POSTED FROM ANOTHER SITE...DEBBIE There are two clinics in this country which offer hopes for successful treatment of electrical hypersensitivity (EHS). One is primarily directed toward fibromyalgia problems in Boulder Colorado ( I assisted Drs Lowe and Garrison at the Houston Health Science Center, about 6 years ago, (supplying information to them about EHS) They were successful in reducing symptoms or curing fibromyalgia in over 200 persons (mostly women). This was a hazardous treatment with gradually increasing megadoses of thyroid T3, until symptoms disappeared. A number of persons with additional chemical and electrical sensitivities had those symptoms also disappear*. Details about their T3 treatments may be found in my Bioelectromagnetics Health Effects publication now on my CD with 40+ other related papers on healing and hazardous aspects of EMFs. See contents of publication and CD on my website For those who are interested in the maximum info on biological effects of EMFs, therapeutic and hazardous (on and from living systems), the 29.5 megabyte CD is available, postpaid, for $35 here in the US, $45 for foreign mailings. *Please note that EHS is a complex issue, where artificial and natural EMFs are an environmental stress associated with chemical sensitivity stresses and any additional psychophysiological stresses. There are many manifesting symptoms, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, low body temp., low pulse rate, uncontrollable weight problems, rosacia-like face rashes (computer monitor exposure), "fuzzy thinking", poor memory, and thyroid dysfunction (hypothyroidism) which will not show up on standard TSH blood tests, because the problem is reduced metabolism within the cell. This is due to cell receptor inactivity (cancelled by pesticides, heavy metals, other toxic chemicals collected one molecule at a time over a lifetime). The thyroid hormone T3 cannot enter the cell to keep body metabolism operating all kinds of symptoms manifest as the immune system starts to fail. I have an EHS home inspection client now, who is undergoing treatment for electrical and chemical hypersensitivity, as well as allergies, at the Environmental Health Center in Dallas Texas (see I am planning to travel to Dallas to visit my son and his family next week and hope to use the opportunity to meet with my client, and Dr. Rae and his associates at EHC. I want to find out how well their EHS therapies are working and drop off some research papers and my CD with them. They have an excellent website, which may be of interest to any of you afflicted with EHS. Incidentally, for those of you familiar with the exceptionally gifted INDIGO children and adult phenomena, now appearing around the country, you will find a large number of these people are chem and EMF sensitive, with a lot of the health symptoms mentioned above (can be inherited sometimes). They often also have autistic members in their families and unusual brain wave excursions, but that's another story! Hope the above info is of use to many of you. If so, please pass it on. James B. Beal EMF Interface Consulting EMFEFFECTS@a... <~~~~( + )~~~~> |
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