springlife, etc

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springlife, etc

glenn -
thank you for all that info - where did you get the sticker? that's the only
thing I don't have yet...oh, and the supplements you suggested (as a matter of
fact, i'm keen on finding any good places to get supplements for less, too!)

it's interesting about the thyroid because with all my tests, that still
won't normalize. i'm on synthroid and t3 and they keep upping my T3 because my
TSH is 6.7, or like that.

I also do the niacin, up to 1000 a day, which i take before my daily sauna.
Which brand do you like best? I think it defintiely helps. I might up my
folic acid as well - how much do you suggest?

with the other supplements, i'm all ears. been playing with lots of
different stuff. just started the mbrotose, and also the NSP that's supposed to help
MCS (from Key Pharmacy)

dumb question, but i can just get any ol stack of pennies, right?


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you
Mahatma Ghandi

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RE: springlife, etc

Glenn Coleman

I got my aulterra neutralizer sticker at the following link. I used to wear
it like a necklace anytime at my computer (I just taped it to a piece of
cardboard and put on string), and it seems to give some protection. It was
very suttle but did make a difference. Marc mentioned he noticed results
when using aulterra with his cell phone - that is what gave me idea to try


>I also do the niacin, up to 1000 a day, which i take before my daily sauna.
>Which brand do you like best? I think it defintiely helps. I might up my
>folic acid as well - how much do you suggest?

I never thought about brand for my niacin - will consider it - thanks. I
have been using Select (Safeway), and it works well. I'm up to 1000mg
niacin 3 times/day. I take 25mg folic acid each morning. My dosages of
niacin are excessively high to prevent depression - I'm going through
extreme times right now - but staying on top of the wave!

>with the other supplements, i'm all ears. been playing with lots of
>different stuff. just started the mbrotose, and also the NSP that's
>supposed to help
>MCS (from Key Pharmacy)

The USANA nutrition program is expensive, but it is quality and purity that
seems to give it great healing power. The vitamin program without the
shakes (save some money) is enough to give someone a very healthy balance of
the highest quality vitamins. Many people have ailments go away that they
didn't expect to go away.

>dumb question, but i can just get any ol stack of pennies, right?

Yes, any old stack of pennies.



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Re: springlife, etc

Marc Martin
> Marc mentioned he noticed results when using aulterra with his cell phone

Oddly enough, on my recent trip to Hawaii, I was using my wife's cellphone,
and the phone did bother me a *little* bit, so I'm not sure why it bothered
me then but not the previous trip, when the previous trip I was using it
much more. Perhaps the cellphone output varies depending on how far away
it is from a tower? I don't know, but I did check and verify that I was
using the same EMF protection devices -- the Aulterra sticker on the phone
battery, and a Springlife OM pendant in my pocket.

Also, count me in on thyroid problems. I've spent 3 years detoxing,
and my nutritionist *still* muscle tests my thyroid as being loaded with
mercury. I do respond well to seaweed-type supplements (I take
"Sea Energy" these days), and seaweed is supposed to be good for
the thyroid because of the iodine content.


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Re: Mobile Radiation increase

Ian Gander

Yes Marc
The fainter the reception from a cell phone mast the harder the phone
works so the radiation output increases.
Two recent articles in British papers may be of interest. One
from "Daily Mirror" Do not let your kids use mobiles2 banner headline
on front page, smaller heading "radiation can alter their DNA, warn
scientists. The article goes on to quote from an EU funded REFLEX
group who carried out the research in seven European Countries using
12 research groups. The study cost £3 million and looked at radiation
impact on animal and human cells. They found that cells exposed to
mobile phone waves showed a significant increase in DNA damage. In
some cases the damage was permanent. Worringly damage appeared to
carry on into the next generation of cells. Mutated cells are seen as
possible cause of cancer.
The other article reported that Richard Branson millionaire owner of
the Virgin Group was to stop all His Virgin Mobile Phone stores from
selling to under 16 year old children following the death of a friend
of his from a brain tumour possible linked to mobile phone use!
Enough gloom!
I hope all readers have a very happy Christmas and a healthier New

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mobile phone output

Drasko Cvijovic
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Yes, Marc,
Mobile phone power varies as I know about 100 times, from very low to 2W,
depending on the current reception of the base station (tower)... It applies
to GSM standard, I don't know how it goes with American standards, but
probably the same.


. Perhaps the cellphone output varies depending on how far away
> it is from a tower?

