I went to a conference center in a nature resort, to walk there was
fine, but inside I felt unwell, after some time I saw a
message 'wireless internet available'. Bingo. Put on my T-shirt and
button: "Wireless is not nice" ;-)
After some experiences I start to think it is not very useful to
measure with simple devices; the only useful is to have a very
expensive analysing device that covers all the frequences and shows
the characteristics of the analysed signals. Nevertheless, if you use
a simple device wireless will be around 2400 MHz or 5 GHz (am I
right, Charles?).
--- In
[hidden email], "danceswild" <bmfb@p...> wrote:
> Has anybody had experience in wireless cafes or other such wireless
> environments. I would like to know about meters to measure it.
> Someone told me about the hf dtekter a few days ago. Thanks.
> Paul