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So I just got my springlife polarizer, among other things, and i'm wondering
if there's anything in particular i should feel or not feel - or even do with
it (no instructions came with)

i feel the same reactions when online, unfortunately

i'm also wondering if anyone else has felt a little strange wearing a bullet
shaped item around your neck?! can i wrap in wire and put on stones or will
that change the field?

i also just started taking abrotose. anyone find that helpful? any hints?


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you
Mahatma Ghandi

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Re: springlife

Marc Martin
> So I just got my springlife polarizer, among other things, and i'm wondering
> if there's anything in particular i should feel or not feel - or even do with
> it (no instructions came with)

Well, ideally you should feel better (more energy, more stamina, more resistant
to chemicals, etc.)

As for what to do with it, it just needs to be near you. I find that it
has a stronger effect on me the closer it is to my head/neck. So placing it
directly on my head/neck (or near it) has the most effect, while wearing it
on a chain near my chest has less effect, and in my pant's pocket has
even less effect.

> i feel the same reactions when online, unfortunately

Could you list the specific reactions you are having? That might be

> i'm also wondering if anyone else has felt a little strange wearing a bullet
> shaped item around your neck?! can i wrap in wire and put on stones or will
> that change the field?

It does look a little strange, but I generally just wear it in my pants pocket
where nobody would see it anyway. Or if I'm using a computer, I can just place
it above the function keys (F7,F8,etc.) on my keyboard.

> i also just started taking abrotose. anyone find that helpful? any hints?

I found Ambrotose quite strong for me, and it had a similar effect to the
Springlife Polarizers. I've found that I really shouldn't use both at the
same time.

I'll be interested to hear if either the Ambrotose or the Springlife Polarizers
are helpful for you, or if they have no effect at all.
