Lived in 33mG, how to find a doctor

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Lived in 33mG, how to find a doctor

I have bad ES symptoms. I followed forum's advice and measured my living space. My floors have showed 33+mG, showing overload strength 18 inches above the floor. I lived there for a long time. I welcome any suggestions on how to find a doctor to start healing; many are unfamiliar with ES.
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Re: Lived in 33mG, how to find a doctor

I have personally found Bioresonance treatment to be of great help as it helps remove the build up of Emfs in the body along with heavy metals, molds, viruses etc and balances the body systems. Usually there are practitioners to be found in each country. Where we live in the UK there are no doctors that specialise specifically in ES. We also consult a naturopath who also specialises in herbs for Lyme Disease as that can be a significant for some with ES. She advises too regarding diet.
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Re: Lived in 33mG, how to find a doctor

In reply to this post by endnote
This guy helped me heal, im almost symptom free

his first book is a must
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Re: Lived in 33mG, how to find a doctor

In reply to this post by endnote
Thank you much for the information.

I am checking into Bioresonance treatment, it looks very hopeful.
Are the lyme herbs you are speaking of general antivirals, like Pau D'Arco, or selected few specific to Lyme? Are you familiar with ES individuals having red blotches? I am having difficulty finding an explanation.

Anthony William's cleanses make sense; I will have to pick one to start with. Celery looks good.

I came accross ICD-10 (International Classfication of Disease) These are the codes doctors use to code patients' ailments. W90.8 - Exposure to other nonionizing radiation. This suggests that there is a medical specialty that utilizes this ICD-10 code in their practice. I wrote to environmental doctors, occupational doctors and many healthcare systems, but nothing came of it. I wonder if someone had more success with this.