Mind-body connection/slippery slope

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Mind-body connection/slippery slope


Hi Katrina,

I appreciate your kind words, and believe me, I appreciate all the
advice I get from this group...hearing from people with similar
medical experiences is invaluable to me. I don't need to describe to
anyone here the frustration and isolation my husband and I felt over
the years. When you warn against the "slippery slope" of
acknowledging a mind-body connection with regard to ES (and MCS, etc.
etc.) I think I understand the danger you meanÂ… But I don't share
stories here with any intent besides the hope that someone else with
a similar problem may learn from our experiences or that someone will
be able to offer insight that may be helpful to me. I am not,
primarily, trying to establish causality, or explain how a particular
remedy relieves a particular symptom, or convince anyone whose
interests in this subject are mainly theoretical. When I speak to our
doctor, I share *much less* than I do with this group because she has
made her biases clear to us, and I cannot afford to waste time or
energy trying to educate her. Plus, like you said, I am aware that,
because of her biases, I may undermine my husband's chance of getting
decent care if I give our doctor any reason to dismiss his health
problems as "mental." It's sad. When we acknowledge the mind-body
connection and explore the ways that the mind can help to heal the
body, I don't think we are talking about something theoretical or
imaginary -- anyone who is truly ill, who suffers every day, has no
time to waste on something that *does not work*. And yet, you're
right, many medical professionals (and lay people!) would happily
latch onto an excuse to dismiss as imaginary any condition that they
themselves do not understand.
