Yesterday, I started a new natural desiccated thyroid hormone (from pigs used for food). While I am sad that it comes from an animal, I am hoping it will help me get stronger and ultimately less sensitive.
I believe the damage from radiation from the 4G masts and chronic exposure to 3G, Wi-Fi etc... damaging the hypothalamus and normal gland functioning (Pineal, parathyroid, etc...) I was taking a synthetic thyroid hormone called Tirosint (and years prior to that Synthroid), which my body had to work to convert T3 to T4 or something like that.. Now, I am getting the full hormone. I am not supposed to feel a difference for 2 weeks BUT last night I dreamt a vivid dream for the first time in a long, long time. AND I awoke with noticeably less pain in my right shoulder that has been a problem for at least 2 months. It's still there, but way less. I have to think it may be helping if I indeed was thyroid starved from lack of converting... I share because by all accounts but thyroid levels were "normal" or within range as the tests will pick up the hormone in my blood. The problem I believe was my body's inability to utilize it. Even if you think your thyroid is fine via labs, you could be deficient. The condition is referred to as Type 2 Hypothyoidism. |
Wanted to share an update on taking the Armour thyroid medicine... as opposed to synthetic thyroid.
Day 1 - Started Sunday AM - first night sleep was good and vivid memorable dream. Awoke with less pain in my arm and joints. Day 4 - I started noticing that I felt less awful. I can best describe as a general awful, my body is not working right feeling... since July I have had this sense of something being very off in my body (entire, nerves, hormones, skin, blood pressure, heart, organs intestines, mouth, nothing has felt normal) Now there was more of a sense of things starting to work again. Day 5 Thursday - (This one shocked me) I had motivation to pull ferns from an overcrowded area in the yard. I have not done anything like that in at least 1 year and probably longer. I actually overdid it and by the time I realized how much I was in severe pain and my hands were almost shaking from pain. All my joints and what's left of muscles hurt intensely that evening and for the next few days. Day 8 Sunday - I have not had great sleep since the first night, no dreams that I recall.. but there is a real sense of feeling better. More energy overall... Hoping it's not the reason I am not sleeping deeply. I feel more like the me before the realization of being ES. I am not wonderful in all areas, but mood seems to be more stable than before. I still cry almost every day, but less intense and doesn't seem to last. I feel like I can breathe a bit more easier. I feel like I recovered more quickly than I would have thought from the damage I did on Thursday in the yard. Muscles seem less tight. I was able to watch TV for 2 evenings without being under a RF shielded earthing sheet. I did not feel as irritable and inflamed while watching TV. Hoping for more improvement as I hit the 2-4 week timeframe. |
Elle, so good to hear that natural thyroid is helping you so much. I am another person who has greatly benefitted from taking natural thyroid medication. Had to fight my then doctor for it as he just wanted me on the synthetic stuff and didn't trust non-synthetics.
After a few weeks of taking the natural stuff I felt better than I had in years.
In the USA, Medicare has decided that they will only cover the synthetic thyroid meds, so I have to pay out of pocket, but it is so worth it!
From: Elle [via ES] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2020 10:04 PM To: Fog Top <[hidden email]> Subject: [ES] Re: Trying a new thyroid hormone replacement Wanted to share an update on taking the Armour thyroid medicine... as opposed to synthetic thyroid.
Day 1 - Started Sunday AM - first night sleep was good and vivid memorable dream. Awoke with less pain in my arm and joints. Day 4 - I started noticing that I felt less awful. I can best describe as a general awful, my body is not working right feeling... since July I have had this sense of something being very off in my body (entire, nerves, hormones, skin, blood pressure, heart, organs intestines, mouth, nothing has felt normal) Now there was more of a sense of things starting to work again. Day 5 Thursday - (This one shocked me) I had motivation to pull ferns from an overcrowded area in the yard. I have not done anything like that in at least 1 year and probably longer. I actually overdid it and by the time I realized how much I was in severe pain and my hands were almost shaking from pain. All my joints and what's left of muscles hurt intensely that evening and for the next few days. Day 8 Sunday - I have not had great sleep, no dreams that I recall.. but there is a real sense of feeling better. More energy overall... Hoping it's not the reason I am not sleeping deeply. I feel more like the me before the realization of being ES. I am not wonderful in all areas, but mood seems to be more stable than before. I still cry almost every day, but less intense and doesn't seem to last. I feel like I can breathe a bit more easier. I feel like I recovered more quickly than I would have thought from the damage I did on Thursday in the yard. Muscles seem less tight. I was able to watch TV for 2 evenings without being under a RF shielded earthing sheet. I did not feel as irritable and inflamed while watching TV. Hoping for more improvement as I hit the 2-4 week timeframe. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
Wow! That's good to hear.
Did you notice if the natural thyroid made you less sensitive to RF/EMF/ELF? How long have you been taking it now? :) |
Elle, I started taking it in Sept of 2014 and did begin to tolerate more EMF which I hadn't associated with the hormone, other changes were also made, but I know that by the end of 2014, I no longer felt the need to wear a silver lined hat whenever I went out.
Also my spirit lifted and fibromyalgia which had plagued me for years went away within the next year. I began putting some liquid iodine on my wrist every morning then and continue to do so.
Oh my gosh! That gives me a great feeling of hope. :)
It's only been a week and a half and I feel good changes in my body. Your experience gives me the first hope I have had in a long time that this will help me be stronger to RF/EMF. This could be amazing for me. Although I still plan to avoid RF at all costs. Thank you for sharing your experience! I wish I knew about the Type 2 hypothyroid a long time ago. I trusted the labs, even as my body felt worse and worse and more and more inflamed over the years... but my body must not have been using the synthetic hormone. Amazing. So you really don't feel the effects from RF when you are out in the world? May I ask what brand/dose of liquid iodine you use? |
Elle, I didn't mean to make you think that I don't feel EMF anymore. My sensitivity to it has lessened is all. Now I can take a Wi-Fi area for about 2 hours before getting that horrid feeling - actually it depends on how strong the signal is when before I would
react to it immediately and often had to leave stores or buildings right after entering.
Currently I'm using IOSOL Formula II in which one drop equals 1830 mcg/1220% daily value of Iodine. I use an eye-dropper to put about 1" line on one wrist and rub wrists together. Some people claim that iodine doesn't agree with them, so maybe you should
consider a weaker strength or using much less to see how you do with it. I grew up by the ocean and swam, consumed lots of seafood, and breathed that wonderful air so that might be why I seem to have no reaction to iodine.
From: Elle [via ES] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2020 2:04 PM To: Fog Top <[hidden email]> Subject: [ES] Re: Trying a new thyroid hormone replacement Oh my gosh! That gives me a great feeling of hope. :)
It's only been a week and a half and I feel good changes in my body. Your experience gives me the first hope I have had in a long time that this will help me be stronger to RF/EMF. This could be amazing for me. Although I still plan to avoid RF at all costs. Thank you for sharing your experience! I wish I knew about the Type 2 hypothyroid a long time ago. I trusted the labs, even as my body felt worse and worse and more and more inflamed over the years... but my body must not have been using the synthetic hormone. Amazing. So you really don't feel the effects from RF when you are out in the world? May I ask what brand/dose of liquid iodine you use? If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
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