New to ES

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Re: New to ES

Karl, will check out the fiber converter.  I appreciate all the advice and suggestions.  Really!!

Saw the documentary Ubiquity on Amazon Prime and it was good, but again not much "help" except to know I'm not alone and the symptoms are unmistakeable.  The only answer is avoidance and it's so isolating.  My world got so small since July.  I am still dealing well with any of this.  It's so hard to find optimism.  

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Re: New to ES

In reply to this post by Romana
Hi, I really appreciate the in-depth reply and your hope that it can possibly get better in ways.  Gosh, I hope so...

My typical 3 day is way off since I have not wanted anything since late July.  What I would have eaten just prior was similar to these items:
Organic almond butter.
Organic hummus (small amounts of non organic such as Sabra's Supremely Spicy on occasion).
1 piece of salmon / every 2-4 weeks.
salad (organic) kale, baby greens, cucumber, grape tomato, carrot, celery, red onion.
dressing I make using olive oil, apple cider vinegar, dijon mustard, garlic, small drops of maple syrup.
sweet potato (plain or olive oil).
Dececco pasta.
Mothers oat bran.
1-2 eggs every 2-6 days.
parmesan reggiano.
Green smoothies (kale, turmeric, blueberries, small amout banana, coconut water Harmless Harvest, lemon, vegan pea protein powder Gareden of Life,

That was kind of my regular items...

Now it's barely 1-2 spoons of almond butter, and a smoothie, and not much else is even wanted.  
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Re: New to ES

April R
Okay, first of all the raw kale needs to go right now - there's a chemical in it that's way too rough on digestion if you're having it all the time and can even cause physical damage if you have enough of it (cooked might be alright occasionally).  Possibly ditto the raw almond butter; I started having problems with that and do better with cashew or sunflower myself.  And coconut anything can make you go to the bathroom.  You were trying to eat low-carb, right?  You need more calories and healthy starch (maybe not bran, just whole grain like brown rice and brown rice flour, maybe GF oats) for a healthy gut - and I know the moment I say that there are going to be other posters immediately naysaying in favor of paleo, keto, and raw.  Arguably one of the hardest things about ES is that what works for someone else will probably not work for you verbatim because the syndrome is so uniquely idiomatic.  And unless you're vegetarian, you need more lean meat protein, too - that's the thing I see most lacking here, every other day at the very least.  Vegan protein powder is often incomplete and (in my experience) also difficult to digest.  Eggs are fine as long as you're not allergic, probably every three days okay.  Skip the cheese.  It doesn't look like you bake anything, but if you ever do make sure that your baking powder is aluminum free (why is anyone eating aluminum in this day and age?)  I've gotten to the point that aside of a few canned soups and canned tomatoes, I make basically everything I eat from scratch out of necessity, and it's really not that hard; it just takes getting used to.  Just imagine your great-grandmother saying this:  "you need to eat more food!" XD  Don't worry about it being so perfect for right now.  Just eat.  
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Re: New to ES

Marc Martin
On October 11, April R [via ES] <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Eggs are fine as long as you're not allergic, probably every three days okay.

Are eggs fine?  Seems like there are some people (e.g., anyone who follows "Medical Medium" Anthony William) that say that eggs feed viruses, and that viruses are the source of many chronic "mystery illnesses".  

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Re: New to ES

April R
In reply to this post by April R
You don't have to answer this publically, just think about it:  is there anything that you believe in, like a faith tradition?  If you're so inclined, that can help deal.  Also, do you have any hobbies, anything to distract you even temporarily from what's going on?  I think in certain ways the cultural no-man's land of ES is far scarier for neurotypical people because you're suddenly not mainstream anymore in major ways (you wouldn't know just reading my posts, but I have mild Aspergers in real-life).  This isn't just about survival, although it can certainly feel like it at times:  this is an unprecedented chance to intentionally make your own culture, with others or even just alone.  

Party of one, and proud.
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Re: New to ES

April R
In reply to this post by Marc Martin
(like I just said...)

Marc, this makes me think of when I learned that if we could entirely remove the immune system from a human being - if we actually didn't need them - that we could possibly live forever, that just regular healthy use of the immune system ages us.  Everything good is bad for us at some level, in some amount, for some reason.  I couldn't deal with worrying about all of it...
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Re: New to ES

In reply to this post by April R
April, appreciate the second pair of eyes evaluating the things I am eating.  
I did not know that about Kale, will use with caution and reduce to eliminate..  

I'll try a different nut butter like sunflower.

Is there a green you can recommend to replace kale in my green smoothies?    Is there another vegan protein (powder or whole items) you would add to ditch the pea protein?  

