Shielding Materials -

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Shielding Materials -

Good afternoon all!

First time poster.

Since I discovered the forum, maybe 2 months ago, I keep coming to check for ideas. Thank you all for posting and helping others.

Please note that the only reason I found the forum was because I started using DuckDuckGo for searching! And oh my, oh my, I found so many things that gg has buried. If you are not already using DDG, i totally recommend it!

My journey starts in 2015 when i got pretty sick (will share more later on).

Fast forward to 2022.

I just placed an order for 2 of my favorite shielding materials, and I thought I should share. I love them because they are effective ( as measured by Acoustimeter), and are not as expensive as most.

Of course, you can always get space blankets! That was my first shielding material - trying to buy bulk space blanket found these:

1) Vivosun highly reflective Mylar – you can get a roll 4’ x 100 ft for $46 my whole house floor is cover with this material – it does have shortcomings  and after 3 years certain areas where heavy desks  were placed are leaking. I will have to lift the floor and replace with item below.  This is slippery to be left by itself on the floor. More like underneath for carpet or planks, etc.  It does work wonders on walls and Inside cabinets and closets.
2) Vivosun diamond 6 mil Mylar film – this is thicker, not as flexible, but, boy It does take a lot to make it fail. I had covered some areas of my flooring on top of the plank, for at least 6 months now, with no problems. It is not slippery and you can walk over it. You can get at 4’ x100 ft roll for $85. I am going to use this one to replace the leaking flooring in my office space. I have these one on top for now, and even a rolling chair does not make it break!

What would the long term effects of having all this Mylar material all over my home. I have no idea. But the first one have saved my life. The second one is just prettier and more durable.

Thanks and have a great Sunday!

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Re: Shielding Materials -

Marc Martin
Unfortunately, I have seen reports that DuckDuckGo is also now censoring what they deem misinformation.  So some folks (including me) have recently switched search engines.  Now "Brave Search" is my default, and I only go to DuckDuckGo and Google for a 2nd/3rd opinion.
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Re: Shielding Materials -

Hello Crazy Journey (great user name!) and thank you for sharing the mylar info.

Sadly, I've also found google to no longer be a reliable search engine. I'll have to give Brave a try. Tor Browser is another a good one. There's another I've heard of but haven't tried yet called
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Re: Shielding Materials -

In reply to this post by CrazyJourney2016
Mylar is commonly used for emergency blankets, which should be skin-safe.  Check with the company that made the stuff then let us all know on this thread, I would advise.  I often use mylar sleeping blankets to reflect stuff and find that multiple layers of the really thin emergency blankets reflects okay and doesn't seem to hold a  static charge.
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Re: Shielding Materials -

In reply to this post by CrazyJourney2016
kinda makes me feel uneasy that the stuff is made of aluminum. i used some aluminum screening for shielding but i think i was making myself worse in the process. :(
right now as far as sleep is concerned Im having success covering my windows with black plastic bags in order to eliminate as much artificial crappy light as possible. helps me get deep sleep. just sucks now that neighbors are too addicted to comfort and are now starting to run their air conditioners ALL DAY!!!...makes things worse and the trash bags dont help much for that :(
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Re: Shielding Materials -

In reply to this post by CrazyJourney2016
@MarcMartin, thanks for the input. I will check Brave - I have to tell you, I was so happy to find the forum- I actually cried, felt as if I was home.  damn gg, kept it from me for a long time.

@emf_sensitive, it has been crazy for sure! And many friends and family still think I am crazy! 😊 Is all in my head.

@davidrsnell, I already tried. I asked them for the SDS, they said they do not have them. So, I asked what the VOC levels were, and they said they did not know. I thought that every material has to have that information. So far, I have not reacted to either material and I am super sensitive to chemicals. The material is sold for horticulture purposes.

@welcomekoa, I hear you. My body seems okay with it. It might be because is  not touching me? But, like the shielding clothing, some makes me feel really bad. I test yearly for toxic metals (that is part of my journey-I have Uranium). With all the material in my house, I was expecting Aluminum to show up at one point, still nothing since the metal detox I did in 2015/2016.
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Re: Shielding Materials -

what did you do for your metal detox?
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Re: Shielding Materials -

Hi @welcomekoa,
I do not remember exactly what it was. The first kit was with a Functional Medicine doctor and nothing really happened, Mercury, Cadmium, Arsenic and Aluminum were all high and stayed high. I think because I was still getting exposed to the U.
Second time was with a dr. that just does detox for mold and metals, and etc. and she gave me some drops and had to remove certain foods from my diet for a period of time. Keep in mind, at this time i was no longer exposed to U. All metals were gone after this treatment, with the exception of U. But, she knew that U was not going to be impacted.
I wish I remember more specifics..
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Re: Shielding Materials -

In reply to this post by CrazyJourney2016
Hi everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! I am thankful for all of you who post and share. It gives you this warm feeling that you are not alone.

