longitudinal waves

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longitudinal waves

Dear Drasco,
for me longitudinal waves are not a theory and not a weird theory, they are
also not fiction, they are experimental fact. Using elektroacupunkture I
clearly could see the biological negative effect that electromagnetic fields
produce. Then I tried to make this negative effect disappear. The things I found,
that were alreday on the market, dit not fit into the understanding of physics I
had at that time. But I did continue making various experiments to find out
how these things might work. Through experimentation alone I found some of the
qualities, that those biological effective waves had. One was, that these
waves penetrate any Faradayan cage, but change their quality by passing the
metallic wall. It was only then, that I was reading about Tesla, Prof. Meyl from
Germany and others, that described these waves as longitudinal waves. And the
experiences I had made, fit very well in the description of longitudinal waves
they gave.
Measuring longitudinal waves technically certainly would be a good thing, but
this mesurement cannot tell me wether these waves are biological negative or
positive. This depends on the information they transmit. And information you
can not directly measure, because it is a quality and not a quantitiy. This
explains why even extremly low intensities of EMF can cause biological effects.
This explains, why pulsed mikrowaves cause a much stronger biological effect
than continuous waves.
Hopefully these very few details can awaken you to the realitiy of the Tesla
waves and make you curious, to find out more about them. It is worth it.
Dietrich Gruen

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