I suffer from electrosensitivity and I sleep in a room isolated with carbon coating. I decided to travel with my family and stayed in a hotel room with several Wi-Fi networks. On the first day, I felt very scared and felt tired, dizzy and my heart rate accelerated. I decided to face the problem and ignore those symptoms and tried to sleep and slept with difficulty and I had no other choice. On the second day, I no longer felt any symptoms and stayed in the hotel for 5 days and then returned from traveling. I began to wonder what happened? It seems to me that the human body adapts to exposure to radiation, but after a day or two. Now I travel and stay in any hotel and I feel tired on the first day, but the rest of the days the symptoms of electrosensitivity disappear. I would like to share my experience with you. |
I find that to happen sometimes... bad on day one, then better on following days. For example, when I buy a new TV set I've seen that happen.
But with different exposures, it could also just remain just as bad from one day to the next, and probably you feel progressively worse because you haven't yet recovered from the previous days exposure. |
In reply to this post by secra4
Not feeling the immediate effects doesn't mean you are not harmed. The chronique fatigie, insomnia, and bladder stones will come later if you continue doing that. I personally preffer my full body suit whenever going out. You can see it here https://www.youtube.com/@Torito1774/shorts
In reply to this post by secra4
That's very interesting. I've noticed that my sensitivity increases when I reduce my exposure to EMFs. Your experience suggests that the reverse may also be true - that if I gradually increase my exposure, so long as it remains fairly stable from one day to the next, I may be able to reduce my sensitivity.
It might be true to a certain point. My sensitivity also icreased by shielding my home and body. It'a like when I was a smoker and stoped smoking for a few weeks, the first cigarette would make me dizzy. Or when I quit drinking alcohol, the same thing happened with my first drink after a while. But don't forget that your sensitivity is due to too much exposure to EMF, not for less. If you had less in the past you wouldn't develope the EHS in the first place. Being able to feel the EMFs is rather a blessing than a curse on the long run. Your body tells you to stop exposing yourself to unnecessary poison. And if you listen to it you will be able to avouid cancer or leukemia in the future, so it's your choice. I also remind you that the EHS only worsens with the time and the symptoms will eventually become unbearable to the point of commiting suicide. Please read this book, testimony of 400 EHS people so you better understand what you are up against
BLACK ON WHITE VOICES AND WITNESSES ABOUT ELECTRO-HYPERSENSITIVITY THE SWEDISH EXPERIENCE https://einarflydal.com/sdm_downloads/granlund-lind-r-lind-j-black-on-white-voices-and-witnesses-about-electrohypersensitivity-2005/ Also read Forced to disconnect by Gunilla Ladberg https://beingelectrosensitive.blogspot.com/2016/08/forced-to-disconnect_20.html |
In reply to this post by secra4
I have noticed that when I'm out of my daily routine and very busy doing something like traveling or having a houseful of company I tend to not notice EMF as much as I would if left in a normal relaxed state.
However, I have also experienced renting a hotel room where walking down the hallway immediately felt awful as did the room so that I canceled my stay. EMF meters showed high gauss (magnetic field), RF and electric fields. I have a friend who says she became ES from an extended stay in a hotel room. During my last 2-day hotel stay there was a weak Wifi signal, no cell towers or other wireless that I could detect and I felt OK and slept well. |
In reply to this post by mrtb
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your concern.
Whilst I accept that EMFs are harmful for everyone, they are a lot more harmful for people who have ES. Our bodies react to EMFs in many ways which damage our health. This damage greatly exceeds the damage caused by EMFs to people who are not sensitive. I, like many people with ES, am unable to reduce my exposure to a level where I no longer experience any symptoms. This is despite my doing everything possible, including moving house and using protective paint and clothing etc. I don’t feel that, by reducing my exposure, my health is better protected than that of people who have average levels of exposure, but do not have ES. This why I’m keen to reduce the level of my sensitivity, and am prepared to do this by gradually increasing the level of my exposure, if this is likely to be effective. You say that I developed ES because I was exposed to high levels of EMFs. However, the levels of EMFs I was exposed to were no more than “average”. I think the main causes, for me, were high mercury toxicity (caused by eating a lot of fish) combined with an overly sensitive immune system (I have M.E.) I have had multiple chemical sensitivity and food intolerances for many years. I feel that high stress levels have been a major factor in all my health problems. I know there are lots of depressing statistics and case studies about people with ES. But there are also lots of positive stories about people who have experienced significant improvements in their symptoms and, even full recovery. (2 of these have been posted on this Forum recently) The past few years have seen a big increase in our understanding of effective treatments for ES. Some of these are physical (eg. earthing, red light therapy and detoxing) and some are psychological (eg DNRS) I think there are lots of reasons to feel optimistic about the future. |
In reply to this post by mrtb
> Not feeling the immediate effects doesn't mean you are not harmed.
> The chronique fatigie, insomnia, and bladder stones will come later if you continue doing that. Well no, not if you do enough correct things to compensate, or to get better. My ES was at it's absolute worst 25 years ago, and I couldn't hardly go anywhere or do anything. Now I live a pretty much normal life, in a major city. Certainly I do what I can to lower exposure in environments I have control over, but it's not like I've been forced to go live in a cabin in the woods with no electricity. and no chronic fatigue, insomnia, or bladder stones (although I had chronic fatigue 25 years ago, but certainly not in the past 20 years). |
Hi Marc
This is a really encouraging success story. Well done! What do you think have been the key factors in your recovery? |
> What do you think have been the key factors in your recovery?
Well I was suffering from metal toxicity originally, so removing all metal dental work and doing a metal detox helped quite a bit (maybe even the most of all). Without all that conductive metal in you, EMF/RF causes your body far less damage. I also had chronic low-level infection stuff (candida, sinusitis), so my immune system was already pre-occupied with that. I'd blame some of that on the metals, but also taking stuff to help fight that off was very helpful. Stuff like Agrisept-L, Pau D'Arco, or other immune supporting herbs. My oral pH was also very low, so modifying food and drink and taking supplements to bring that up to a more normal range was probably helpful. Also reducing EMF/RF exposure as much as possible. Although I do live in a city, there are still things you can do to reduce exposure in your own house. Don't use a smart phone for things that can be done with a wired desktop PC. Find a computer setup that doesn't bother you at all. Don't use wi-fi or bluetooth. Don't use light bulbs that spew out RF. Get your smart utility meters replaced if possible. Then find whatever energy/EMF devices you can that help you with any remaining symptoms, like the ones you'd get while out and about in an environment you have no control over. I'm sure I tried over 100 of these sorts of things, but in the end I'd say that only a few brands were helpful for me and the environments I was in. |
Thanks very much. This is really helpful.
I also have metal toxicity and I need to have my mercury fillings removed. I keep putting it off - mainly because I can't find a dentist in my area (NE England) which provides adequate protection against the mercury released during removal. But I think I have to bite the bullet this year and get it done. |
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