New member to group

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New member to group

Deb&John Holland

I am a new member to this group and very thankful to have found it. I just discovered last weekend that the reason for my health issues is due to electrical sensitivity. I found a book in our local library called Discover Wellness and it mentioned quite in depth about EMF's and I strongly felt that was the answer to my problems.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis 3 years ago and have tried several alternative therapies which have helped me greatly, but I am still having problems that I have been unable to get past. The things I am currently dealing with are hair loss, fatigue, burning on my scalp, depression, mental fog, chemical and food sensitivities. After reading the symptoms of ES, I feel that this information is my answer. I have since ordered a whole house unit and pendant that helps neutralize these negative effects. I am anxiously awaiting their arrival.

Does anyone on this list have experience with the symptoms that I've mentioned getting better after using these products? Thanks for your input.


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Re: New member to group

Marc Martin
> After reading the symptoms of ES, I feel that this information
> is my answer.

Hi Deborah,

Welcome to the group! Have you noticed any correlation between
EMF exposure and your symptoms getting worse? I'd say that
this is a better indicator than merely matching symptoms, as
the list of symptoms for ES could be caused by other things
(e.g., heavy metal poisoning)
