So, Germany has a lot of cases, but the rate of people dying is a ton less than almost anywhere else.
Any ideas if Germany has it any better in terms of EMF/5G compared to Italy let's say?.. Quite amazing..I think only Germany and China have such low rates.. unless it's all about the health care space. |
much more testing, so deaths divided by tests is less.
less air pollution, no 5G as around milan. other diet, i read a theory that beer and meat would help as well as sunflower-oil while olive-oil does not. lower number of old people. more already habitual social distancing. a lot of resistance against wireless technologies might have reduced emf-levels a bit. the numbers from china are 100 x too low, while in the west the deathtoll due to the wuflu is exaggerated. remarkably in germany the idea of flattening the curve is heavily criticized. to me the essential question is what to consider more desirable : - less deaths ( mostly of people with not so many years to go in good health ) - more profits for the medical industry - less civil liberties, likely also on the longer run - vaccination and possibly chipping of people - implosion of the economy versus - probably about 0.1 % more early deaths ( not that many survive after hospitalization ) - no lockdown, but with possibly some common sense ( face-masks, some distancing ) - achieving herd-immunity much sooner - no second wave and no cure that turns out more painful on the whole than the plague. as most people are fearful and easily manipulated and exploited, the first path is chosen. one would think that on the bright side the planet will benefit. however less freedom may lead in the end to more thorough destruction of nature. just look at china and its fast materialistic progress, with 5G as an obvious example. |
Nice.. good points! Sure, sunflower oil is great, I switched a few years ago from olive. It's better. Beer helped some empires win wars. It contains good nutrients beside alcohol.. although in UK they drink a lot too and they have a high number of deaths, so I'm not sure it has to do with beer. |
apart from effects on the wuflu, for me coconut-oil is beating all other oils in taste and experienced health benefits.
anthony williams does not see the point of it, but i have lately also seen results of flushing the mouth ( "oilpulling" ) with coconut oil before breakfast. olive oil should be stone-pressed, which is hard to get, but once you had it, there is no way of going back to the garbage generally sold. so called "cold-pressed" means it is still heated by friction and hydraulic pressure to a degree that the oil gets damaged severely. of course fats better be taken with moderation, and the more variety in foods the less chances for malnutrition. i take some flaxseeds and flaxseedoil as well and high quality codliveroil ( like from the brand Rosita ). most of the latter are heated and altered in other ways also, if you want codliver oil then especially be aware of the "fermented" stuff which is rotten and highly toxic, apart from mixed with other oils as a scam to maximize profits. also avoid fish and fishoil from fishfarms and from enclosed seas like the baltic sea, which is polluted beyond belief. in the west the british have the worst diet except for the irish, i do not want to mention exactly what they eat in general, it makes me puke. but to sum it up : lots of processed and canned stuff, little fresh food. |
In reply to this post by earthworm
earthworm, thanks for your input concerning Germany, I agree.
Unfortunately, i've seen a change concerning resistance against wireless, I would say, the Germans were not as "hip" as the swedes for instance who've been obsessed by showing off the latest iPhone since a long time, but now it is really catching up in Germany, as many, even those living with little money, want some expensive smartphone to show off. The germans are a bit late, but they are falling for it. Also, in Sweden there is a general knowledge about emf, even if not all believe in its dangers, but I see a lot of health nuts in Germany totally unaware about the dangers of radiation. Frankly, I have to say, Germany is a bit backward, very good in a way because they have much less 4G coverage in general, but they are ashamed of it! Many (and especially the rulers) want to do something about it. I am also quite astonished about their very low level in english for instance, and it's a bit like village mentality in some places. So the lower radiation is not really because it's country with a high level of awareness, more because lack of development, which I really wish would remain... |
Also, on a few of "alternative" german sites/forums, people totally laugh at person who claim he is sensitive to radiation. The pack mentality comes out.
But it is true, they do keep their distances. Btw, I have memories of minivan rides, while travelling budget style in Africa , and just when you think you can't possibly cram another human in the van, they bring another grown up to sit/lie on top of those sitting like sardines... hm, but Africa is still not so affected, so it can't really be only the contact issue... or? Same in Nepal, Sri lanka, India, bus rides are really really crowded... |
just remembered when I visited north Italy in October 2019, in some bio shops, you needed wear a disposable plastic glove when taking some fruit/veg, never seen this elsewhere, and still, northern Italy is one of worse affected areas.
