Story about strange means of EMF protection!

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Story about strange means of EMF protection!


hi folks,

I have a friend who is highly psychic, he can read minds, he read
mine, also, he claims that he can read auras and talk to his angels.

I can not read minds but I am considerable sensitive to EMF. I have
visited him several times at his appartment and inside there, one
feels nothing but harmony.

The interesting thing is that his appartment is on a second floor
and secondary transmission lines pass over his bedroom!!! less than
two meters from the roof!! And also tertiary transmission lines pass
next to his bedroom. I have some other friends that live next to
secondary transmission lines and not as near as my psychic friend is
and I immediately feel the strong EMF as I enter to their living

I have been to my psychic friend's appartment several times, I have
never felt the slightest irritation or perturbation by that strong
EMF. Last time I visited him, he just move his bed next to the
window that is next to the power lines!!! He needed some fresh
air!! We are saying that his head as he sleeps is about 1 meter from
the tertiary transmission lines and about 3 meters from the
secondary transmission lines!!!

I asked him about it and he said that he does harmonizing work and
that he handles the disruptive energy in a positive way.



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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!


sorry folks I forgot to add the following about the previous story,

my friend does not use any device other than simple Feng Shui
gadgets but he does the harmonizing work through spells using salt,
fire, oils, and who know what else.


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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

Andrew McAfee
In reply to this post by Flavio
I am curious what the Guass meter reading (magnetic field strength) is
over the bed next to these power lines.
On Dec 17, 2004, at 1:41 AM, flavio_novelo wrote:

> hi folks,
> I have a friend who is highly psychic, he can read minds, he read
> mine, also, he claims that he can read auras and talk to his angels.
> I can not read minds but I am considerable sensitive to EMF. I have
> visited him several times at his appartment and inside there, one
> feels nothing but harmony.
> The interesting thing is that his appartment is on a second floor
> and secondary transmission lines pass over his bedroom!!! less than
> two meters from the roof!! And also tertiary transmission lines pass
> next to his bedroom. I have some other friends that live next to
> secondary transmission lines and not as near as my psychic friend is
> and I immediately feel the strong EMF as I enter to their living
> quarters.
> I have been to my psychic friend's appartment several times, I have
> never felt the slightest irritation or perturbation by that strong
> EMF. Last time I visited him, he just move his bed next to the
> window that is next to the power lines!!! He needed some fresh
> air!! We are saying that his head as he sleeps is about 1 meter from
> the tertiary transmission lines and about 3 meters from the
> secondary transmission lines!!!
> I asked him about it and he said that he does harmonizing work and
> that he handles the disruptive energy in a positive way.
> Strange.
> Flavio
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

Drasko Cvijovic
In reply to this post by Flavio

I am very ready to believe that highly spiritual people can neutralize EMF
There was here an old Orthodox monk (who died recently) that said the people
who are spiritually awaken do feel EMFs while those really advanced are able
not to be afflicted...

Just to say that I am more and more confused about what really triggers ES
symptoms and what is the explanation, what is the basis for protection
device plausibility... There should be some explanation or at least some
*rule*, it is not a spell...

But no rule I currently know explains why I don't feel perfectly in my
(practically) no-EMF room. I can even hear a weak 50 Hz (home electricity)
"noise", coming from nowhere, especially at dawn... (It is not a real sound,
definitely, as the room is very well insulated against sound). If it is a
longitudinal wave, I would like to know the rule - where it spreads, etc...
Anyway, it is my quick report after the first month that I use my ultra low
EMF room: It is far from being on some of few very special places (like one
small bay at the seaside, etc.) where I feel *actively* good... What is
significantly better would be that I do sleep extremely better, with vivid
drams, what I haven't experienced a for a long time. Whenever I go to bed, I
wake spontaneously with first cocks (what is easy now, when it means 6
o'clock :-)), and I don't feel sleepy over the day.

I got more interested in Feng Shui, as an attempt to summarize the place /
wellbeing relation, regarding various environmental parameters... But I am
still searching for serious approaches to it, as the most is just
superstitious replication of who knows what source...

If there is anybody on (or off) the List, who is concerned with rational (=
experimental) approach to Feng Shui, ( with special regards to EMFs), I
would be happy to hear his thoughts...


----- Original Message -----
From: "flavio_novelo" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:12 PM
Subject: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

> sorry folks I forgot to add the following about the previous story,
> my friend does not use any device other than simple Feng Shui
> gadgets but he does the harmonizing work through spells using salt,
> fire, oils, and who know what else.
> Flavio
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Andrew McAfee
Has anyone tried these CET's (Cosmic Energy Transformers)?

