Toxic foods from "Asia".

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Toxic foods from "Asia".

As many of us try to eat healthy, sometimes we may overlook where the food is grown. For example were 20%+ of the soil in china contaminated with toxins in 2005 and way over safe levels- now even more are contaminated. Also india have contaminated soil. A documentary showed a lot of chinese farmers won't even eat their own food they produce because they knew all of  the shit inside it !

So beans and rice from these countries may contribute to toxify us, personally I try to stay away from food from these countries and other countries with lot of "black" factories and pollutants. I eat primarly domestic and some european food.

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Re: Toxic foods from "Asia".

Used to spend long periods of times in Thailand, sometimes India, Nepal, Laos.
Pesticides are really bad there. I have noticed that I get sore breasts after a few months in Asia, because of too much estsrogen like chemicals. I met some male travellers who I noticed got bigger man breasts, after some time. Also had constantly sore throat and  stress symtoms.
It's sad to say, but I felt the best where people were the poorest: they didn't have the money to buy all that toxic stuff for growing food, plus did not use mobil phones, etc... The moment they get a bit go money, they put it in TVs, mobiles, pesticides...
 There's been a serious study showing areas where farmers had a very high rate of suicide in Thailand: they had switched to chemicals in farming, and got into heavy debt. Plus the chemicals messing with their body/brain, made them depressed and suicidal. Thailand is not a country like Japan or Finland with a traditionally high rate of suicides.