Skin resistance

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Skin resistance


Dear all,

after a shower I feel totally weak, thin and my symptoms are worse.

I wonder, is this because the resistance of my skin is less then, so
the e.m. fields can induce more electrical currents in my body?

If yes, would it be helpful to enhance the skin resistance with
ointment or something?

I read at (Dry, well-
keratinized, intact skin has an average resistance of 20,000 to
30,000 ohms/ sq. cm, whereas the resistance of moist thin skin is
about 500ohms/sq. cm.if current is applied to moist mucous membranes
the resistance may be as low as 200 to 300 ohms/sec squared).

Could this be the explanation? If yes, then it is another sign (maybe
even proof?) that my troubles are because of e.m. fields around.

Does anyone have experience with skin resistance enhancing ointments,
foods, recipes?


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Re: Skin resistance


Frans, that's very interesting. My husband has the same reaction to showers
(greatly increased ES symptoms). I once thought it might be related to use of
the hair dryer or electric shaver after the shower, but he pointed out to me that
it happens even when no electrical appliances are used. Your explanation makes
perfect sense.

If you look in the archives on September 24, 2004 you'll find a discussion on
"Skin care product to help ES symptoms". This discussion focused on skin lotions
that reduce the "burning skin" symptom when sitting at a computer, but I
suppose it's possible that it may also help with the weakness/exhaustion you
describe after showering. I think the Burt's Bees brand (carrot lotion, which also
contains coconut oil) was one of the recommendations.


--- In [hidden email], "franspppp" <franspppp@y...> wrote:

> Dear all,
> after a shower I feel totally weak, thin and my symptoms are worse.
> I wonder, is this because the resistance of my skin is less then, so
> the e.m. fields can induce more electrical currents in my body?
> If yes, would it be helpful to enhance the skin resistance with
> ointment or something?
> I read at (Dry, well-
> keratinized, intact skin has an average resistance of 20,000 to
> 30,000 ohms/ sq. cm, whereas the resistance of moist thin skin is
> about 500ohms/sq. cm.if current is applied to moist mucous membranes
> the resistance may be as low as 200 to 300 ohms/sec squared).
> Could this be the explanation? If yes, then it is another sign (maybe
> even proof?) that my troubles are because of e.m. fields around.
> Does anyone have experience with skin resistance enhancing ointments,
> foods, recipes?
> Frans

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Re: Skin resistance

Andrew McAfee
In reply to this post by franspppp
Sorry you are not feeling well.
I don't know the answer to the skin resistance question.
The skin, through sweating, eliminates a lot of toxins. It is possible
that the hot water is kicking up some of the toxins into your
I would also check the water pipes for an electrical charge. Buy a body
voltage meter and touch the pipes to see if they are conducting
See if you feel better after a cooler shower. If you want to see if
heat is the issue, do a warm bath with Epson Salts and Baking Soda to
remove toxins. Take it easy at first. Nothing over 20 minutes or your
body will start to reincorporate the toxins.
Let me know what you find; hopefully relief.
On Jan 2, 2005, at 7:13 PM, franspppp wrote:

> Dear all,
> after a shower I feel totally weak, thin and my symptoms are worse.
> I wonder, is this because the resistance of my skin is less then, so
> the e.m. fields can induce more electrical currents in my body?
> If yes, would it be helpful to enhance the skin resistance with
> ointment or something?
> I read at (Dry, well-
> keratinized, intact skin has an average resistance of 20,000 to
> 30,000 ohms/ sq. cm, whereas the resistance of moist thin skin is
> about 500ohms/sq. cm.if current is applied to moist mucous membranes
> the resistance may be as low as 200 to 300 ohms/sec squared).
> Could this be the explanation? If yes, then it is another sign (maybe
> even proof?) that my troubles are because of e.m. fields around.
> Does anyone have experience with skin resistance enhancing ointments,
> foods, recipes?
> Frans
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: Skin resistance

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by carazzz
> I think the Burt's Bees brand (carrot lotion, which also
> contains coconut oil) was one of the recommendations.

Yes, I've had good experience with this one, but I've
not experienced the problems with the shower, so it
may not work for this.

The carrot lotion has the unfortunate characteristic
of turning your skin a bit shiny & orange, so I've
been experimenting lately with other lotions. Right
now I'm trying SkiKai's Borage Dry Skin Therapy,
which *so far* seems to work well, but I'd say it's
too early to recommend it.


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Re: Skin resistance

In reply to this post by franspppp
For me, one of the most useful things I've learned for relief of elecrical sensitivity symptoms is a bath in either salt(nacl) or epsom salt(mg2so4). A pranic healing practicioner introduced me to it.
According to her, you have to use a lot for a bath. I'm talking a full 4 pound box dissolved in the bathtub. I soak in it for up to an hour. I make sure that I submerge my head too.
If you don't have time for a bath, you can just get in the shower, wet yourself down all over, step back from the shower spray, & smear salt or epsom salt all over yourself also including your face, ears, neck & top of your head & then rinse it off.
According to her, it removes bad energy from your energy body.
She also says to use the "Meditation on Twin Hearts" whenever possible. It is on a CD that can be obtained through the Pranic Healing wesite.

John M.

----- Original Message -----
From: franspppp
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 7:13 PM
Subject: [eSens] Skin resistance

Dear all,

after a shower I feel totally weak, thin and my symptoms are worse.

I wonder, is this because the resistance of my skin is less then, so
the e.m. fields can induce more electrical currents in my body?

If yes, would it be helpful to enhance the skin resistance with
ointment or something?

I read at (Dry, well-
keratinized, intact skin has an average resistance of 20,000 to
30,000 ohms/ sq. cm, whereas the resistance of moist thin skin is
about 500ohms/sq. cm.if current is applied to moist mucous membranes
the resistance may be as low as 200 to 300 ohms/sec squared).

Could this be the explanation? If yes, then it is another sign (maybe
even proof?) that my troubles are because of e.m. fields around.

Does anyone have experience with skin resistance enhancing ointments,
foods, recipes?


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Re: Skin resistance

In reply to this post by franspppp

> after a shower I feel totally weak, thin and my symptoms are worse.

Hi Frans,
This can be caused by pollutants in the water being absorbed through
the skin as it is a major organ of absorption. It is a common symptom
for MCS and ES sufferers to get worse in a shower, especially a hot
shower, if the water is high in contaminants, especially those one is
now sensitive to. Chlorine sensitivity is common. It takes very
little time for a water soluble contaminant to enter and be circulated
through the bloodstream via the skin.

Note that the level of contaminants may be considered 'safe' by the
health authorities, but for a sensitive person whose body is
overburdened with toxin the additional load is just too much. I doubt
whether any level of most of what is in our industrialized water
system is safe.

Try getting a chlorine filter showerhead as a start. You may also
check to see if your water system has chloramine added instead of
chlorine -- the chlorine filter will have little benefit in that case.
A lot of ppl go the route of having a reverse osmosis unit installed
on their water intake to eliminate a large portion of contaminants.