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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

In reply to this post by Drasko Cvijovic
Dear drasko,

Here is one link to someone trying to bridge science with spirituality

Also David Yarrow that I mentioned earlier is as well as autobiography of a yogi. Science already knows that everything is energy and only fear holds us back from the discovering the true nature and link of magnetism/light/electricity. That would mean the scientific proof of God. So we need to continue the trail of Einstein (United Field Theory e.g). The very fact that you see spirituality different from rationality is the bridge that needs to be taken. Even I have tried to reign in my beliefs here on the board in fear of being found a 'flake' by other warriors out here.

God is light=magnetism and the more magnetic we become (the closer to God=truth) the more so called miracles (everything really is a miracle) we can create. I feel most of us here are quite magnetic and need to push on up a little more.


Drasko Cvijovic <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am very ready to believe that highly spiritual people can neutralize EMF
There was here an old Orthodox monk (who died recently) that said the people
who are spiritually awaken do feel EMFs while those really advanced are able
not to be afflicted...

Just to say that I am more and more confused about what really triggers ES
symptoms and what is the explanation, what is the basis for protection
device plausibility... There should be some explanation or at least some
*rule*, it is not a spell...

But no rule I currently know explains why I don't feel perfectly in my
(practically) no-EMF room. I can even hear a weak 50 Hz (home electricity)
"noise", coming from nowhere, especially at dawn... (It is not a real sound,
definitely, as the room is very well insulated against sound). If it is a
longitudinal wave, I would like to know the rule - where it spreads, etc...
Anyway, it is my quick report after the first month that I use my ultra low
EMF room: It is far from being on some of few very special places (like one
small bay at the seaside, etc.) where I feel *actively* good... What is
significantly better would be that I do sleep extremely better, with vivid
drams, what I haven't experienced a for a long time. Whenever I go to bed, I
wake spontaneously with first cocks (what is easy now, when it means 6
o'clock :-)), and I don't feel sleepy over the day.

I got more interested in Feng Shui, as an attempt to summarize the place /
wellbeing relation, regarding various environmental parameters... But I am
still searching for serious approaches to it, as the most is just
superstitious replication of who knows what source...

If there is anybody on (or off) the List, who is concerned with rational (=
experimental) approach to Feng Shui, ( with special regards to EMFs), I
would be happy to hear his thoughts...


----- Original Message -----
From: "flavio_novelo" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:12 PM
Subject: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

> sorry folks I forgot to add the following about the previous story,
> my friend does not use any device other than simple Feng Shui
> gadgets but he does the harmonizing work through spells using salt,
> fire, oils, and who know what else.
> Flavio
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: CET's?

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Andrew McAfee
> Has anyone tried these CET's (Cosmic Energy Transformers)?

Yes, I did, a couple of years ago.

I noticed a strong effect from them when they first arrived,
and also had a strong detox effect from them in the first
couple days, but after that I barely noticed them, and they
NEVER helped my computer sensitivity that I could tell.
I eventually just got rid of them.


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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Drasko Cvijovic
> It is far from being on some of few very special places (like
> one small bay at the seaside, etc.) where I feel *actively* good

Hmmm, perhaps you're reacting to the high negative ion count
near the sea? Have you ever tried using a salt lamp? These
are made from large chunks of salt crystals, and are lit
from the inside with a small light bulb. They are supposed
to emit negative ions.

I have tried a salt lamp, but when I place it near my computer
monitor, I found it to be highly agitating, so I stopped...


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Re: CET's?

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Drasko Cvijovic
> Has anyone tried these CET's (Cosmic Energy Transformers)?

One amusing thing to me about the CETs is that my testimonial
is still being used to sell them, even though I stopped using
my CETs a long time ago:

I don't even remember them improving my sleep, but I guess
they did! :-)


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Re: CET's?

Drasko Cvijovic
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Just to comment that the number of devices you have tried is really
impressive, and it' s a pitty you got rid of them. I wonder if there is
anybody in the world with similar experiance.
If I could have afforded time and money to find, observe and test so many
devices, I would have certainly made a sort of museum with descriptions and
ability for other people to see, test and hire them .


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Martin" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [eSens] CET's?

> > Has anyone tried these CET's (Cosmic Energy Transformers)?
> Yes, I did, a couple of years ago.
> I noticed a strong effect from them when they first arrived,
> and also had a strong detox effect from them in the first
> couple days, but after that I barely noticed them, and they
> NEVER helped my computer sensitivity that I could tell.
> I eventually just got rid of them.
> Marc
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: CET's?

Marc Martin
> Just to comment that the number of devices you have tried is really
> impressive, and it' s a pitty you got rid of them. I wonder if there is
> anybody in the world with similar experiance.

I think there are a few people I've run across who seem to have tried
as many things as I have. Unfortunately, for one person, NONE of them
seemed to work.

