Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

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Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

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Hello all,

After years of lurking around on this forum and Facebook(where I was briefly a participant as well), I was able to recover from my severe Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity completely. In fact, just a few months ago it would have been unfathomable that I would be writing about this on a laptop, which is connected to internet using wifi, in a house with regular electronics plugged in. I was suffering from this since September 2018. It took me 2 years(December 2020 is when this happened) to figure out that I am EHS. Although my symptoms were bad enough-in May 2021, after catching coronavirus during the delta wave, my existing EHS symptoms increased significantly, and I became practically homeless since I was not able to live in a house(any house) with regular electricity and appliances-with a wide array of symptoms including a)severe insomnia, b)permanent, severe, throbbing headache, c)heart palpitations, d)muscle twitching, e)poor absorption, f)severe eczema/dandruff, g)itchiness in part of the body, h)alopecia, etc. I also quit my job in March 2021, primarily due to this reason.

I first tried a full body Ayurvedic detox after leaving the house. But it didn't seem to help me much. My symptoms were preventing me from living a normal life even for a second. I decided to leave my rented house, stowing away my belongings in a storage. Since then, I have been traveling the world(in my own limited way), living in tents, cars, etc, but also researching on EHS. During my research I realized that it is the wires and some components of electricity that is making me sick-and this varies from one EHS to another-people are sensitive to entirely different segments of the electromagnetic spectrum. I did multiple trial and error tests to understand which aspects of electricity in the wires is affecting me, what are their sources and how to mitigate them. It was not very straightforward, but I have a science and engineering background and I am also quite analytical, which helped in my research.

The homelessness ended in March 2024 when, after years of personal research, I moved into a rented house installing, filters, batteries and a whole setup that would reduce EMI(aka Dirty Electricity) from the wires(which I was primarily sensitive to). This expensive setup seemed to reduce my symptoms by 50% initially, but after a while my symptoms seem to come back to a degree(although it was not as bad as without any measures). This prompted me to look into myself-What could be wrong in my body, or mind, or both? By now I had exhausted most of my savings, and I decided to try the popular DNRS course, which seemed to help a little initially, and then I started with hard meditation of 3-4 hours a day, which also seemed to help a bit. By this time, I was already aware of the fact that so many methods seemed to help me quite a lot initially, only for them to reduce in effectiveness gradually(but never to zero).

The final recovery came to me in August 2024, with the insight about blocked blood flow in the body-yes-low blood flow was the main culprit for me- Low blood flow to the brain and also to the hands(I used to feel piercing pain in the hands while operating the phone and laptop). As soon as I took measures to improve blood flow, unblock blood vessels and pathways, I noticed drastic improvements, sometimes within hours-and surprising, these improvements did not reduce in their effectiveness days and weeks later, unlike the previous methods! The improvements persisted even when I was not taking any measures(for eg, while traveling), and there came a point in time when the measures for improving the blood flow were no longer helping me feel incrementally better-because I was already healed! It took the body a few weeks to process the improved blood flow, during which I was alternating between feeling hot and cold randomly, feeling excessively thirsty all the time, sometimes unusually lethargic, and also feeling stressed-I guess it was the body detoxing of things that were stuck for so long. My final theory is this-Poor blood flow caused both lack of nutrition and prevention of detox in the body, leading to EHS. Once the blood flow was restored, the body returned to homestasis and EHS was 100% gone.

This has been a dream come true for me, and I hope to inspire people on here who are on a similar journey-that you can heal to a degree you probably can't even imagine right now. I am planning to write a book as well. While I continue to believe that some of the EMFs that we are exposed to are doing us no good, the problem is indeed multi-fold; our bodies are not always at the best, even when we are signed off as healthy by doctors. Medical science and instruments(even the EMF detection instruments) have their own limitations, and sometimes we must only explore the various theories even if they seem only partially correct. There were multiple instances when I had the 'viola!' moment and the insights I had was supposed to help me free from EHS(whether by fixing something in the body, or fixing something in the environment), only to give way to the realization that I was wrong. But I did seem to have the final laugh, the final 'Viola!' moment does seem to persist and it has been 2+ months now during which I have travelled for 6 weeks and lived in various hotels, homes, and I did not have any recurrence of symptoms of EHS.

That said, I am being careful with what I think led to the poor/no blood flow in parts of the brain and body by taking proactive steps to retain good flow. Moreover, I am going deeper into the mind, since at the moment it seems that poor emotional regulation is atleast in part responsible for the constriction/blockage of the blood vessels. EHS was such a nightmare that I really want to shut the door to it, lock the key and throw it in the ocean, and while the primary symptoms have gone away with the measures, I know that I have miles to go. EHS in in fact the tip of the iceberg, something in the deep subconscious mind had a big role to play in this.

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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

Marc Martin
That's quite a first post!

Congratulations on your improvement, and I'm wondering what sorts of things did you do to help improve blood flow?
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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

This post was updated on .
(EDIT: Missed the bit about yoga)

Thanks Marc. I owe it to you for setting up this forum, which helped me generate possibilities and get initial understanding on what could be really going on in the body. As I said, I have been a long term lurker.

