Table salt vs Rock salt vs Crystal salt -- and EMFs

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Table salt vs Rock salt vs Crystal salt -- and EMFs


I came across the following while researching the relationship
between salt and ES/EMF. To the people on this list with scientific
training -- do these statements seem plausible? I apologize if this
subject has been covered here previously.


from "Water & Salt" by Barbara Hendel, MD and Peter Ferreira

The Structure of Salt

Similar to water, salt has its individual crystalline structure. In
contrast to the structure of water, which is tetrahedral in shape,
the grid structure of salt is cubic in form. This cube is constructed
from light quanta, also called photons, which are pure light energy.
The light/heat energy of the sun evaporated the primal oceans more
than 250 million years ago and the energy expended for this
dehydration is stored in the platonic body of the salt¹s crystalline
grid as potential energy. By adding water, the force of the grid can
be overcome, so that the energy it holds is liberated. In this
process, the elements within the crystal salt are ionized, allowing
them to penetrate the body¹s cells. This creates an ocean of energy,
a powerful potential, waiting only to create and sustain life.

The Power of Salt to Transform

from a scientific point of view, salt has a very unique property. In
contrast to all other crystalline structures, the atomic structure of
salt is not molecular, but electrical. This fact is what makes salt
so transformable. When we submerge a quartz crystal into water and
remove it after 10 minutes, it is still the same quartz crystal. It
did not change molecularly, though it has a crystalline structure.
Although the crystal can give its energy, its frequency pattern into
the surrounding water, which is effortlessly absorbed, the quartz
crystal remains the same. The crystal is too rooted in matter to be
dissolved or disassociated from its polarity.

When we submerge a crystal of salt into water, it dissolves, and the
sole is created. Sole is neither water nor salt. It is a higher
energetic dimension than either the water or the salt alone. When the
sole evaporates, the salt is left behind. This transformability of
salt ensures that it does not have to be metabolized in our body.
Starch is transformed into sugar, protein into amino acids and fat
into glycerin and acid. But salt remains salt. It is directly
available to the cells in its ionized form as sole (so-lay). All
other foods must be separated into their components in order for the
body to make use of them. But salt always remains in its original
form. It even accesses our brain directly.To Top

No Thoughts and No Actions Without Salt

Even the simplest processes in our body need salt or its inherent
elements in ionized form. For example, it is the task of our nervous
system to transmit the stimulation that has been recorded via sensory
input to our brain, which in return passes this information back to
our muscles in order for us to react to the respective stimuli. An
electric potential occurs on the membrane wall of the cells when the
positively charged potassium ions leave the cells and the positively
charged sodium ions cannot enter due to their size. The outside
becomes positively charged and the inside negatively charged. When a
nerve cell is stimulated, its membrane suddenly becomes polar
opposite and consequently is permeable for the sodium ions. In one-
thousandth of a second (1/1000th), the electrical potential is
transformed and releases, with every nerve impulse, 90 mill volts of
energy. The received stimuli are now being converted into thoughts
and actions. Without the elements potassium and sodium in the salt,
this process is not possible. Not even a single thought is possible,
let alone an action, without their presence. Just the simple act of
drinking a glass of water requires millions of instructions that come
as impulses. In the beginning there is the thought. This thought is
nothing but an electromagnetic frequency. The salt is responsible for
enabling this frequency to transmit commands to the muscles and

The Conductivity of Salt

Most of us are familiar with experimenting with the conductivity of
salt from science class. We attach two ends of an electric current to
a light bulb and submerge it into a glass with distilled water.
Because this water is not conductive, the bulb does not light up. But
when we add a little bit of salt into the water, the bulb slowly
starts to glow. It is the same with our body. When we lack the
natural elements of the salt, we are suffering from a chronic loss, a
chronic energy deficit, or deficit of information. Salt cannot be
labeled as a medication, because that would imply that apples too
were a medication. Salt is a core essential nutrient with exceptional
abilities and qualities fundamental for keeping us alive. And we can
find that which we are lacking, the respective frequency pattern, as
well as the necessary bio-chemicals, in natural crystal salt.

White Gold to White Poison

As common as salt shakers are to our kitchens, so are the numbers of
diseases associated with salt¹s daily use. Life is not possible
without salt. But our consumption of salt is killing us. Why is that?
Because our regular table salt no longer has anything in common with
the original crystal salt of which we¹re talking about here. Salt
nowadays is mainly sodium chloride and not salt. Natural crystal salt
consists not only of two, but also of all natural elements. These are
identical to the elements of which our bodies have been built and
originally found existing in the ³primal ocean² from where all life
originated.Interesting enough, our blood is a sole, containing the
same salty solution as that of the primal sea; that is, a fluid
consisting of water and salt. It also has the same ratio of
concentration as existed in the days when life left the primal sea.
This sole flows through more than 56,000 miles of waterways and blood
vessels throughout our organism with the forces of gravity and levity
and regulates and balances the functions of our body.