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European study: EMF & DNA

In reply to this post by Ian Gander

Project Progress Summary


Title of the project: Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards
from Low Energy

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposure Using Sensitive in vitro Methods

Acronym of the project: REFLEX

Type of contract: Shared Cost RTD Total project cost (in euro)

3.149.621 ?

Contract number Duration (in months) EU contribution (in euro)

QLK4-CT-1999-01574 52 Months 2.059.450 ?

Commencement date

1 February 2000

Period covered by the progress report

1 February 2000 - 31 May 2004



Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer


Executive Director


Pettenkoferstr. 33

D-80336 München


+49 89 5309880


+49 89 53098829

E-mail address

[hidden email]

Key words (5 maximum - Please include specific keywords that best describe
the project.).

Electromagnetism, Bioeffects, Risk to Health

World wide web address (the project's www address ) ---

List of participants Provide all partners' details including their legal
status in the contract i.e., contractor, assistant contractor (to

which contractor?)

1. Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, VERUM - Stiftung für Verhalten und Umwelt,
Pettenkoferstrasse 33, D-80336 München, Germany,

Tel: +49 89 5309880 / Fax: +49 89 53098829 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

2. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Tauber, Institut für Klinische Chemie,
Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin, Hindenburgdamm 30,

D-12200 Berlin, Germany, Tel: +49 30 84452555 / Fax: +49 30 84554152 /
E-mail: [hidden email] (contractor)

3. Prof. Dr. Hugo W. Rüdiger, Abteilung für Arbeitsmedizin,
Universitätsklinik für Innere Medizin IV, Währinger Gürtel 18-20,

A-1090 Wien, Austria, Tel: +43 1 404004701 / Fax: +43 1 4088011 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

4. Dr. Anna M. Wobus, Institut für Pflanzengenetik und
Kulturpflanzenforschung, Corrensstrasse 3, D-06446 Gatersleben,

Germany, Tel: +49 39482 5256 / Fax: +49 39482 5481 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

5. Dr. Angeles Trillo, Insalud, Ramon y Cajal Hospital, Carretera Colmenar
km.9, E-28034 Madrid, Spain,

Tel: +34 91 3368699 / Fax: +34 91 3368171 / E-mail: [hidden email]

6. Prof. Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, Radiobiology, STUK - Radiation and Nuclear
Safety Authority, Laippatie 4, FIN-0881 Helsinki,

Finland, Tel: +358 9 75988694 / Fax: +358 9 75988556 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

7. Prof. Dr. Hans-Albert Kolb, Institut für Biophysik, Universität Hannover,
Herrenhäuser Strasse 2, D-30419 Hannover, Germany,

Tel: +49 511 7622612 / Fax: +49 511 7623830 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

8. Prof. Dr. Ferdinando Bersani, Universita degli Studi di Bologna, Viale
Berti Pichat 6/2, I-40127 Bologna, Italy

Tel: +39 (0)51 2095122 / Fax: +39 (0)51 2095050 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

9. Dr. Isabelle Lagroye, Laboratoire PIOM, ENSCPB, 16 Av. Pey Berland,
F-33607 Pessac Cedex, France,

Tel: +33 (0)5 40002821 / Fax: +33-(0)5 40006631 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

10. Prof. Dr. Niels Kuster, Institut für Integrierte Systeme, ETH Zentrum,
Gloriastrasse 37/39, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland

Tel: +41 1 632 2737 / Fax: +41 1 632 1057 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

11. Prof. Dr. Francesco Clementi, Cattedra di Farmacologia, Universita degli
Studi di Milano, Via Vanvitelli 32, I-20129 Milano, Italy

Tel: +39 (0)2 50316962 / Fax: +39 (0)2 7490574 / E-mail:
[hidden email] (contractor)

12. Dr. Christian Maercker, Ressourcenzentrum für Genomforschung GmbH
(RZPD), TP3 EG, Im Neuenheimer Feld 580,

D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany; Tel: +49 6221 424741 / Fax: +49 6221 424704 /
E-mail: [hidden email]

Section 2: Project Progress Report NOT CONFIDENTIAL

Objectives: Exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in relation to health
is a controversial topic throughout

the industrial world. So far epidemiological and animal studies have
generated conflicting data and thus

uncertainty regarding possible adverse health effects. This situation has
triggered controversies in

communities especially in Europe with its high density of population and
industry and the omnipresence of

EMF in infrastructures and consumer products. These controversies are
affecting the siting of facilities,

leading people to relocate, schools to close or power lines to be re-sited,
all at great expense. The causality

between EMF exposure and disease can never be regarded as proven without
knowledge and understanding

of the basic mechanisms possibly triggered by EMF. To search for those basic
mechanisms powerful

technologies developed in toxicology and molecular biology were to be
employed in the REFLEX project to

investigate cellular and sub-cellular responses of living cells exposed to
EMF in vitro.

