RE: ES irreversible?

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RE: ES irreversible?

Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
My answer to this question is that one can strengthen one's whole
organism through diet, exercise, fresh air and as much as possible
staying away from the source of the problem - and to an extent become
less ES. However it my very un-expert opinion that ES comes about due
to the inherent sensitivity of the organism - ie, one was born more
sensitive, one has a more sensitive nervous system and a more sensitive
system generally. I see this as being a plus (+), as it can also
indicate the potential for greater awareness, especially of all things
'higher'! Sounds very elitist, but..... This fact, that some are more
susceptible to environmental pollution than others, has been born out by
the NIEHS (National Institute for Environmental health Sciences in the
US, who have said that 30% of the population are more sensitive to
environmental pollution than the other 70%.

However I also realise that being overly toxic with chemicals, mercury
etc has a role in making a person ES. There is no doubt though that I
am stronger than I was....and to a degree less sensitive. I think the
human race is adapting to its new elctric environemnt, and I am not sure
that I think this is a very good idea - however there is very little one
can do about it at this stage.


-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Martin [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Saturday, 21 August 2004 12:19 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] To Marc: Thank you

>There are so many people that teach in university or make research but
>who is a real scientist ? I must tell you that from your side you are a

>great scientist.

Thank you! And I am a scientist in real life -- a "rocket scientist",
no less... :-)


I can't speak for all the various types of electrical sensitivity, as I
see that different people are sensitive to different things, or respond
to different treatments. However, the type of electrical sensitivity
that I have (which seems to be caused by toxicity and nutritional
deficiencies) seems to be reversible by detoxification and eating foods
or taking supplements which contain the nutritional ingredients that you
are missing. The only problem is that it can take years, and be
time-consuming, expensive, and filled with trial & error.

So far my sensitivity is merely "under control", but not reversed. But I
still think it's reversible -- either I need to give things more time
(maybe 2 more years), or try an type of treatment that I haven't tried
yet (e.g., NAET or NMT).


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Re: ES irreversible?

Drasko Cvijovic
Just a word of support to your opinion of below!
I myself sometimes get "used" to EMFs but the price is that I feel
"spiritually" (don't know better word) dead! It is maybe "elitist" as you
say, but I sometimes think that most of the people simply accept being
anesthetized somehow, for the sake of living "normal lives". Some even told
me I should eat fat meat, and drink spirits as not to be so sensitive!!! So
I say, "No thanks, I am fine this way, with ES, if that is a price!"...
Sometimes I think that sensitivity is a blessing, but sometimes I think that
we are simply handicapped.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 2:16 AM
Subject: RE: [eSens] ES irreversible?

> My answer to this question is that one can strengthen one's whole
> organism through diet, exercise, fresh air and as much as possible
> staying away from the source of the problem - and to an extent become
> less ES. However it my very un-expert opinion that ES comes about due
> to the inherent sensitivity of the organism - ie, one was born more
> sensitive, one has a more sensitive nervous system and a more sensitive
> system generally. I see this as being a plus (+), as it can also
> indicate the potential for greater awareness, especially of all things
> 'higher'! Sounds very elitist, but..... This fact, that some are more
> susceptible to environmental pollution than others, has been born out by
> the NIEHS (National Institute for Environmental health Sciences in the
> US, who have said that 30% of the population are more sensitive to
> environmental pollution than the other 70%.
> However I also realise that being overly toxic with chemicals, mercury
> etc has a role in making a person ES. There is no doubt though that I
> am stronger than I was....and to a degree less sensitive. I think the
> human race is adapting to its new elctric environemnt, and I am not sure
> that I think this is a very good idea - however there is very little one
> can do about it at this stage.
> Sarah
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Martin [mailto:[hidden email]]
> Sent: Saturday, 21 August 2004 12:19 AM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: Re: [eSens] To Marc: Thank you
> >There are so many people that teach in university or make research but
> >who is a real scientist ? I must tell you that from your side you are a
> >great scientist.
> Thank you! And I am a scientist in real life -- a "rocket scientist",
> no less... :-)
> I can't speak for all the various types of electrical sensitivity, as I
> see that different people are sensitive to different things, or respond
> to different treatments. However, the type of electrical sensitivity
> that I have (which seems to be caused by toxicity and nutritional
> deficiencies) seems to be reversible by detoxification and eating foods
> or taking supplements which contain the nutritional ingredients that you
> are missing. The only problem is that it can take years, and be
> time-consuming, expensive, and filled with trial & error.
> So far my sensitivity is merely "under control", but not reversed. But I
> still think it's reversible -- either I need to give things more time
> (maybe 2 more years), or try an type of treatment that I haven't tried
> yet (e.g., NAET or NMT).
> Marc
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Re: ES irreversible?