How Salt Became Sodium Chloride

With the advent of industrial development, natural salt was
³chemically cleaned² and reduced to the combination of sodium and
chloride. Essential minerals and trace elements were removed as
impurities. However, sodium chloride is an unnatural, isolated,
unwholesome substance having nothing in common with salt. Similar to
white, refined sugar, salt, once regarded as white gold, was
converted into white poison. However, there is a higher reason for
salt having been endowed with all the natural elements found in our
bodies. Sodium chloride is an aggressive substance, which
biochemically, is perpetually seeking an equalizing counterpart so
that the body¹s pH can always remain neutral. Sodium chloride needs
its natural counterpart in order for it to produce its effect. The
natural counterparts, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and other
minerals and trace elements, demonstrate, from a biophysical
standpoint, specific frequency patterns. These patterns ensure the
geometric structures in our body. When these structures are missing,
we are without energy and are lifeless. Salt should not be used just
to add flavor to our food, but for its vibration pattern, which is
similar to our body!

How Table Salt Burdens the Body

While our body only requires the minute amount of 0.007 ounces of
salt per day, most of us suffer from a lack of salt, even though
we¹re over-saturated with sodium chloride. When our consumption of
salt is less than 0.007 ounces per day, salt craving kicks in. The
average, per capita, daily consumption of table salt in the U.S. is
between 0.4 ounces and 0.7 ounces. However, our body is only able to
excrete 0.17 ounces to 0.25 ounces a day through our kidneys,
depending on our age, constitution and sex. The body recognizes table
salt as an aggressive cellular poison, an unnatural substance, and
wants to eliminate it as quickly as possible in order to protect
itself. This causes a constant overburden on our organs of excretion.
In almost every preserved product, salt is used as part of the
preservation process. So, by adding salt to the already-salted food,
the body receives more salt than it can get rid of.

The body now tries to isolate the over-dose of salt. In this process,
water molecules surround the sodium chloride in order to ionize it
into sodium and chloride to neutralize it. For this process, the
water is taken from our cells as the body sacrifices its most
perfectly structured cell water in order to neutralize sodium
chloride. With this, the dehydrated body cells die.To Top

The Consequences of Consuming Table Salt

The result of consuming common table salt is the formation of overly
acidic edema, or excess fluid in the body tissue, which is also the
cause of cellulite. That¹s why doctors tell us to avoid salt. For
every .035 ounces of sodium chloride that cannot be eliminated, the
body uses 23 times (23x) the amount of its own cell water to
neutralize the salt. If the sodium chloride is still too high, re-
crystallization of the table salt occurs as the body uses available
non-degradable animal proteins (as those found in milk), which also
have no value and cannot be broken down and eliminated. The body uses
these proteins to produce uric acid in order to get rid of the excess
salt. As the body cannot dispose of uric acid, it binds itself with
the sodium chloride to form new crystals that are deposited directly
in the bones and joints. This is the cause of different kinds of
rheumatism such as arthritis, gout, and kidney and gall bladder
stones. This re-crystallization is the body¹s band-aid solution for
the cells and organs in order to protect the body from irreparable
damage of irresponsible food intake. But in the long run, it poisons
the system because those substances cannot be disposed of.To Top

The Difference Between Rock Salt and Crystal Salt

The elements in rock salt are not integrated into the salt¹s crystal
grid, but cling to the outside surface and crevices of the
crystalline structure. This is the fundamental difference between
rock salt and crystal salt. A salt crystal manifests a superior
structure. Due to this sublime form, the elements are biochemically
available for our cells as are the individual frequencies or
vibration patterns. Rock salt is a cheap alternative to table salt,
and is at least a natural and wholesome product. Biochemically and
biophysically however, it is of little importance to our organism. We
can only receive the resonant effects of the geometrical structure
through the superior order or structure of a crystal and our cells
can only absorb those elements that occur in an ional form. Only
under considerable pressure considerable pressure can the elements be
transformed into a specific size, making them ional, which enables
them to pass through our cell wall. This is important because our
cells can only absorb what is available organically or ionally.
Therefore, we cannot absorb the minerals from mineral water as
they¹re not refined enough to penetrate our cell walls. And what
doesn¹t get into our cells cannot be metabolized. Therefore, the best
calcium is useless if it cannot be available to the body¹s cells.
What we need is the organic, or ional state of an element, in perfect
natural symbiosis with all its associated elements, in order for our
organism to make any use of it. To Top

