Re: cats liking geopathic energy and EMF

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Re: cats liking geopathic energy and EMF

Marc mentioned how his cats seem to like electrical "disharmony," thus
he limits his remediation to his own space.
The fact that cats are attracting to these energies does not mean they
are good for the cats. They are not! Kathe Bachler mentionsthis in her book
on Earth Radiation. I have also found it to be true. I am pasting on
below something I wrote about one of our cats. (He is still with us almost a
year after his cancer diagnosis. Our local vet is amazed by that, but sheknows
that I do "unusual" things with our animal friends that often results in
"amazing" cures. Don't know if we are going to get an actual cure with this one,
but he is comfortable and happy so far.)

August 18, 2004
In April 2004 one of our cats, Bobby, was diagnosed with jaw bone
cancer. He had spent much of the previous winter (and the winter before that, and
the one before that...) lying in front of our woodstove, using the stone it
sits on as a pillow, with his body on the carpet but his head on the stone.I
checked the area with an electric field meter and found that the carpet hasno
electrical field, but the stove and the stone, which must have a high metal
content, both do.  
Having part of ones body in an area with a field and part in an area
with no field turns your body into a sort of battery, with current flow between
the poles. If this current contains high frequency electrical pollution, it
will cause great stress. The area in question is right over electrical
conduits and water pipes that we have been unable to reduce the flow of toxic high
frequency current on, due to the fact that they contact the incoming power
conduit previous to a point where we can plug in filters. (The last time that I
attempted to simply read the magnetic field of the water pipe there, my heart
stopped for a second as my hand-held meter touched the pipe. I have not
attempted to work any further in that area.)
I then checked the area where Bobby had lain for geopathic stress and
found a strong line of GS runs from side to side across the front of the large
stone the stove sits on. When he used the stone for his pillow, his jaw
rested right on this line.
About the time he was diagnosed it got warm enough that we quit using
the stove for the season. That at least removed the initiating stressor,but
Bobby was . He refused to eat or drink as opening his jaw was so painful.  
It was not possible to force feed him, either, as he literally screamed with
pain if his jaw was touched. He looked horrible and was hiding under the
furniture to avoid contact with the other cats or us. It appeared that hehad
just days to live. The local vet could only offer a compassionate “I’m sorry,”
with a prognosis of fairly immediate demise due to starvation.
I contacted a homeopathic vet, who prescribed the particular remedy
that fit Bobby. Soon after I administered it, Bobby changed. He was able to
eat soft food, began hanging out on top of the furniture rather than
retreating under it, and became his usual very sociable self. On about the 2nd day
after the remedy was given, he gave a cry as he was eating, and I found his
dish with blood in it. The vet explained that this was a strong response to the
remedy and though unpleasant, not a bad thing.  
Since then, every once in a while a hole opens on the outside of Bobby’s
jaw and toxic bloody fluid drains out. There have been holes in three
different spots so far, sometimes draining just a bit, but once, when a large
balloon of fluid had collected, spewing all over the carpet. Gross, but Iwas
glad to see it outside of him, no longer inside.
I have added several other elements to his “treatment,” including
chlorella, turmeric and fresh grass snippings. (Enquire for the full program, if
it’s of interest.) Our regular local vet, who gave the initial diagnosis, is
astounded that Bobby is still with us as I write this in the middle of
August. The final outcome remains to be seen, but the cause of the cancer is
clear enough to me.
Though dogs are known to avoid areas of geopathic stress and EMF if they
can, cats are strangely attracted to them. This does not mean that they are
not negatively affected by them, however. If you want your cat to be
healthy, don’t let it hang out in such areas.
It would certainly be good if more people learned to dowse and checked
their own homes. An excellent dowsing tutorial can be found at Just keep in mind that when youare dowsing a
negative energy you are tuned in to it, which is not healthy. Keep it to a
necessary minimum. Don't dowse when ill, during storm fronts, electrical
PS About a month ago I began a cesium-based alkalinizing treatment for
Bobby, as Cancer cannot bear alkalinity. Too soon to know results.  

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: cats liking geopathic energy and EMF

Marc Martin
> Marc mentioned how his cats seem to like electrical "disharmony,"
> thus he limits his remediation to his own space.

Well, for me it's more than a case of the cats simply disliking
mitigation -- they backlash by urinating over everything in
the house if I have to many EMF protection devices in the
house. And it's certainly not healthy to have a houseful
of urine-drenched carpet and furniture.

But they do get as much good energy as they can handle --
I occasionally test their limits (and clean up the
urine when I exceed them)
