burping/8th chakra

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burping/8th chakra


For some reason burping seems to help. After a long time on an
unprotected compu or cell-phone hit I burp it out these days.

8th chakra is two feet over head and holds karma-residue. If I flick
a feather through it or rosemary I get a gagging reaction which i
can burp out. better every time, I mean less of a reaction..

wonder if the steps back the tachyon healer took and the diagnostics
lady flicking through her chakra-thing did anything there..

The spiritual chakras are apparently there from a certain level
personal (spiritual??) development. There is one under the feet (on
one site called the 10th or 11th) which is important for the rest of
them. Guess an advanced reiki master could help clear these
chakras... Walking bare-foot in nature and foot massage are good for
this vital one. The ground of the spiritual chakra's.

In Love and Light