energy flow, wrists outward

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energy flow, wrists outward


The other day Andrew, our visiting native american profet was
standing by the road, in bliss, with his arms down in about a 45
degree angle, palms forward. This reminded me of the guy inviting me
to the rainbow gathering that told me to turn your palms outward
slightly in everything you do. Have to remind myself of the little
things sometimes, this will help your energy flow. Looked through my
book on Tachyon Energy where there was a picture diagram of vertical
energy flow (the guy had his palms turned again. When i decreed the
violet flame yesterday I noticed it worked better with my hands at
the stomach or higher palms together, folded or over my ears. This
again reminded me of reading somewhere you should not pray with your
hands in your lap (did my mum know why she told me not to do
that???). That low down your palms are more inward!! Trying to help
the people and parts of myself that do not believe here with science-

Still would advise people to at least read about Tachyon Energy as
well, because it assists the system in becoming more vertical. Since
my kundalini rose, this will be a natural outcome, but i am pretty
sure the Vortex Pendant would speed things along. Unfortunately you
have to be a Practitioner to get to the real strong stuff like the
TLC-bar (tachyonized Crystal) and the stronger pendants. (Other
companies do sell strong stuff to the public but sudden detox might
shock the system, although in theory even then the outcome is always
positive) Still happy with what i can get though!! Good Stuff!!

Read about Tachyon theory on my website (sometimes you have to
provide country and code and then go back home and to About Tachyon.
Light will conquer dark/light and Tachyon is an excellent tool.
After all wasn't it used as a weapon in Starwars :)? We are making
our way Home, to our natural Vertical state.

Remember to just ever so slightly turn your wrists outward in
everything you do!!
