Anyone else able to go outside and do any measurements?
I've measured a bit while I was out today and wow the city of Toronto has changed since about 7-8 months ago when I did the same drive. A lot of tower upgrades have happened. During my 2 hour drive, Acousticom 2 was in the red zone about 70% of the time, 25% in the yellow, and 5% in the green... maybe less than 5. I hardly saw any green. And I saw very solid 6V/M (can't go any higher on this meter) in multiple places. I wish I had taken the Cornet, because I couldn't measure above 6v/m. It was a lot better last time I did the same drive half a year ago.. used to be mostly yellow, with red only surrounding close to each tower. Red was kind of rare basically... 30-40%. Now, the red zone just extends on and on, far away from the towers. I've only seen that in US before in mountain areas.. they really crank them up there. I was so surprised to see that in US the first time, and now I see it here.. The power at such distances is amazing. |
as a rule of thumb emfs levels double on average every two year and go a hundredfold every ten year.
don't ask what that means over a twenty or thirty year period. we are a bunch of boiling frogs, most of us at least. these meters are of course far from reliable. please neither believe the specifications nor the readings. certain frequencies are picked up well or even too well, others are not at all. what is measured also depends on the actual mix of signals. these meters are toys, although some give on average a better indication than others. the cornets seem a better choice for most people but are perhaps less robust. the first one i bought died after 2 years of moderate usage. frequencies below the range that these meters could even theoretically reach are probably much more problematic. but that includes carrier-waves for radiation that fall within their advertised bandwidth. so in case the measured higher frequencies would not be that important, then still in an indirect manner these meters could be somewhat helpful but will remain pretty unreliable. |
Its really unfortunate what they are doing with this and able to get away with it.Just no care for the lives for the others.
In reply to this post by sailplane
i notices the weather has an effect. On some days the readings are worse then others. Our levers in Pennsylvania have gone up as well, we got more yellows in the country and more reds in small towns
RF levels have gone up in my rural area - from a cell tower 5 miles away.
I used to ask questions to an online RF specialist who freely answered anyone. Most were asking how to increase their reception, but I wanted to know how to block. He said that RF reception increases on windy days if, for example, the transmitter is south
of a building and the wind is coming from a southerly direction.
He didn't believe in ES. Claimed his girlfriend said cellphones and Wifi bothered her, but he would trick her and leave the Wifi on in his house and claimed that she didn't notice. I tried to convince him that he was most likely causing her headaches or some
ill effect which would appear later that day.
From: UphillBattle [via ES] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 1:19 AM To: Fog Top <[hidden email]> Subject: [ES] Re: Levels here have gone up i notices the weather has an effect. On some days the readings are worse then others. Our levers in Pennsylvania have gone up as well, we got more yellows in the country and more reds in small towns
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