Re: salt - naturopathic theory

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Re: salt - naturopathic theory

Glenn Coleman
That is interesting how electrolytic substances can help ES symptoms. I
wonder if it helps to correct energy paths in body - as with bioenergy work.
I personally also notice improvement when eating salt. I wonder if one
thing it may do is help to detoxify, like taking a bath with epsom salts.
ie. Clear out toxins when they are causing problems?

I know that if one is ES due to mercury in body, the mercury binds to
sulphur throughout ones body, and that is what makes it so difficult to
detox mercury from body. So I wonder what impact salt would have on the
mercury/sulphur situation?

My naturopath, Dr. John Matsen, very strongly believes that the food one
eats should be similar to the food grown in your area for that season. His
theory is that our body regulates release of vitamin-D, based on the type of
food that one eats. So if one eats bananas in the winter, the body assumes
that it is sunny outside, and does not release very much vitamin-D, since it
assumes there is allot available through the sun.

Based on this theory, he told me to always add some salt to any high
potassium foods, if I eat them out of season. This apparently tells the
body to continue releasing vitamin-D, even though high-potassium food is
being eaten. So one will usually feel more energetic with vitamin-D being
consistently released.

So I wondered if that could be part of what makes one feel good when one has
ES and ingests sea salt - more vitamin-D.

Dr. Matsen's other theory is that our valve between large/small intestine
gets messed up when too much potassium ingested. This results in toxins
being created, which can make one feel poorly as well. Again, by adding
salt with potassium foods (when food out of season is eaten), we reduce the
impact on that valve (I can remember exactly the name of the valve - I
believe it is eliosaki valve), and reduce creation of toxins from backup
from small intestines.

All this theory exists in his book "Eating Alive II", at

Dr. Matsen has had some very remarkable health success stories with his
theories of eating correct foods for the season - also described in his
book. He also covers mercury and how it impacts our body.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Marc Martin" <[hidden email]>
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Subject: Re: [eSens] salt
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 10:46:18 -0700

> My wife has had the same problem for years now. However, interestingly
> tonight, she took a few grains of sea salt with a bit of water after
> using the computer fro an hour and feeling quite sick, and the symptoms
> went away almost immediately!!

Yes, one can definitely reduce symptoms based on what they eat. For me,
sea salt dissolved in water helped at first, but eventually it actually
made me *more* sensitive to EMF, so there is definitely a balance to
lookout for -- e.g, not too little salt, and not too much. You can also
experiment with the other electrolyte minerals (calcium, magnesium,
potassium, sodium) and see what effect they have. You can also
just research which foods are high in each to experiment this way,
rather than use supplements. For me, calcium and sodium makes my
ES symptoms worse, while potassium and magnesium make them better.