Results and Milestones: The strengths of REFLEX are based firstly on the
adoption of a common

technological platform for ELF-EMF and RF-EMF exposures that allow the
replication of positive findings

between the collaborating partners. Secondly, on the adoption of the
post-genomic technologies (DNA microarrays

and proteomics) that enables very large numbers of potential cellular
effects to be examined

simultaneously without prejudice as to mechanisms. The data obtained in the
course of the REFLEX project

showed that ELF-EMF had genotoxic effects on primary cell cultures of human
fibroblasts and on other cell

lines. These results were obtained in two laboratories and confirmed in two
additional laboratories outside the

REFLEX project, while no such effects could be observed in a further
laboratory. ELF-EMF generated DNA

strand breaks at a significant level at a flux density as low as 35 µT.
There was a strong positive correlation

between both the intensity and duration of exposure to ELF-EMF and the
increase in single and double strand

DNA breaks and micronuclei frequencies. Surprisingly this genotoxic effect
was only observed when cells

were exposed to intermittent ELF-EMF, but not to continuous exposure.
Responsiveness of fibroblast to ELFEMF

increased with the age of the donor and in the presence of specific genetic
repair defects. The effect

also differed among the other types of cells examined. In particular,
lymphocytes from adult donors were not

responsive. Chromosomal aberrations were also observed after ELF-EMF
exposure of human fibroblasts. The

following observations were made in different REFLEX laboratories: 1)
ELF-EMF at a flux density of about 2

mT upregulated the expression of early genes, such as p21, c-jun and egr-1,
in p53-deficient mouse

embryonic stem cells, but not in healthy wildtype cells; 2) ELF-EMF (0.1 mT)
increased the proliferation rate of

neuroblastoma cells; and 3) ELF-EMF (0.8 mT) enhanced the differentiation of
mouse stem cells into

cardiomyocytes. However, no clear-cut and unequivocal effects of ELF-EMF on
DNA synthesis, cell cycle, cell

differentiation, cell proliferation and apoptosis were found.

With respect to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF), data showed
that RF-EMF produced

genotoxic effects in fibroblasts, granulosa cells and HL60 cells. Cells
responded to RF-EMF exposure

between SAR level 0.3 and 2 W/kg with a significant increase in single and
double strand DNA breaks and in

micronuclei frequency. Chromosomal aberrations in fibroblasts were observed
after RF-EMF exposure. RFEMF

at a SAR of 1.5 W/kg downregulated the expression of neuronal genes in
neuronal precursor cells and

upregulated the expression of early genes in p53-deficient embryonic stem
cells, but not in wildtype cells.

Proteomic analyses on human endothelial cell lines showed that exposure to
RF-EMF changed the

expression and phosphorylation of numerous, largely unidentified proteins.
Among these proteins is the heat

shock protein hsp27, a marker for cellular stress responses. There was no
evidence that RF-EMF affected

processes such as cell proliferation, apoptosis or immune cell

For both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF, the results of the whole genome cDNA
micro-array and proteomic analyses

indicated that EMF may activate several groups of genes that play a role in
cell division, cell proliferation and cell

differentiation. At present the biological relevance of these findings can
not be assessed.

Benefits and Beneficiaries: The REFLEX data have made a substantial addition
to the data base relating to

genotoxic and phenotypic effects of both ELF-EMF and RF-EMF on in vitro
cellular systems. The data neither

preclude nor confirm a health risk due to EMF exposure nor was the project
designed for this purpose. Its

value lies in providing new data that will enable mechanisms of EMF effects
to be studied more effectively

than in the past. Furthermore, the REFLEX data provide new information that
will be used for risk evaluation


Future Actions: The REFLEX project has created novel results. From a
scientific point of view, it has to be

stated very clearly that the REFLEX data do not prove a causal link between
EMF exposure and any adverse

health effects. The genotoxic and phenotypic effects, which have been
reported within REFLEX, clearly

require further studies. These studies should include extensive external
replications of the key observations

reported, initially using the same technological platform. A further
objective should be the extension of

REFLEX investigations to appropriate animal models (e.g. genetically
modified mice) and human volunteer