Marc Martin
> I myself sometimes get "used" to EMFs but the price is that I feel
> "spiritually" (don't know better word) dead! It is maybe "elitist" as you
> say, but I sometimes think that most of the people simply accept being
> anesthetized somehow, for the sake of living "normal lives".

I haven't experienced the above, but I will say that I've noticed one
thing -- in the last 3 years, I've tried out a LOT of alternative
medicine, and I've met a lot of people who practice alternative
therapies, or are "new age". One thing that I've noticed is that a HIGH
percentage of these people are electrically sensitive. Much moreso than
"normal" people. So there may be something to this...


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Re: ES irreversible?

I have also talked to a friend who helps ES people recover and he says
that a great deal of his clients are very spiritual.. Not all the same
type of spirituality, but definately along a journey of some sort or
another. Its interesting you bring this up. I mean EMF meters are used
to hunt ghosts right..? So could it be that increased ES and or
Spiritual Activity is related to a spiritual presence of mind? Which
would seem to point to the higher functions of the mind are involved.

It might even be a rational thought to suggest that those who suffer
from ES are perhaps overloaded in the spiritual department., or at least
the part of us that is spiritual is suffering..

Wacky maybe, but worth bearing in mind. Perhaps ES damage affects the
same frequencies as the spiritual parts of us.. And those who have the
most 'spirituality'
are affected most..


Marc Martin wrote:

> > I myself sometimes get "used" to EMFs but the price is that I feel
> > "spiritually" (don't know better word) dead! It is maybe "elitist"
> as you
> > say, but I sometimes think that most of the people simply accept being
> > anesthetized somehow, for the sake of living "normal lives".
> I haven't experienced the above, but I will say that I've noticed one
> thing -- in the last 3 years, I've tried out a LOT of alternative
> medicine, and I've met a lot of people who practice alternative
> therapies, or are "new age". One thing that I've noticed is that a HIGH
> percentage of these people are electrically sensitive. Much moreso than
> "normal" people. So there may be something to this...
> Marc
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Re: ES irreversible?

Glenn Coleman
In reply to this post by Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
Your thought on ES & spirituallity is an interesting one.

I know that some spiritual practices involve the human energy system, like
Buddhism where the high frequencies of bells & drums & chanting can heal our
body. They also use meditations focusing on energy chakras in the body.
Spirituallity also gives hope and another way to focus when going through
confusion of ES.

So one may notice allot of people who have ES, have reached to a spiritual
place for relief, since conventional tools weren't enough.

The flip side of that is that many people who have ES may also have a more
sensitive nervous system, and be more aware of things around them. This can
also lead to greater ability to sense or realize spiritual opportunities,
having this greater sensitivity.

Personally I discovered that my sensitive nervous system is a benefit when
it comes to "pranic healing", which is a spiritual based healing, which
requires a certain sensitivity to detect energy fields around ones body. So
my ES has benefited me here. Almost anybody can do pranic healing, but some
have greater ability to detect energy differences more easily.

Since ES often causes problems with our human energy system ( ie. Energy
chakras or meridians), it turns out that doing bioenergy work (accupuncture,
pranic healing, shiatsu, medicine buddha, etc.) can be benefitial to balance
out ES symptoms. This has been my most powerful tool to get instant relief.

I don't think that one could be overloaded with spirituallity other than
over-doing it, as in burning yourself out doing too much of one thing. But
that could apply to almost anything. So I wouldn't link "too much
spirituallity" with the cause of ES.


----Original Message Follows----
From: xmanflash2001 <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] ES irreversible?
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 03:53:43 +1000

I have also talked to a friend who helps ES people recover and he says
that a great deal of his clients are very spiritual.. Not all the same
type of spirituality, but definately along a journey of some sort or
another. Its interesting you bring this up. I mean EMF meters are used
to hunt ghosts right..? So could it be that increased ES and or
Spiritual Activity is related to a spiritual presence of mind? Which
would seem to point to the higher functions of the mind are involved.

