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Drasko Cvijovic

A food for thought:...

I've been yesterday to a doctor that studied Russian alternative medicine. It looks more like witchcraft than Western medicine... She (mostly correctly) said all about my health by swinging a rod (a kind of dowsing)...

Most interesting for me was that she says ES is a synchronization of (parts of?) brain with the EM field oscillations. Allegedly, it has been firmly proven by Japanese (!??)... Also, (as I understood, as she speaks half in Russian) neural dammage or weaknes makes people especially prone to such synchronisations. With a special connection with Epilepsies. She says in Russia doctors suggest Epileptics to refrain from computer and TV except for short...
Have I told before that I met other people seriously connecting ES and Epilepsis? Some say that anti epileptic drugs work against ES, but I missed to try, hopefully I would do that next days...


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