As for keeping them around, I agree that would have been nice, but
I didn't really have any place to put them, and in some cases the
device seemed to do more harm than good, so I didn't want to keep
it around ME. Also, one or two of my cats seem to be even more
sensitive to these devices than I am, and as a result they start
peeing and pooping all over if I have something too strong in the
house. So any solution that's supposed to help the whole house
had to be eliminated to prevent further damage to the furniture
and carpets.

> If I could have afforded time and money to find, observe and test so many
> devices, I would have certainly made a sort of museum with descriptions
> and ability for other people to see, test and hire them .

Having all those devices in one place would make for a nasty mix
of energies! Of course, a "normal" person would not notice
it, but *I* would not be able to stand it!


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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

Drasko Cvijovic
In reply to this post by perla1133
Dear Elen,
Thank you for your reply!
Unfortunatelly, English version of the site you sent the link to is not
constructed yet, and I don't read other languages.
Regarding spirituality and such things we are discussing about, there is
often a problem of separating facts from fiction. So, although I am aware
belief is a preffered method to experimenetation in spiritual matters, I am
still very fond of those aspects of spirituality that are (at least
potentially) testable... I am not contradicting you, just telling my accents
and afinities...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ellen Hellingwerf" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

> Dear drasko,
> Here is one link to someone trying to bridge science with spirituality
> Also David Yarrow that I mentioned earlier is as well as autobiography of
a yogi. Science already knows that everything is energy and only fear holds
us back from the discovering the true nature and link of
magnetism/light/electricity. That would mean the scientific proof of God. So
we need to continue the trail of Einstein (United Field Theory e.g). The
very fact that you see spirituality different from rationality is the bridge
that needs to be taken. Even I have tried to reign in my beliefs here on the
board in fear of being found a 'flake' by other warriors out here.
> God is light=magnetism and the more magnetic we become (the closer to
God=truth) the more so called miracles (everything really is a miracle) we
can create. I feel most of us here are quite magnetic and need to push on up
a little more.

> Love
> Drasko Cvijovic <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I am very ready to believe that highly spiritual people can neutralize EMF
> affliction!
> There was here an old Orthodox monk (who died recently) that said the
> who are spiritually awaken do feel EMFs while those really advanced are
> not to be afflicted...
> Just to say that I am more and more confused about what really triggers ES
> symptoms and what is the explanation, what is the basis for protection
> device plausibility... There should be some explanation or at least some
> *rule*, it is not a spell...
> But no rule I currently know explains why I don't feel perfectly in my
> (practically) no-EMF room. I can even hear a weak 50 Hz (home
> "noise", coming from nowhere, especially at dawn... (It is not a real
> definitely, as the room is very well insulated against sound). If it is a
> longitudinal wave, I would like to know the rule - where it spreads,
> Anyway, it is my quick report after the first month that I use my ultra
> EMF room: It is far from being on some of few very special places (like
> small bay at the seaside, etc.) where I feel *actively* good... What is
> significantly better would be that I do sleep extremely better, with vivid
> drams, what I haven't experienced a for a long time. Whenever I go to bed,
> wake spontaneously with first cocks (what is easy now, when it means 6
> o'clock :-)), and I don't feel sleepy over the day.
> I got more interested in Feng Shui, as an attempt to summarize the place /
> wellbeing relation, regarding various environmental parameters... But I am
> still searching for serious approaches to it, as the most is just
> superstitious replication of who knows what source...
> If there is anybody on (or off) the List, who is concerned with rational

> experimental) approach to Feng Shui, ( with special regards to EMFs), I
> would be happy to hear his thoughts...
> Drasko
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "flavio_novelo" <[hidden email]>
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:12 PM
> Subject: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!
> >
> >
> > sorry folks I forgot to add the following about the previous story,
> >
> > my friend does not use any device other than simple Feng Shui
> > gadgets but he does the harmonizing work through spells using salt,
> > fire, oils, and who know what else.
> >
> > Flavio
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

Sorry I have trouble of getting the actual adresses to files I already downloaded. It is on The title is hersenen.shtml which means brains and it is in English. The exercises are interested and there is a lot of interestting scientific facts for us on there. Hope now you can find it. Seems the articles have dutch titles but are written in English. Or do a search Saskia Bosman spirals brain pineal gland and you will get to it.


