Re:Jill's dental gold and silver

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Re:Jill's dental gold and silver


Jill wrote:
"the dentist believes that the interaction of the gold and the silver/mercury
are causing probs.  suggested taking it all out of course...but what have
others found to be safe? i'm also chemically sensitive..."
> If you have any two different metals in your mouth they have different
conductive values and thus they create poles relative to each other, and you
have electricity flowing between them. Any metal at all in the mouth creates
an antenna for picking up current, but two metals creates this additional
battery effect.
Every chemical can be identified by spectrum analysis due to its
frequency. Chemical sensitivity can be thought of as electrical (frequency)
sensitivity in disguise. The main thing I have learned about electrical
sensitivity, the most important thing I can share, is that it is specifically the
FREQUENCY we are reacting to. This is why the Graham Stetzer filters help so many
so much, because they get rid of the damaging frequencies. All the
regulations about the strength of the field, whether you are getting enoughvoltage to
feel a shock, etc. are way off base.
> Regards,

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