watermelon/ www.ascendpress.org

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watermelon/ www.ascendpress.org



Various spiritual sources suggest watermelon. It flushes intestines,
kidney and liver. Advice from mother earth: eat one a week for six
weeks. Keeps Ph more neutral then substitute, which are grapes. In
season during all stages of ascension/purification. Article on
nutrition disease and ascencion recommended for all. Personally I
have done the intentions of various channelings and experienced a
strong reaction to it. Have been getting rid of some stuff. They
suggest that problems may occur when ascencion is attempted in
electrical rather than magnetic manner. The history seems long ago
far away, but i begin to think they are right on. (see thought form
behind disease).

Karma clearing is changing though forms, breaking karmic programs.

On the website on ascencion www.ascendpress.org there are many
helpful articles. Try and read it, hope people do not dismiss all of
it because parts are hard to believe. The site has helped get rid of
stuff that was not Light.
