within that timeframe, or may be mirrored elsewhere. Link is below summary: Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist who warns that COVID-19 vaccines not only are failing but are putting lives at risk  McCullough believes if the proper safety boards had been in place, the COVID-19 vaccine program would have been shut down in February 2021 based on safety and risk of death  By January 22, 2021, 186 deaths had been reported after COVID-19 vaccination — more than enough to reach the mortality signal of concern  In his practice, McCullough is seeing an array of neurologic syndromes in people who’ve been vaccinated, with symptoms including blindness, paralysis, diculty swallowing, headaches, ringing in the ears, myocarditis and more  McCullough also mentions antigenic, or immune, escape, which he believes is driving the creation of COVID-19 variants and making the pandemic worse instead of better https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/09/10/perspectives-on-the-pandemic-with-dr-peter-mccullough.aspx?ui=60bf0ecad3982d748bba6e290277d6ce7htt263be3ef6f90a2ead6fd182193a05e5&sd=20140809&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20210910_HL2&mid=DM989218&rid=1260322282 |
Good find Fogtop .
I age with McCullough that there needs to be better safety boards It still seems that the majority of covid deaths are in the unvaccinated though.Perhaps this isn't a conspiracy |
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