It might even be a rational thought to suggest that those who suffer
from ES are perhaps overloaded in the spiritual department., or at least
the part of us that is spiritual is suffering..

Wacky maybe, but worth bearing in mind. Perhaps ES damage affects the
same frequencies as the spiritual parts of us.. And those who have the
most 'spirituality'
are affected most..


Marc Martin wrote:

> > I myself sometimes get "used" to EMFs but the price is that I feel
> > "spiritually" (don't know better word) dead! It is maybe "elitist"
> as you
> > say, but I sometimes think that most of the people simply accept being
> > anesthetized somehow, for the sake of living "normal lives".
> I haven't experienced the above, but I will say that I've noticed one
> thing -- in the last 3 years, I've tried out a LOT of alternative
> medicine, and I've met a lot of people who practice alternative
> therapies, or are "new age". One thing that I've noticed is that a HIGH
> percentage of these people are electrically sensitive. Much moreso than
> "normal" people. So there may be something to this...
> Marc
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RE: ES irreversible?

Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
In reply to this post by Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
It's interesting that the pineal gland in the brain is affected by
electromagnetic radiation. In the past this gland was apparently
regarded as the 'gateway to heaven' - being linked to the chakra or
energy centre through which one can access higher dimensions through
meditation etc.
This has been written about by electrical engineer and activist Alasdair
Philips, from 'Powerwatch' in the UK, in his book 'Living with
Electricity'. In the first few pages he discusses the history of the
development of artificial EMR, its effect on the natural world and
material on the Schumann resonance and measurements of the earth's EM
field etc - I can fax if anyone is interested. There is an excellent
book out called 'Watrer, Electricity and Heath' by Alan Hall.


-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, 30 August 2004 3:40 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] ES irreversible?

Your thought on ES & spirituallity is an interesting one.

I know that some spiritual practices involve the human energy system,
Buddhism where the high frequencies of bells & drums & chanting can heal
body. They also use meditations focusing on energy chakras in the body.

Spirituallity also gives hope and another way to focus when going
confusion of ES.

So one may notice allot of people who have ES, have reached to a
place for relief, since conventional tools weren't enough.

The flip side of that is that many people who have ES may also have a
sensitive nervous system, and be more aware of things around them. This
also lead to greater ability to sense or realize spiritual
having this greater sensitivity.

Personally I discovered that my sensitive nervous system is a benefit
it comes to "pranic healing", which is a spiritual based healing, which
requires a certain sensitivity to detect energy fields around ones body.
my ES has benefited me here. Almost anybody can do pranic healing, but
have greater ability to detect energy differences more easily.

Since ES often causes problems with our human energy system ( ie. Energy

chakras or meridians), it turns out that doing bioenergy work
pranic healing, shiatsu, medicine buddha, etc.) can be benefitial to
out ES symptoms. This has been my most powerful tool to get instant

I don't think that one could be overloaded with spirituallity other than

over-doing it, as in burning yourself out doing too much of one thing.
that could apply to almost anything. So I wouldn't link "too much
spirituallity" with the cause of ES.


----Original Message Follows----
From: xmanflash2001 <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] ES irreversible?
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 03:53:43 +1000

I have also talked to a friend who helps ES people recover and he says
that a great deal of his clients are very spiritual.. Not all the same
type of spirituality, but definately along a journey of some sort or
another. Its interesting you bring this up. I mean EMF meters are used
to hunt ghosts right..? So could it be that increased ES and or
Spiritual Activity is related to a spiritual presence of mind? Which
would seem to point to the higher functions of the mind are involved.

It might even be a rational thought to suggest that those who suffer
from ES are perhaps overloaded in the spiritual department., or at least
the part of us that is spiritual is suffering..

Wacky maybe, but worth bearing in mind. Perhaps ES damage affects the
same frequencies as the spiritual parts of us.. And those who have the
most 'spirituality' are affected most..


Marc Martin wrote:

> > I myself sometimes get "used" to EMFs but the price is that I feel
> > "spiritually" (don't know better word) dead! It is maybe "elitist"
> as you > > say, but I sometimes think that most of the people simply
accept being > > anesthetized somehow, for the sake of living "normal
lives". > > I haven't experienced the above, but I will say that I've
noticed one > thing -- in the last 3 years, I've tried out a LOT of
alternative > medicine, and I've met a lot of people who practice
alternative > therapies, or are "new age". One thing that I've noticed
is that a HIGH > percentage of these people are electrically sensitive.
Much moreso than > "normal" people. So there may be something to
this... > > Marc > > *Yahoo! Groups Sponsor* > ADVERTISEMENT >
click here >

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RE: ES irreversible?