Crystal Salt

Pure, natural crystal salt has been subjected to enormous pressure
over millions of years. The pressure is responsible for creating the
salt crystals. The higher the amount of pressure the more superior or
excellent the state of order within the crystalline structure. Salt,
for us, is foremost an information carrier and not a spice. For
information to be absorbed into our cells, a crystalline structure is
necessary. Chemically, a stone and a quartz crystal are both
silicates. However, the vast difference in the amounts of pressure
they were subjected to, distinguishes them. The quartz crystal
embodies a perfect geometric form, a perfect state of order within
its structure. The stone does not. Its elements are coarse, because
it was not subjected to enough pressure to create a crystalline
structure. Crystal salt layers wind through the mountain of salt,
shimmering in transparent white, pinkish or reddish veins. Only with
sufficient pressure was the salt of the salt mountain transformed
into crystal salt.

The elements trapped within the crystal salt are in particles small
enough to be able to penetrate the human cells and be metabolized. To

The Healing Effect of Salt

For thousands of years salt has been known as a panacea. Alchemists
called it ³the fifth element²‹besides water, earth, air and
fire‹because its qualities were comparable only to ether, the actual
fifth element. Why are we so drawn to the ocean? Because our
subconscious mind instinctively wants to return to the specific
vibrational state of the ocean from which we once emerged. This is
where we can return to recharge our batteries and regenerate. It was
only two-hundred-fifty years ago, with the advent of
industrialization, that we initiated our disconnection from nature
and her ways. Fortunately, we are witnessing a trend to return back
to natural, holistic methods for living and caring for our body,
including a shift back to utilizing natural salts in this process.
People everywhere are reconsidering the healing effects of natural
crystal salt. We can find it in skin care lotions and for use as bath
salts, and it is even used in inhalation or cleansing treatments for
illnesses of the respiratory system and for a variety of other

The Neutralizing Effect of Salt

The healing properties of salt are also known in allopathic medicine.
The largest and oldest salt works in Europe occupies the royal salt
mine of Wieliczka, Poland, just 7.5 miles outside of Krakow. Here, a
hospital was carved out of the expansive salt mountain, seven hundred
forty feet below the surface, specifically for asthmatics and
patients with lung disease and allergies. Several thousand patients
have been successfully treated in this hospital. The healing rate is
astonishingly over 90%. Recognition of the healing effects of salt
chambers has influenced the construction of a similar underground spa
located in the salt mine of Berchtesgaden in Germany. The therapeutic
benefits of long-term residency inside the healing salt chambers are
allopathically acknowledged. The healing effects were originally
thought to be related to the purity of the air within the mine¹s
chambers. But if it was only a question of the purity of the air, why
was the air in the cave so healthy, and the air above-surface so
unhealthy? One cause has been determined. Our houses are charged with
electromagnetic devices, such as TVs, stereos, computers, microwave
ovens and the basic electric currents running through our walls. And,
when not at home, we hold cell phones to our ears while driving in
our cars and walking through our daily lives. This electro-smog
causes an excess of positively charged ions that disturb the balance
between the positively and negatively charged particles. Further, it
creates an excess positively charged, chemically unbound particles in
the air. Only thirty seconds on a cell phone are enough to open up
our blood-brain-barrier, a natural barrier that protects our brain
from toxins, for eight hours. A Swedish study showed that ninety
percent of the women who used a copper-T I.U.D. as their birth
control method, while simultaneously using cell phones, developed
uterine cancer; the cause being that the I.U.D. functioned as a
transmitter and receiver of unnatural, dissonant vibrations.

Crystal Salt Promotes the Excretion of Animal Proteins

A further study showed some interesting allopathic results. All
subjects in this study drank one-teaspoon of sole daily. After four
weeks, the protein emission in the urine significantly increased for
eighty percent of the one-hundred-twenty-three subjects. This shows
that the energy pattern of the sole with its innate, natural
antagonism towards the proteins, helps and supports the excretion of
animal proteins that are difficult to break down. (This examination
was done by Dr. med. Elisabeth Scherwitz-Josenhans.)


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Re: Table salt vs Rock salt vs Crystal salt -- and EMFs

Marc Martin
> I came across the following while researching the relationship
> between salt and ES/EMF. To the people on this list with scientific
> training -- do these statements seem plausible? I apologize if this
> subject has been covered here previously.