Dear Elen,
Thank you for your reply!
Unfortunatelly, English version of the site you sent the link to is not
constructed yet, and I don't read other languages.
Regarding spirituality and such things we are discussing about, there is
often a problem of separating facts from fiction. So, although I am aware
belief is a preffered method to experimenetation in spiritual matters, I am
still very fond of those aspects of spirituality that are (at least
potentially) testable... I am not contradicting you, just telling my accents
and afinities...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ellen Hellingwerf" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

> Dear drasko,
> Here is one link to someone trying to bridge science with spirituality
> Also David Yarrow that I mentioned earlier is as well as autobiography of
a yogi. Science already knows that everything is energy and only fear holds
us back from the discovering the true nature and link of
magnetism/light/electricity. That would mean the scientific proof of God. So
we need to continue the trail of Einstein (United Field Theory e.g). The
very fact that you see spirituality different from rationality is the bridge
that needs to be taken. Even I have tried to reign in my beliefs here on the
board in fear of being found a 'flake' by other warriors out here.
> God is light=magnetism and the more magnetic we become (the closer to
God=truth) the more so called miracles (everything really is a miracle) we
can create. I feel most of us here are quite magnetic and need to push on up
a little more.

> Love
> Drasko Cvijovic <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I am very ready to believe that highly spiritual people can neutralize EMF
> affliction!
> There was here an old Orthodox monk (who died recently) that said the
> who are spiritually awaken do feel EMFs while those really advanced are
> not to be afflicted...
> Just to say that I am more and more confused about what really triggers ES
> symptoms and what is the explanation, what is the basis for protection
> device plausibility... There should be some explanation or at least some
> *rule*, it is not a spell...
> But no rule I currently know explains why I don't feel perfectly in my
> (practically) no-EMF room. I can even hear a weak 50 Hz (home
> "noise", coming from nowhere, especially at dawn... (It is not a real
> definitely, as the room is very well insulated against sound). If it is a
> longitudinal wave, I would like to know the rule - where it spreads,
> Anyway, it is my quick report after the first month that I use my ultra
> EMF room: It is far from being on some of few very special places (like
> small bay at the seaside, etc.) where I feel *actively* good... What is
> significantly better would be that I do sleep extremely better, with vivid
> drams, what I haven't experienced a for a long time. Whenever I go to bed,
> wake spontaneously with first cocks (what is easy now, when it means 6
> o'clock :-)), and I don't feel sleepy over the day.
> I got more interested in Feng Shui, as an attempt to summarize the place /
> wellbeing relation, regarding various environmental parameters... But I am
> still searching for serious approaches to it, as the most is just
> superstitious replication of who knows what source...
> If there is anybody on (or off) the List, who is concerned with rational

> experimental) approach to Feng Shui, ( with special regards to EMFs), I
> would be happy to hear his thoughts...
> Drasko
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "flavio_novelo" <[hidden email]>
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 11:12 PM
> Subject: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!
> >
> >
> > sorry folks I forgot to add the following about the previous story,
> >
> > my friend does not use any device other than simple Feng Shui
> > gadgets but he does the harmonizing work through spells using salt,
> > fire, oils, and who know what else.
> >
> > Flavio
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Yahoo! Groups SponsorADVERTISEMENT
> ---------------------------------
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> [hidden email]
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
> ---------------------------------
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

Drasko Cvijovic
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
Yes, I have bought a salt lamp recently, and it does something, but it
doesn't make me crazy... I mean it's impact to me is weak I have also tried
ion generators with similar success...
Also, I have other good places that I am totally unable to explain.
One is, starngely, at a very good reception of a mobile phone mast... The
only unusual thing with that place is it lays over a huge sand and clay
hill... Who knows...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Marc Martin" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2004 9:55 AM
Subject: Re: [eSens] Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!

> > It is far from being on some of few very special places (like
> > one small bay at the seaside, etc.) where I feel *actively* good
> Hmmm, perhaps you're reacting to the high negative ion count
> near the sea? Have you ever tried using a salt lamp? These
> are made from large chunks of salt crystals, and are lit
> from the inside with a small light bulb. They are supposed
> to emit negative ions.
> I have tried a salt lamp, but when I place it near my computer
> monitor, I found it to be highly agitating, so I stopped...
> Marc
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: Story about strange means of EMF protection!


--- In [hidden email], "Drasko Cvijovic" <pecina@c...> wrote:
> Also, I have other good places that I am totally unable to explain.
> One is, starngely, at a very good reception of a mobile phone
> mast... The only unusual thing with that place is it lays over a
> huge sand and clay hill... Who knows...

An ameliorating phenomenon has been reported and used by Drs. Rea,
Smith, et al., where application of EM frequencies *relieves*
symptoms. These ameliorating frequencies were found between
frequencies that incited ES symptoms. Like the inciting frequencies,
these ameliorating frequencies were different for each individual.
Maybe you've found a frequency that is helpful to you!

This oppositional effect of EM might be one more example of the
dualistic actions of an energy or substance consistently seen in
homeopathic practice. (I don't know if this is reported in other
healing modalities as well.)
