magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

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magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

Hi all,
I have mercury poisoning and amalgams in mouth and I am wondering if electro magnetic therapies like QRS can have any adverse effects on my body.
Here is an info on the machine I am using.
Do you have any ideas?
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Re: magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

Marc Martin
>I have mercury poisoning and amalgams in mouth and I am wondering if
>electro magnetic therapies like QRS can have any adverse effects on my
>body. Here is an info on the machine I am using.
>Do you have any ideas?

I don't know anything about this particular machine, but that web page
makes it sound like it's producing *beneficial* radiation, which of course
does exist (e.g, far-infrared). Are you noticing adverse symptoms from
using this machine?


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Re: magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

In reply to this post by yldiz
> I have mercury poisoning and amalgams in mouth and I am wondering
if electro magnetic therapies like QRS can have any adverse effects
on my body.
Hello Nil,
bioresonace equipment does not have any adverse effects on the body.
On the contrary.
About mercury poisoning and amalgams, please see my other posting.
Charles Claessens

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Re: magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

In reply to this post by yldiz
> Here is an info on the machine I am using.
> Do you have any ideas?

Further looking at the website you mentioned gives the following.
This Vita-Life system is NOT a bioresonance system according to Rife
or Clark, where a frequency generator give certain frequencies to
the body.
Vita-Life is just a only magnetic system. They can work perfectly
for normal people who may have a tennis-arm as an example.
But, electrosensitive people should avoid everything that is
magnetic, whether it is a magnetic alternating field or a magnetic
static filed.
So, my advice with this Vita-Life system is that you use it
Electrosentive people in Germany and Switserland avoid it completely.
A Bioresonace system like f.i. the QXCI works quite well for
electrosensive people, and give improvement.
Charles Claessens

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Re: magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

In reply to this post by Marc Martin
I am not sure Marc,
It has been about a week since I started the therapy. I am afraid it might take some time for the adverse effects to be observable if there are any.
----- Original Message -----
From: Marc Martin
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: [esens] magnetic field therapies and mercury poisoning

>I have mercury poisoning and amalgams in mouth and I am wondering if
>electro magnetic therapies

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