Well, that's an awfully long article with a LOT of statements in it!
What specifically are you looking to confirm/deny?

My feeling on salt is much simpler and to the point -- the better
salts are unprocessed, like "Celtic Sea Salt" and "Realsalt".
However, excessive salt intake makes my ES symptoms much worse.
Presumably this is because excessive salt intake depletes
your potassium, and I've already found that foods high in
potassium help my ES symptoms.


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Re: Table salt vs Rock salt vs Crystal salt -- and EMFs


Sorry Marc. To summarize/clarify, here are the statements I'm curious

Claim #1: Consuming unprocessed salt (vs regular table salt) will
improve general health.
Claim #2: Consuming unprocessed salt (vs regular table salt) will
improve health of ES people specifically
Claim #3: Drinking one teaspoon of "sole" (saturated crystal salt
solution) mixed with a glass of water once a day will effectively
balance the pH factor and get rid of heavy metals such as lead,
mercury, arsenic, amalgam.

Any feedback or experiences? Thanks.


--- In [hidden email], "Marc Martin" <marc@u...> wrote:

> Well, that's an awfully long article with a LOT of statements in it!
> What specifically are you looking to confirm/deny?
> My feeling on salt is much simpler and to the point -- the better
> salts are unprocessed, like "Celtic Sea Salt" and "Realsalt".
> However, excessive salt intake makes my ES symptoms much worse.
> Presumably this is because excessive salt intake depletes
> your potassium, and I've already found that foods high in
> potassium help my ES symptoms.
> Marc

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Re: Table salt vs Rock salt vs Crystal salt -- and EMFs

Marc Martin
> Claim #1: Consuming unprocessed salt (vs regular table salt) will
> improve general health.

Unprocessed salt is certainly better for you than table salt -- I've
seen that written in many places. Like I said before, "Celtic"
and "Realsalt" are both good brands of unprocessed salt. In
general, people who are ill are depleted in minerals, so the
extra trace minerals in salt can be used to replenish those

> Claim #2: Consuming unprocessed salt (vs regular table salt) will
> improve health of ES people specifically

I haven't seen any specific evidence of this. I do consume
unprocessed salt, but only in very small amounts each day,
and I haven't seen any direct cause & effect in terms of
improving health. And like I said before, if I consume
a large amount of unprocessed salt (like more than a teaspoon),
my ES symptoms get obviously worse.

> Claim #3: Drinking one teaspoon of "sole" (saturated crystal salt
> solution) mixed with a glass of water once a day will effectively
> balance the pH factor and get rid of heavy metals such as lead,
> mercury, arsenic, amalgam.

I can't really comment on this... I haven't seen this mentioned
on the heavy metal poisoning discussion group I've been on for
the past 3 years...


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In reply to this post by Marc Martin

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Re: Table salt vs Rock salt vs Crystal salt -- and EMFs

In reply to this post by Marc Martin
At the time I was unable to get on-line, because I would experience immediate disorientation I asked a friend to do a search. She came back with kristalsalt, takes heavy metals out of the system. Saw hunzacristalsalt (Himalayan Salt) for sale at the tachyon-healer (sole solution, sauna-bath and footbath) and picked it up. At the time I had my amalgam removed I was using it and I feel lucky I was, had only posive results (well the amalgam was gone but later I heard that could have been tricky)


Marc Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Claim #1: Consuming unprocessed salt (vs regular table salt) will
> improve general health.

Unprocessed salt is certainly better for you than table salt -- I've
seen that written in many places. Like I said before, "Celtic"
and "Realsalt" are both good brands of unprocessed salt. In
general, people who are ill are depleted in minerals, so the
extra trace minerals in salt can be used to replenish those

> Claim #2: Consuming unprocessed salt (vs regular table salt) will
> improve health of ES people specifically

I haven't seen any specific evidence of this. I do consume
unprocessed salt, but only in very small amounts each day,
and I haven't seen any direct cause & effect in terms of
improving health. And like I said before, if I consume
a large amount of unprocessed salt (like more than a teaspoon),
my ES symptoms get obviously worse.

> Claim #3: Drinking one teaspoon of "sole" (saturated crystal salt
> solution) mixed with a glass of water once a day will effectively
> balance the pH factor and get rid of heavy metals such as lead,
> mercury, arsenic, amalgam.

I can't really comment on this... I haven't seen this mentioned
on the heavy metal poisoning discussion group I've been on for
the past 3 years...


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