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Re: New to ES

April R
Good ol' spinach should be fine - just use in moderation.  My favorite spinach smoothie would be

handful fresh spinach
1/4 english cucumber, diced
1/2-2/3 cup fresh strawberries, cut into sections
1/2 cup plant milk of your choice
generous scoop nut/seed butter of your choice (about 2 TBSP)

I'm not sure about vegan protein powders, period.  Any food that you can eat whole will always be better for you than something processed like that; the body breaks it down differently.  If you're leaning on that because you're having a hard time incorporating more vegan protein into your diet, I'd look for nutritional counselling.  If you live in the states, Natural Grocers does stuff like that for free, but I'm sure you can find resources online, too.
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Re: New to ES

Thanks!  I should look for the nutritional help you mention.  I was on a quest today to find out what my dental implant is made from.  I was able to get some information and it sounds bad.  

First the numbers don't even add up, and also the non titanium items sound very conductive...

94% Titanium (this is 3% conductive or so I have read)  
6% Aluminum
2% Valadium (an alloy of Silver, Copper and Platinum)

Oh, and they mentioned also a good screw.

Looks like I will need it out as well as the 3 amalgam fillings.  
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Re: New to ES

April R
Aluminum is way conductive; we have aluminum wiring in our house!  I can't even wear aluminum/titanium jewelry, it's just too buggy.  I imagine you'll be feeling worlds better with all that stuff out of your head.  Good luck.
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Re: New to ES

Marc Martin
In reply to this post by Elle
> Looks like I will need it out as well as the 3 amalgam fillings.

Note that the preferred dental implant material is "Zirconia" (Zirconium Dioxide), which is a ceramic, not a metal.

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Re: New to ES

In reply to this post by Elle
Elle wrote
94% Titanium (this is 3% conductive or so I have read)  
6% Aluminum
2% Valadium (an alloy of Silver, Copper and Platinum)
Elle, are you sure that the third ingredient is Valadium and not vanadium?
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Re: New to ES


You are correct.  I finally received a "chemical composition" from the manufacturer, however the list is "current".  They don't seem to have an answer to my question if the list is the same or changed since 2011 when it was used for me.

They list current elements as:
Aluminum 6.5%
Vanadium 4.5%
Nitrogen 0.05%
Carbon 0.08%
Hydrogen 0.012
Iron 0.25%
Oxygen 0.13%
Titanium Remainder

I have decided it must come out but I am a bit worried about the process and then having the silver amalgams removed.  :(
On top of that car is dead in the shop.

And for some reason my home is not seemingly as low RF as it once was.
This home has been a pretty steady 0.0005 mW/m2 ranging up to 0.0012 or 0.0018 when near certain areas...

Since Saturday I have not felt well in my home and by Sunday evening I started having palpitations in my home, which has NEVER happened (save from coming home with them after high exposure near the 4G masts or the jury duty incident this last July...)  
I took the meter and was shocked to see some really high numbers for my home.  It was pulsing readings such as 1.7, 3.8 and .4800....  Then it would revert to 0.0005, but pulse near from 0.050s to 0.0129 and in the 0.0300 areas...  with intermittent high spikes over 0.3000.  

By Monday night in bed I was awoken with palpitations and just took a robe and a blanket and I went outside to a screened in patio and sat there at 1:30AM alone and scared.  Outside seems to stay near 0.0005 in the back area.  I am NOT sure where the RF is coming from.  It could be a strong WiFi from a neighbor I suppose or a tower that was repositioned.  Although it seems odd that outside seems lower and consistent with 0.0005 I am used to.    

Just sitting here at the computer (hardwired with ethernet) the Cornet has a high reading of 1.520.  
It's giving me head pain especially over my left eye and to the left side around the eye.  

So I feel like I can't be on the computer and I need to search dentists, water testers, etc...
No car and I feel like I am at the end of my very small rope.  

Thanks for listening.  
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Re: New to ES

April R
I know it's not ideal, but are you able to use any public transportation at all where you are?  Any family or friends in the area who would be willing to put you up for a night or two, to see if it helps?  I've had stretches of time in the past that I was literally living in a park in a different town during daylight hours and only going home to sleep, it was so bad in our neighborhood/region.  I know this sucks, but you need to figure out an escape plan, a possible safe place to go if you need to - and probably an emergency pack (rations.)

Are there any areas in your home that have less readings?  If so, indoor camping may be in order for you to rest (been doing that since 2012 myself, and it shifts around considerably.)
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Re: New to ES

I have been controlling my diet for decades.
Basically to have less inflammation, less symptoms, feel less brain fog, more energy...

What I did as a mistake, was to keep on eating gluten, to keep on eating a high fat diet (with meats, butter etc), to keep on eating eggs and milk products.