Glenn Coleman
In reply to this post by Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)
I have heard similar regarding the pineal gland. Apparently it is also
vulnerable to mercury poisoning, and can cause all kinds of problems when
this occurs.


----Original Message Follows----
From: "Benson, Sarah (Sen L. Allison)" <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: <[hidden email]>
Subject: RE: [eSens] ES irreversible?
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 17:13:47 +1000

It's interesting that the pineal gland in the brain is affected by
electromagnetic radiation. In the past this gland was apparently
regarded as the 'gateway to heaven' - being linked to the chakra or
energy centre through which one can access higher dimensions through
meditation etc.

This has been written about by electrical engineer and activist Alasdair
Philips, from 'Powerwatch' in the UK, in his book 'Living with
Electricity'. In the first few pages he discusses the history of the
development of artificial EMR, its effect on the natural world and
material on the Schumann resonance and measurements of the earth's EM
field etc - I can fax if anyone is interested. There is an excellent
book out called 'Watrer, Electricity and Heath' by Alan Hall.


-----Original Message-----
From: Glenn Coleman [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, 30 August 2004 3:40 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] ES irreversible?

Your thought on ES & spirituallity is an interesting one.

I know that some spiritual practices involve the human energy system,
Buddhism where the high frequencies of bells & drums & chanting can heal
body. They also use meditations focusing on energy chakras in the body.

Spirituallity also gives hope and another way to focus when going
confusion of ES.

So one may notice allot of people who have ES, have reached to a
place for relief, since conventional tools weren't enough.

The flip side of that is that many people who have ES may also have a
sensitive nervous system, and be more aware of things around them. This
also lead to greater ability to sense or realize spiritual
having this greater sensitivity.

Personally I discovered that my sensitive nervous system is a benefit
it comes to "pranic healing", which is a spiritual based healing, which
requires a certain sensitivity to detect energy fields around ones body.
my ES has benefited me here. Almost anybody can do pranic healing, but
have greater ability to detect energy differences more easily.

Since ES often causes problems with our human energy system ( ie. Energy

chakras or meridians), it turns out that doing bioenergy work
pranic healing, shiatsu, medicine buddha, etc.) can be benefitial to
out ES symptoms. This has been my most powerful tool to get instant

I don't think that one could be overloaded with spirituallity other than

over-doing it, as in burning yourself out doing too much of one thing.
that could apply to almost anything. So I wouldn't link "too much
spirituallity" with the cause of ES.


----Original Message Follows----
From: xmanflash2001 <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [eSens] ES irreversible?
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 03:53:43 +1000

I have also talked to a friend who helps ES people recover and he says
that a great deal of his clients are very spiritual.. Not all the same
type of spirituality, but definately along a journey of some sort or
another. Its interesting you bring this up. I mean EMF meters are used
to hunt ghosts right..? So could it be that increased ES and or
Spiritual Activity is related to a spiritual presence of mind? Which
would seem to point to the higher functions of the mind are involved.

It might even be a rational thought to suggest that those who suffer
from ES are perhaps overloaded in the spiritual department., or at least
the part of us that is spiritual is suffering..

Wacky maybe, but worth bearing in mind. Perhaps ES damage affects the
same frequencies as the spiritual parts of us.. And those who have the
most 'spirituality' are affected most..


Marc Martin wrote:

> > I myself sometimes get "used" to EMFs but the price is that I feel
> > "spiritually" (don't know better word) dead! It is maybe "elitist"
> as you > > say, but I sometimes think that most of the people simply
accept being > > anesthetized somehow, for the sake of living "normal
lives". > > I haven't experienced the above, but I will say that I've
noticed one > thing -- in the last 3 years, I've tried out a LOT of
alternative > medicine, and I've met a lot of people who practice
alternative > therapies, or are "new age". One thing that I've noticed
is that a HIGH > percentage of these people are electrically sensitive.
Much moreso than > "normal" people. So there may be something to
this... > > Marc > > *Yahoo! Groups Sponsor* > ADVERTISEMENT >
click here >

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