I recently acquired a Trifield EMF/RF detector in order to try and make our home a little safer in terms of electrical fields, magnetic and otherwise. While I'm generally comforted to find not too many EMF problems (coffee maker and hot-plate on ungrounded outlet are two notable exceptions -- wow! Scary stuff ...) I've been pretty appalled to find widespread high voltage fields throughout our space. (By high, I'm mostly referring to 100 - 600 V/m). I find spikes by outlets and light-switches in the 150 to 300 range, and 200 - 600 beside a couple of old ungrounded lamps.
All that is scary enough, but the worst is the smart TV. I have a Samsung UHD TV, 50 inches or so, from a few years back, and while it doesn't emit EMF to speak of, the electric field reading is pretty scary along the screen, from 250 - 800 V/m. The weirdest part is that the levels stay high even when I turned it off -- and stranger still, when I unplugged it!
Can anyone help me to understand why this is happening? I've tested the outlets in question, and my Sperry outlet checker indicates that they are grounded. So I don't really get why the readings are so high in the first place. But even if they're high while it's turned on, and drawing power even when turned off, shouldn't the levels drop significantly (if not go away altogether) when I unplug it?
If I can't find a way to escape the high voltage fields even by unplugging this thing, I just might have to think about getting rid of it. I'm sure many users on this forum have had to give up far more conveniences than this.
Anyway, thanks very much for reading. If anyone can shed any light on this, I'd be very grateful!