breathing problems caused by electrical pollution?

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breathing problems caused by electrical pollution?

Jan Jenson <>
Mike White of
is looking for testimonials as to HOW electrical pollution
has affected your breathing.
He wants to use them on his website...
and begin addressing those problems in his seminars and workshops.

This is a whole new field for Mike and he's VERY interested in pursuing
ways to help people with their various breathing problems.
Electrical stimulation/pollution is a relatively new field of study
for many healthcare professionals...
and as much searching as I've done on the internet,
I've never seen this problem addressed... very much much anyhow...

Check out Mike's website and see if other problems you may be having
are addressed:
With your help, there soon will be a section addressing breathing problems
and electrical pollution!

Also, Mike is available for speaking engagements around the world
on breathing and offers an Optimal Breathing School with CEUs for
massage therapists and certification for other kinds of healthcare

There will be an Optimal Breathing School in Charlotte, NC April 16-19,
Please email me for details... or keep checking Mike's website for details.

Mike has been a raw foods speaker and promoter for over 10 years!

Jan Jenson
[hidden email]