Guess my answer to Glenn got posted instead of sent to here it goes:
5th chakra:
name vishuddhi=purification
planet: Mercury
outer manifestation: vibration
glands :thyroid
body: neck shoulders arms hand
communication ---from ideas to symbols
What I know about bright blue is that it corresponds to the throat
chakra, the fifth chakra. the name of this chakra is vishuddhi, and
means purification.
placed in the neck with fifteen petals it looks after ears, nose,
throat, neck,tongue, teeth, etc- communication.
Challenges of surrendering our own willpower to the will of God.
resonates emotional and mental struggles involved in learning the
nature of the power of choice. all illness has a connection to this
chakra because (in spiritual circles we believe) choice is involved
in every detail of our lives including illness.
challenge of willpower chakra: progression = perception that others
(outside forces) have authority over you, you have authority over
you and finally to the knowing that true authority comes from
alignment with God's will.
willpower related fears exist in every chakra: from fear we do not
have authority over our own lives ---to no authority with ourselves
when it comes to our response to substances, money, power, another
persons emotional control over our wellbeing. finally we fear the
will of God.
centre of choice and consequence, of spiritual karma. Understanding
not just actions have consequences, but also thoughts and beliefs
(have energy consequences)
do not lie to other and yourself. we are where our thoughts are and
carry responsibility for them. Personal power lies in thoughts and
all vibrations can and do affect eachother
higher chakras: unifying level of consciousness, unniversality of
mind. trancending physical limitations of space and time.
catch on this chakra?? (hey not bad to even reach) candle treatments
around the throat and drops of ghee in nose.
calm the mind, quiet your thoughts and discover or recover or
(mainly from Judith, Myss and adishakti)
It is all about consiousness
Love to all
Violet Flame rules!!!