Making a ES website with the information structurized from es-forum?

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Making a ES website with the information structurized from es-forum?

Sorry to say I struggled with ES for some years even after reading some books about the theme and also looking on this forum etc. Problem with es-forum is much of the vital information are getting hidden into all the threads after a while and it take years to read through everything. And internet are also very fragmentized about the condition. Books alike.

So I wonder If we should have made a website for starters with easy to understand information.

Helping the worlds ES sufferers in a good way.
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Re: Making a ES website with the information structurized from es-forum?

I would be willing to collaborate on that. What things would people here actually use?

I have a skeleton site hosted by Google that doesn't have many articles yet because I'm not very satisfied with the solutions I've tried. Most are difficult, expensive or ineffective.

If you want, I can post summaries of those. Maybe you or other people here can suggest things to test, or say which solutions are 'good enough.'