new with question re amalgum fillings and galvanic reaction

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new with question re amalgum fillings and galvanic reaction

I just had an amalgum filling replaced next to an older one and am
getting mild shocks along the seams of the fillings along with a
metallic taste in my mouth. I am also worried, now, about mercury
poisoning and have an appointment in 2 weeks to have the amalgum
replaced with a composite. Has anyone else had any similar
experiences? I am also sensitive to electromagnetism, and was
wondering if this is part of the reason for the galvanic reaction (as
my dentist said it was very rare). I don't know much about electrical
sensitivity, and want to learn all I can. Wondering if it has anything
to do with too much acidity in your system. That could explain a few
things, I suppose, but then I'm only speculating on account of the
tooth shocks. Electronic equipment seems to malfunction more often
with me than anyone else I know, too, and I seem to blow light bulbs
if I'm under a lot of stress, things like that. It's not something I
feel comfortable telling anyone about, though, especially my dentist.
I'm glad someone started this forum.

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Re: new with question re amalgum fillings and galvanic reaction

Marc Martin
Hi Ann,

For some reason, Yahoogroups identified your email as spam, but allowed it
through anyway (??)

>I just had an amalgam filling replaced next to an older one and am
>getting mild shocks along the seams of the fillings along with a
>metallic taste in my mouth. I am also worried, now, about mercury
>poisoning and have an appointment in 2 weeks to have the amalgum
>replaced with a composite. Has anyone else had any similar

One of the theories on electric sensitivity is that it is one of the
numerous symptoms of mercury poisoning. In fact, when I first read this,
the first thing I did was have my 5 remaining mercury fillings (out of the
20 I originally once had) replaced with composites. I even had a porcelain
crown replaced with a metal-free one, as standard crowns often have
aluminum or nickel inside of them.

Prior to my amalgam removal, I read about how having mixed metals in your
mouth can cause a "battery effect", similar to putting a 9-volt battery on
your tongue. After reading that, I became aware that this was going on in
my mouth. I also noticed that it stopped as soon as the mercury fillings
were out of my mouth.

As for metallic taste in my mouth, I've experienced that on many occasions.
If you go through a heavy-metal detoxification program, you'll get used to
it. The taste is probably nothing to worry about, but I'd get the fillings
out by a dentist who can get them out quickly and with minimum exposure to
you while it's happening.

>Electronic equipment seems to malfunction more often
>with me than anyone else I know, too, and I seem to blow light bulbs
>if I'm under a lot of stress, things like that.

I've spoken with a couple of energy workers in the past few years (e.g.
Reiki Masters, Reconnective Healing Practitioners), and I've heard more
than one person comment about them causing electronics to malfunction like
this. I've never noticed this capability in myself though. It's probably
a good thing you didn't mention that to your dentist... :-)
