For new (and old members) who are suffering from electrical sensitivity...
I USED to have terrible electrical sensitivity - and Fibromyalgia.
Since having all my amalgams removed (those "silver" fillings that are over HALF MERCURY!!) and detoxing my body through oral chelation, cilantro pesto, detox pads on the bottom of my feet and switching to about 80 percent RAW diet, my electrical sensitivity and need for sunglasses much of the time has gone away!
I was also a welder for over 22 years. I could grab a 60 watt light bulb and it would light up. I had such severe fibro and chronic fatigue in 1997 I felt I was headed for a wheel chair... Then Imet the editor of Integrative Health & Healing magazine (and worked with him for 4 years) and learned allabout the damage mercury and other heavy metals cause in the body. Electrical sensitivity is one of the biggest problems... so I'd recommend you all take a look at what's in your mouth - and what you've been exposed to during your life (including TOXIC personal care and cleaning products) and get busy detoxing your life!
The electrical sensitivity seems to go away with all that overload!
If you'd like to know more, please contact me personally.
Jan Jenson, OBDS
Optimal Breathing Development Specialist
Publisher, The Detox News