I took the below steps to improve blood flow-

1. Removed nicotine, caffeine from my life.
2. Limited salt to 5g/day, sugar to not more than 15g/day
3. Drank Apple, Beetroot, Carrot juice every day+Pomegranate
4. Added more greens, for eg spinach, to my diet
5. Chamomile tea every day
6. I got physiotherapy for releasing muscles in the cervical area as well as temporalis. I also got  dextrose based trigger point injections for releasing the tough knots.
7. Stretching and relaxing the neck muscles everyday.
8. Exercising the hand muscles
9. Daily yoga along with breathing exercises for a total of 90 minutes

Before the above measures, I tried a calcium channel blocker called Sibelium for a few days to test out my hypothesis. It worked like a charm and my EHS reduced drastically within 3 hours of the first dose itself. But I stopped using the medicine since it gave me quite a few side effects. I then decided to try and improve blood flow naturally and stopped Sibelium, since I already got to know what I wanted to know from this.
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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

Marc Martin

I understand that Valerian (herb) is also a calcium channel blocker, which may not have side effects likes a pharmaceutical.
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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

In reply to this post by kaushik07
hello Kaushik07
Huge congratulations! What a tremendous success! And thank you so much for sharing your healing journey with us.

When you say you got physiotherapy for releasing muscles in the cervical spine as well as temporalis muscles, may I ask what type of therapy was it? Is that done by a massage therapist, chiropractor or crainiosacral therapist - what type of practitioner does this?

Also may I ask were you experiencing tension in the neck and temporal muscle and that's what led you to seek treatment of those areas? (Wondering because I don't have tension in those areas but I'll try just about anything to see if it might help my EHS).

Thank you for any further insight you can provide.
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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

In reply to this post by kaushik07
hello again Kaushik07,
Also, you mentioned while your primary symptoms have gone away, you know that you have miles to go. Miles to go? Would you be so kind as to elaborate on that for us.

I'm wondering if you go out into a high emf area like a major city while carrying a cell phone and doing all the things a regular person does, do you feel perfectly fine now? Clearly you've had a major breakthrough. Would you say your EHS has improved to where it was before you became sensitive?

Thank you so much for sharing what you've learned with us so we can follow in your footsteps.
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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

Hello emf_sickness,

Thank you for the questions.

Regarding the physiotherapy-no I was not experiencing any significant pain in the neck area before I started working on it. Ok I did have occasional pain in the neck after waking up in the morning, but it used to go away. I was not aware of any muscle tension also(turns out that I was wrong of course, but it must be said that the muscle tension was so persistent and had been there for so long that I just lost awareness of it).

After starting on the vasodilating diet, which gave me instant results like no other thing before, I was curious as to how to improve this situation further. I was researching the internet as to what are the other factors that can result in poor blood flow in the body. One thing that came to my attention was posture. Now this was significant for me since I always suspected poor posture while sitting on the work table, specially poor positioning in the cervical area. I immediately started with some exercises based on a Youtube video that I saw, and it gave me instant and huge relief, just like the diet changes!

After a while the effects of those exercises started to not have any incremental benefit. And I still had some symptoms and I was eager to drive this to the end(if there is an end!). So I wondered what else could be at play-and this led me to understand the muscles, muscle knots and how they affect blood flow. After this understanding, I thought of starting physiotherapy for the neck and head areas immediately and yet again I experienced further and instant reduction in my symptoms right after the first session. To answer your question-I got myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, TENS, PEMF, Shockwave therapy and finally dextrose based trigger point injections. I worked with various therapists and a doctor for a month and got the release done on all the muscles in the neck and face. I also corrected my posture, specially when I am using the laptop and the phone, drastically.

Regarding your other question-yes, I do believe I have miles to go. I can very clearly observe that some of the symptoms seem to come up again when I am stressed(and go back when I de-stress). I am quite prone to emotional outbursts and stress and whenever that has happened, I have felt tightening in the head that resembled what my state was all the time, as a EHS person. Over time, the stress likely caused constriction in the blood vessels, muscles, etc and could well be the main reason for the overall tightening in the body, leading to poor blood in and out, poor nutrition reaching the organs and compromised detox from the organs. For now, I am happy that I have been able to reverse the effects of stress by other methods, but stress is my primary focus at the moment, although I did not anticipate this earlier and in fact did not even know that I am so, so stressed. It is perhaps very deep rooted in my case and it is taking significant effort for me to clearly see it and work on it.

Yes, I am able to feel completely healthy in 100% of the situations that were impossible just a few months ago. My primary nemesis was dirty electricity from appliances/electronics, including smart meters. It was hard for me to survive anywhere indoors. I also could not tolerate wifi from laptops, and touching the keyboard and phone gave me sharp pains. It was difficult to drive most cars, even those without much electronics(those gave me much more problems of course) due to the magnetic field from the car engine. I was mostly camping all these years. I also did not do well in densely populated areas which was most likely due to increased cell phone towers, but this was a smaller issue for me as compared to the others.

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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

In reply to this post by kaushik07
Thank you so much for this post, which is very inspiring.

I found that earthing improved my circulation - I have a healthy glow in my cheeks which I've never had before.

Red light/ infra-red light therapy also, reputedly, improves your circulation.

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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

In reply to this post by kaushik07
Careful with the spinach, a lot of oxalates which can cause other issues.
For me the biggest change was getting rid of any mercury and metals in my mouth.
For circulation, fish oil and Vitamin E work well, also grapeseed extract
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Re: Success with EHS-I finally achieved 100% recovery

In reply to this post by kaushik07
I have put up my journey on a website:

Thanks to everybody on this forum, I learnt a lot and this forum played a role in my eventual recovery.