Reducing electrical output of keyboard?

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Reducing electrical output of keyboard?

I have a wired laptop with ethernet connection,  with a separate keyboard connected by USB port. Is it possible to reduce the keyboard's strong electrical field in any way? Using a grounding sheet but it makes no difference. Sorry if I sound thick but am new to this!
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Re: Reducing electrical output of keyboard?

I'm extremely EMF-sensitive, I don't notice any effects from a K400-series Logitech keyboard. It doesn't have a cord that carries power, just a couple batteries, and relies on very intermittent communication with the computer.  Best of all I can use it from 10-40 feet away.
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Re: Reducing electrical output of keyboard?

Thanks David I just checked Amazon and they're available there. Its comforting to know others are extremely emf sensitive too.
I used to be able to travel in the back of a car down a highway with a blocsilver canopy over me and protective clothing on, but now with the amount of modern electric cars and all their computery onboard even that is proving almost impossible. I have decided the only way is to go out either very early or stick to remote roads. How do other people cope with travelling?
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Re: Reducing electrical output of keyboard?

Some people apply shielding tint to their car windows. Try searching this forum for window tint.
"Health, Safety & Financial Freedom for All"
David R. Snell, President and
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