Re: Bentonite, Probiotics, Dr. Andy Cutler "frequent dose chelation"

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Re: Bentonite, Probiotics, Dr. Andy Cutler "frequent dose chelation"

Glenn Coleman
> A surprising side-effect is that when I feel ES symptoms and drink the
> bentonite mixture, my symptoms are significantly reduced.

>Note that I get the same effect by taking probiotics -- I believe
>that probiotics bind with heavy metals in your colon. I've noticed
>this with more than one brand of probiotic, but I've been using
>"primal defense" for quite awhile, because it is less prone to
>perishing and has more aggressive strains (plus it tests well
>when I go get EAV tested)

The probiotics does look like a good tool for people with mercury poisoning,
or for anyone for that matter. It seems to especially help to keep yeast &
parasites down which is ideal during mercury detox to reduce toxin buildup
and other problems.

I've also heard of many people taking probiotics with Dr. Andy Cutler's
detox program, which seems to be one of the most popular detox programs
going (called frequent dose chelation with ALA & DMSA), for those needing
immediate detox. He has two news groups autism-mercury, and
frequent-dose-chelation, both being moderated by detox experts. He also has
a comprehensive book covering his whole program recommended for doctors and
patients (I'm waiting for mine to arrive).

Andy Cutler has a unique approach completely different from what many DMSA
programs prescribe in that one has to take DMSA many times a day for many
days. Apparently the method I have been using of taking DMSA every 3 days
only gets things stirred up with not as good benefits (for the effort).

I'm going to give this detox program a go.

I could use that extra mercury cleaning to get my ES symptoms further
reduced (despite my recent plans to try to stick with natural detox).

