Workaway,WWOOF,Place to stay

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Workaway,WWOOF,Place to stay

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Hello everyone

I am looking for a short-term place to stay if anyone has anything available in the US

I can offer some help while recovering albeit financially or physically when i am able

My parents will be moving to the apartments near the ATL airport in a couple weeks

With my CFS being 3-4/10 depending

Looking into easing myself

Into woof organic farming or

5hrs a day 5 days a week.

1k in savings

And looking to perhaps spend some time in the

rurals first to see it it will help the CFS to where

I can build up to volunteering outside in exchange

for food and lodging on either workaway or wwoof

I have emf sensitivity which is another reason

That I feel like I need to be in a quieter

environment with 5g coming soon

On a good day i can walk 10-15 mins rest for an

hour or so and cycle in small increments Pacing.

It is unknown spend time in the rurals will help

Me to work more outside but one has to try.

I notice that Dr. Kruse mentioning get morning red light helps with UV

tolerance.This has helped me with the Atl heat with clothes on which is an improvement.

without clothes still a challenge

My interests include being outdoors, animals,nature

I have also made some youtube videos

I appreciate your help and input

Thank you.