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I am new to the list and electrosensitive.

Does anybody know anything about the canopies against electrosmog
which are offered on the website below. The site is in German.

Randolf Weinand

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Re: canopies

Drasko Cvijovic
Such canopies don't shield magnetic component of radiation, (for example coming from earby poverlines) but for everything else they can do most of the job (except regarding non measurable radiation about what I don't know anything). But they differ very much by price and by characteristics. It is important when you compare them to notice that 99% mitigation doesn't mean much, it's only 100 times..
I have just added to our Links section, to Measuring and mitigation folder, both your link regarding canopies and a new one, (I think they have not yet added the canopies at the site, but they do sell them in a range of characteristics and prices, but their main products are meters).

----- Original Message -----
From: randolf_everywhere
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 6:46 AM
Subject: [eSens] canopies


I am new to the list and electrosensitive.

Does anybody know anything about the canopies against electrosmog
which are offered on the website below. The site is in German.

Randolf Weinand

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Re: canopies

--- In [hidden email], "Drasko Cvijovic" <pecina@c...> wrote:
> Such canopies don't shield magnetic component of radiation, (for
example coming from earby poverlines) but for everything else they can
do most of the job (except regarding non measurable radiation about
what I don't know anything). But they differ very much by price and by
characteristics. It is important when you compare them to notice that 99%
mitigation doesn't mean much, it's only 100 times..
> I have just added to our Links section, to Measuring and mitigation
folder, both your link regarding canopies and a new one, (I think they have not yet added the canopies at the
site, but they do sell them in a range of characteristics and prices, but
their main products are meters).

goog that you put interesting things on a place for all. Thanks for that.


> Drasko
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: randolf_everywhere
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2004 6:46 AM
> Subject: [eSens] canopies
> Hello,
> I am new to the list and electrosensitive.
> Does anybody know anything about the canopies against

> which are offered on the website below. The site is in German.
> Randolf Weinand
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> a.. To visit your group on the web, go to:
> b.. To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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