As a Thanksgiving gift and a way to pay it forward, I am sharing what has worked for me. My journey started in 2016. And it has been such a crazy road. I am alive and sane! because of the people who helped me along the way. The meters I got (you cannot do this without a meter) and all the things I have tried and tested -I am like me own design of experiment.

Here is an updated list with materials and other things I used and can recommend.

This is an update to my posting.
I worked with other materials. And was waiting to see how my body reacted and if they deteriorate over time.
All of these and the Vivosun can be purchased in AMZ. Most of the suppliers have  some kind of cyber Monday event going, if you would like to try some.

These 2 are from a store called Amradield.
1) A Nickel Copper Mesh type - Surface Resistance: Below 0.03 ohm , Average Attenuation of 45 dB from 30MHz-8GHz. The first time I bought from them was in 2020, for a window. I bought two bigger pieces for a balcony window in 2021. And they are holding good. No rusting or anything. And they are blocking signals.
2) A Nickel Copper polyster fabric. I used this one for the ceiling in my bedroom. Unlike the vivosun materials, this one is easier to handle for the ceiling. They also block some of the noise coming from the wires? It has been on my ceiling since March of 2022. I have not had any reactions, skin, or lungs. I sleep great. And has been a blessing to be able to have a complete shielded bedroom.

3) The door of my bedroom is shielded with Blocksiver Fabric that the first time I got it rusted horrible in 4 months. That piece was in my living room. I sent them an email and said for this high price this should performed better. They sent me an "improved" replacement, that I have since March 2022 in the entrance of my bedroom. I can lift it when I am not sleeping and bring it down when I am about to sleep.
So far, seems okay. But it is really expensive, compare to the vivosun.

4) for a hoodie I bought one from a seller called blocWave in 8/2021. It works. It is the one I take when I go around. But is falling apart. Would I buy from them again. No. But if you need something. I guess this works, but do not expect to last that long.

5) I got a long sleeve top from getlambs and I really like it. The material is soft and it also blocks UV rays that saves me to having to wear other tops. However, they did not have a hoodie. It is easier to wear the blocwave. They are coming with a hoodie in March of 2023.
Do not buy their hats, they have a hole on the top. The tops I  do recommend. They have underwear. That I have not tried. The material is solid and soft and does protect.

6) Grounding shoes. These are life changing. I used a pair inside my home and one for outdoors. All my life I have gotten static electricity jolts. Laundry day, oh expect to be jolted. Winter time and blankets: jolted. Anywhere, anytime. Now, I do not. Their shoes work! These are from Harmony 783. Do not buy their flip flops (useless). I got my first pair in ebay for half the price (the platinum knit jogger) I really do not like the look. But, it was half the price. The other shoe is the navy suede jogger. But you cannot really jog in these shoes. They are hard. I can walk with them and take them to the supermarket and when I am going around. But for real exercise walking I take my walking shoes.

7) Iron. If I get exposed for a long period, I become sensitive to the light and a migraine kind of pain. I cannot be near a monitor or even see the sunlight. Here is where Iron comes into play. For whatever reason, eating liver helped me one day and then, I know. Works every time. If you do not have iron supplement, just take 1 or 2 liver steaks. Why? not really sure why, but it helps every time.

8) and if you have migraines or light sensitivity that cannot be solved with Iron, try Axon rx-migraine relief. I discovered them before I knew of the EMF vs Iron connection. They work!

If you read this far, thank you. I hope with all my heart that your life improves!

In 2016, I did not think I would live more than couple of years? The extreme pain of every cell of my body was the most horrible experience I had. Not knowing what was causing all these, mind blowing. Doctors useless doctors and many tests later with no answers.

This journey has made me stronger. And with the help from many, I am here alive! Typing this note. A note of hope and healing vibes to all of you.

Thank you! and Bless you all!
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Re: Shielding Materials -

In reply to this post by CrazyJourney2016
Hi, I have tried lots of different shielding materials but finally I developped a good method. I shielded my appartement as follows. I used Yshield HSF54 graphite paint for the walls an ceilings 2-3 coats. For the floors I used Yshield HNV100 fabric in the sleeping areas and HNG80 everywhere else. Of course I had to take off all the flooring, install the shielding fabric and then put the floor back on. All this shielding is grounded in order to get rid of EF generated by the electric cables. The windows have 4 type of protections. First I installed aluminium mesh to cover the whole window openings, then I changed the PVC blinds to aluminium ones. I installed anti UV foil on the window glass and finally I used Yshield Steel-Gray fabric to make window curtains. For the doors and sills I used Yshield HNS80 self adhesive fabric in order to completely shield one zone from another. I know, it was a lot of work and a very expensive one but it has paid off. I live in a busy city, surrounded by EMF and RF pollution and I managed to bring the levels down to under 1 μW/m2 measured with the Safe and Sound Pro II meter. After 15 years of torture and suffering I finally feel like new. All my health issues are gone, I even lost a lot of weight. I'll gladly answer any of your questions. God bless