eWater products

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eWater products



Did anyone experiment with the products found at
<http://www.ewater.com/>, either the QE, E-Tag or FlexoElectric
eCrystal products? If so, are they worth anything, or should I opt for
the Springlife OM instead? I found plenty of posts about the
springlife product, but nothing about eWater.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: eWater products

Marc Martin
> Did anyone experiment with the products found at
> <http://www.ewater.com/>, either the QE, E-Tag or FlexoElectric
> eCrystal products? If so, are they worth anything, or should I opt for
> the Springlife OM instead? I found plenty of posts about the
> springlife product, but nothing about eWater.

I tried the eCrystal a couple years ago -- it didn't seem to do
anything that I could perceive.

I've bought a few items from ewater.com over the years (mostly
water energizers and energized water), and I've never really been
very happy with anything I've gotten from them. It's possible that
they have some good products that work for some people, but I'll
have to hear it from someone other than their sales people before
I start believing it!

One thing I do know is that if you energize your water first
with one of their energy wands and THEN energize it briefly with
a Springlife Polarizer, it tastes really horrible! However,
if you continue to use the Springlife polarizer for a longer
period of time, the horrible taste goes away.