Only by eliminating milk products, eggs and gluten, I found relief in many symptoms (for example, food allergies, that I had mounting after years... it had become even dangerous as I was loosing weight and getting more allergies every year).

Well, it's all past.

It took me months to feel my body started to detox, finally, to feel lighter, that the curve in my health got upwards, now only downwards like before.

Keeping eggs and milk products (including my beloved butter) out helped me A LOT.

I'll be soon 1 year free from eating them. First I don't really miss them anymore. Last, I found other yummy stuff to eat (fruits and veggies).

Plus I feel I have a life ahead, as my liver feels finally light.
Just a year ago, I was wondering if I would make more 10 years, as I was getting so thin, and had less and less options to eat due to mounting numbers of allergens....

The moment I eat just a bit of gluten, I feel brain fog coming back.

Eggs and milk, I don't even want to try... They CAUSED me fruits / nuts / veggie allergies, to go sky-rocketting.

Same experience with my daughter, who was born allergic, practically, to so many things. Her allergies are almost all gone, only by letting eggs and milk products away (plus gluten, but she has been eating gluten free for about a decade or more).

Just our experience.

I also feel that my tinnitus sometimes go away completely. I have been suffering from that for years.

I do think eggs and milk products were contributing to that too.
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Re: New to ES

In reply to this post by April R
Public transpiration here is he pits.  Miles away from me and horribly inefficient.  

April, it is the strangest thing.  The pulsing in the home seems to be in the area near the computer and then also in the living room at times and then also the bedroom and closet area.  
It's a fairly steady pulse when it's not super high, like every 5-8 seconds will go from 0.0005 to 0.0112 then another 4-6 seconds will go to 0.0060 and low and up to 0.0224....   It's puzzling because when I step in the back patio OR the front porch levels are "normal" 0.0005 to 0.0007 and steady, no pulsing.    

I have checked every thing I can think of including TV settings, which is off 90% of the time anyway, the audio receiver is off, and no bluetooth or wifi enabled.  Wifi is always OFF and we use a ethernet router.  The signals are not even high in that area where the router is housed.   There are no phones on, no cordless phones... No smart appliances.  I am not sure what is causing the pulsing inside and it's definitely making me feel worse.  when it hits the higher numbers for any length of time like 1.7, 2+ or 3.8 that's when I start to feel palpitations.  On the evening in the living room and then when awoken in bed with the palpitation that is when I will check the meter, so I know it's not psychosomatic.  But since then I am agonizing over finding what happened that changed inside the house.  

If I have more palpitations I will be seeking the safer spots I can find.  I may need to have someone who can check things professionally and tell me what is going on here.  


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Re: New to ES

In reply to this post by Jinna
Thanks for sharing what works for you.  I can try to limit gluten totally and see.
I can also not buy eggs again and see how I feel after a few weeks.  Cheese can be cut, I don't have very much anyway, but I do love it.  :(

If anyone has a great site for meals or helpful recipes that work please post/share.

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Re: New to ES

April R
In reply to this post by Elle
*sigh* What manner o' computer hast thou?  I'm not laughing at your problems, it's just that this is such a can of worms in recent years, where people here have had repeat problems with computers and other machines with onboard wifi receptors that have to be turned off again and again in the settings because the parent companies keep turning them back on with updates, whether there's wifi reception or not!  And are we talking about a wraparound floorplan or a one-floor ranch?  Because it's not all that uncommon for stuff like this to make it straight through the walls, floor, ceiling, etc.

And by 'off' you mean unplugged, right?  
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Re: New to ES

In reply to this post by Elle
Elle, that's probably the chemical composition of the screw.

Here is the composition of one of the common types of titanium:

Aluminum, Al 5.5 - 6.75 % 5.5 - 6.75 %
Carbon, C <= 0.080 % <= 0.080 %
Hydrogen, H <= 0.015 % <= 0.015 %
Iron, Fe <= 0.40 % <= 0.40 %
Nitrogen, N <= 0.030 % <= 0.030 %
Other, each <= 0.050 % <= 0.050 %
Other, total <= 0.30 % <= 0.30 %
Oxygen, O <= 0.20 % <= 0.20 %
Titanium, Ti 87.725 - 91 % 87.725 - 91 % As Balance; Elemental Composition per ASTM B265
Vanadium, V 3.5 - 4.5 % 3.5 - 4.5 %

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Re: New to ES

Karl the composition list probably hasn't changed much since 2011.

It's possible that they used a different alloy (AKA type/grade) of titanium, but the 'ingredients' wouldn't be much different. (It might have 3% aluminum and 2.5% vanadium instead. The other elements are impurities rather that things deliberately added, so they will be there in roughly the same amounts.)