Why high EMF at this particular outlet receptacle?

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Why high EMF at this particular outlet receptacle?

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Hi, please see attached image below. Do you know why the indicated outlet, out of everything in this mess of a circuit, has particularly high AC Magnetic EMF emanation? The wiring inside the outlet box looks normal and standard (2 neutrals on left, 2 hots on right, grounded correctly, no ground to neutral connection), I even replaced it with a different receptacle, same phenomenon. It's also not caused by external fields, because disconnecting the latter part of the circuit brings the field back down to normal. Thanks!

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Re: Why high EMF at this particular outlet receptacle?

well for starters we usially put lighting and power outlets on differient breakers, maybe the unbalanced load from the shared nutral lights (if they are flouresant) are causing some weird emf, there might be something else in the wall that is causing it at that location, like a range cable going through the wall near that outlet mounted to the stud, sometimes if you have new fancy dimmers and remote dimming devices, those are starting to be wireless fyi (lutron company and others)
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Re: Why high EMF at this particular outlet receptacle?

Thanks for your response. I wish I could redo the wiring, but that's impractical. I would have separated this circuit into at least 3 if I was designing it... there's only 3 feet separating the problem outlet and the one to its right, which then branches into two separate paths. (You would expect the branching outlet to be equal or higher in EMF, but no, it's much lower). There's really nothing special in between these two outlets... no load, no switches in between.
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Re: Why high EMF at this particular outlet receptacle?

well there might be a wire in the wall under the drywall running up the stud,... (one problem i have is my induction baseboard heater, when i have it turned it bothered me, i had to move my bed so i rest at night vs. frying myself at night.. induction is dangerous  for us, also some people react or feel when you have a television on or a motor of any kind, like an electric pump,) so back to the issue at hand, if there is a wire runing up the house framing and feeding something with a-lot of juice, that could be the reason for the magnetic field, i wonder if distanceing yourself from that outlet would work if it gives you problems