In reply to this post by kara
at least over 10 years ago already over 1000 doctors in germany protested against emf-polution.
but yes, the majority of people, wherever you go, consists of braindead, corrupted, superficial sheeple. in my view 99 % of the population is highly narcissistic in normalized ways, or to put it in a more confrontating and freely expressed manner : is just a herd of psychopaths without a conscience conspiring against mother nature, even including their own offspring, with devastating consequences likely over tens if not hundreds of millions of years on a global scale. digging deep into the earth, messing it up, dislocating and burning "resources", entering over a 100.000 different nasty chemicals into the ecology, mutating and wiping out enormous numbers of species, and these humans are far from finished with their job, meanwhile hypocritically asserting that "global warming" is the main problem and electrical cars and the devil knows what else will stave off disaster. what for ? just look at the miserable state of human "civilization", which is worth less than nothing, and too disgusting for words. the most reasonable thing to do is to stop it, but these human monsters are too egocentric and silly for that. 5G will come and go, what really matters are longterm effects, not wether we suffer from it on a personal level. apart from the large picture, if there is much less 4G coverage in germany, this may contribute to its lower fatality rate, and the same may apply in many poor countries despite people living on top of each other. actually in italy and spain families sharing a house often include grandparents, while single person households are rather common in sweden and to a lesser extent in germany. but radiation levels play probably a main factor within this corona event, and keep on rising drastically. one may expect new problematic diseases to hit the news and already well-known ones like cancer and autism to get worse in many years to come. in addition to writing to "have lately also seen results of flushing the mouth ( "oilpulling" ) with coconut oil before breakfast." : if you consider trying this too, do not swallow the oil, so spit it out, but never into the sink, as the oil will get hard below 25°C ( = 77°F ) and can easily clog up the drain pipe ;(. my bleeding gums seem a thing of the past after 2 months of almost daily 15 to 20 minutes of flushing, the oil has to be sucked forcefully through the spaces in between the teeth as well. the main idea is to remove bacteria and toxins from the mouth so that the body will be less burdened and more able to heal and clean up. |
yes, coconut oil pulling is great. I heat the oil gently, mix a bit of essential oil (I use peppermint) let it cool. Do not store in fridge, or else the other food might taste of peppermint, essential oils will escape even under a tight lid. Peppermint is also great for gums. And for sure I do not swallow, but discard it with other organic matter.
In reply to this post by earthworm
For some reason I have better luck oil pulling with organic sesame oil
ok, we are all different and need different treatment.
I am not a fan of many seed or nut oils, they will go rancid after some time, coconut is (one of) the most stable we have. |
In reply to this post by kara
Concerning Germany and it's lower death rates, I am not sure, but it could be that germans are less stressed and have better adrenals/kidneys in general. Stress, lack of sleep a lot of drinking and a lot of smoking I have seen in France, Italy, Spain, in general there might be a slower pace in Germany and healthier general lifestyle. Stress is more dangerous than you might think, and in Germany I feel much less of it than in the latin countries.
How about this!
In America, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) limit for public exposure from cellular telephones is an SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg), while in Germany the German certification for environmental friendliness 'Der Blaue Engel' (Blue Angel) only certifies phones which have a specific absorption rate of less than 0.60 watts per kilogram. |
But germans dont care about these certifications (and most do not know about them either), and they use similar smartphones as in the rest of the word. Also, I've remembered I've read that SAR is actually misleading, it's not a good way point at the health danger to humans.
I live at the border with Germany. My daughter goes to school there.
They were so scared about this pandemics, but hospitals in my region remain empty. I don't see anything much different with Germany, except for their bad coverage of 4G, as mentioned above. It's hard to be connected with the internet in smaller cities, that's for sure. Here in Switzerland, the network is MUCH DENSER and esmog much worse. The media says they are testing massively. Lie. It's like here, they only test if you are very ill. In Berlin, a friend of mine said that if you are ill, you are not even allowed to go to hospital to get a test. They come home to test you. The point was that, they don't do that fast, it seems. The girl who was sick could barely talk, because she could not breathe well, they took many days to come. If they did (I haven't heard from her later). They are still allowed to move around in 2. My daughter is still 'meeting' some of her German friends at the border with Switzerland (there's a fence separating the 2 border cities). Japan also had a delayed reaction to Covid19, even if they were infected very early... They do use mob phones like everywhere else, but as I said, everyone complains the 4G coverage is bad in Germany (of course, I don't complain!!!). |
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