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This article shows that the MAJORITY of people in the French speaking part of Switzerland are against the 5G due to health problems. I keep listening to the Swiss radio and I heard at least 3 different programs mentioning problems with the installation of the 5G here. NOW the cell phone operators are saying 'We should have informed the population better' meaning, INSTEAD of just pushing the thing on our heads without asking permission. They simply meant that they should have made MORE of BRAIN WASHING campaign before they simply decided to build 5G towers in the whole of Switzerland for 2019-2020. Some Kantons have blocked the installation of 5G in their territory, but as the measure is not 'legal', the operators won. Thousands of people manifested against the 5G in Bern last September. |
Well, petitions and manifestations do seem to be working!!!
In reply to this post by Jinna
It seems more like Brussels doesn't wan't to be guinea pig.
Our country is divided into 10 provinces. My province and some other provinces want to be first to start with 5G. So even if Brussels doesn't want it yet, in reality this doesn't mean that the rest of our country isn't going to get 5G. Also, they are heavily discussing 5G (in politics). Some really pressure to get started with 5G, so i suspect it's just a matter of time. I'm not sure if they gonna wait for studies, since as far i know there are currently no 5G studies running, so i would be surprised they gonna wait for 5G studies, since God knows when those gonna start and end, meanwhile getting behind in economic interests etc. It could be a matter of time until the corruption kicks in and they start finding excuses to get it anyway. I'm not very optimistic about the situation, but let's hope they really woke up. |
In reply to this post by Jinna
it may be that EHS people are optimistically thinking that safety is the reason for the halt,
because after reading other things now, i'm not sure anymore this is the case. I don't follow politics and don't watch the news, so i don't really know, but i found this, which makes more sense to me: The arrival of 5G in Belgium is being blocked by a money dispute between the federal government and the various federal states. The latter want a larger share of the proceeds, but the federal government does not agree with that. |
Merializer, I did a google translate on the article you mentioned.
"Belgian 5g auction finally on the long track due to 'ordinary money issue' In Belgium, the federal government and the federal states did not agree on Wednesday about the auction of the 5g radio frequencies. As a result, the roll-out of the fast network risks being delayed for years. Telecomminister De Backer speaks of an 'ordinary money issue'. The federal government had already approved the auction for 5g frequencies in the summer agreement last year, but the file was subsequently blocked by the so-called Consultation Committee. The federal government and the Belgian federal states coordinate their policies there. The Consultation Committee was unable to reach an agreement last month, nor did it succeed during a new attempt on Wednesday morning. Telecom minister Philippe De Backer did not hide his disappointment. "No agreement on 5g. Ordinary cents issue from regions is blocking our country's economic future. Very unfortunate and short-sighted," he tweeted after the consultation. The biggest stumbling block is the distribution of income from the auction, which, according to the newspaper De Tijd, involves an amount of 680 million euros. Traditionally, eighty percent of income goes to the federal government and twenty percent to the federal states. About 60 percent of that part goes to Flanders and the rest to the French-speaking community. However, the Länder want a larger share of the income. According to them, people are consuming more and more media through the fast internet, and media is a state competence. Incidentally, the Consultation Committee will meet again next month for a new attempt, but little is expected of that. Even if an agreement were reached on the amendment of the telecom law, it would no longer be approved by the parliament in time. Belgium is on the eve of new elections, with the result that the parliament will soon be dissolved. It is feared that this will cause Belgium to be considerably behind in the roll-out of the 5G network." |
Well, it may be a money distribution problem only, but it's good the installation of 5 G is being delayed.
I'm glad that people are manifesting against the 5G here in Switzerland. No idea where this all will lead us, but the fact that the media is talking about health problems, that they are interviewing doctors and specialists that say 'We simply do not know what may happen and we think it is dangerous to make the population as lab rats' is certainly something POSITIVE!! It never happened before. Before, EHS was like a just another term for psychopaths... |
Yes it's indeed good that they talk about it and know about it.
It seems some of the work of EHS people has not been in vain. |
In reply to this post by Jinna
This came on some well known Belgian news websites:
(It's all the same news on different sites) In google chrome right-click and translate to English. |
Great news Merializer!!!
Just copy-pasting one of the translations here: "An international petition against the rollout of 5G, signed on November 6 by 172,395 people and organizations from 204 countries, is being sent to the federal and regional governments of Belgium. The organization reports this Thursday. In various countries, the rollout of 5G - the fifth generation of mobile telephony standards - is in progress or being fully prepared. According to this will lead to unprecedented environmental changes. The industry plans to install millions of 5G antennas and orbit at least 20,000 satellites. According to the collective, there is sufficient scientific evidence to show that the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields that are used are "harmful to living things." The origin of many modern civilization diseases, such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease, can at least partly be explained by electromagnetic pollution, it is said. The signatories, including Beperk De Straling, ask the various Belgian authorities to stop the rollout of 5G on their territory. They also ask for action at the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations to "ban 5G satellites worldwide or at least prevent their emissions above the European continent and adjacent international waters"." |
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Well well well...
Brussels Airport is developing a private 5G network at the airport with the Finnish Nokia and the Belgian operator Citymesh. |
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In reply to this post by Jinna
As i thought, 5G is likely going to come to Belgium anyway:
Watchdog forces 5G launch Since most people don't seem to complain, just a small minority, they will very likely continue. They will do all they can for money, personal benefit and the economy. Even our King was lying to the very end about his daughter from another woman. He would not have admitted without a lawsuit and a forced DNA test, even though we (the public) all knew it was true, simply because we saw enough video from both of them to see she looks like him. The corruption is endless. And we don't have a government by the way, already more than 250 days now i think, and it doesn't look like we are going to have one soon, but this isn't abnormal anymore, we already have the world record actually: 589 days. |
Sadly true...
Some manifestations against 5G still going on in Switzerland, but so do 5G masts.... As for Belgium, it's amazing. So much corruption too (we're fighting corruption in the level of the commune and Brussels, like mafia). If you got no money, they eat you up. We're working with a lawyer, paying him 200 euros an hour. It's an absurd price, but so is the corruption in the government.... I was sad when UK left the EU, but now I'm reconsidering... Europe feels like it's staying put in time, like a dinosaur, while China and the US continue to do their awful business here and there, 5G being just one example... |
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They claim in the news they are starting 5G in Belgium, except for Brussels :)
Launched today on 1 april... Belgium madness... and then they say WE are crazy. They say a "light" version at first, to be upgraded later. They will use the 3G band for starters, not new 5G antennas. not yet. |
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