I think I may have ems or ehs

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I think I may have ems or ehs

Hello I'm new here I think I may have EMS  or EHS.

Whenever I try to use the central heat my head very quickly hurts like hell and my sinuses become very swollen. This has sent me to the emergency room twice already.
And every docter I've been to hasn't been able to identify a definite cause.
The closest thing they've been able to identify it as is sinusitis. But they don't know what's causing it.
Also  I hear clicking noises sometimes my head.

Whenever I have to use the internet on my phone I use a mouse to work the keyboard on the touch screen and I wear grow room glasses that block UVA and UVB very good.

I think I may have had EMS or EHS for quite a while but I didn't really start to get sick until I got my first straight talk phone and I got the ultimate  ulimited plan and sometimes  in some months I would use more than a hundred gigs worth of data.

It got much worse when I switched from a phone(lg rebel 3 had a plastic back) that used a verizon straight talk sim card  to a phone(figo gravity x55l had a metal back) that used a at&t straight talk sim card.

But then I got a tablet and I used the Wi-Fi hotspot on my phone to connect the tablet to the Internet. that's when I felt the sickest. And everytime I got on the internet with it I had it in my lap.

After a few  months of this I came down with chronic constipation for quite a few month.

After a few months of having chronic constipation I started to notice that I would feel a little better if I didn't use the tablet. When this was going on earlier this year I knew nothing about EMS or EHS yet.

I stopped using the tablet completely a few months ago. A few days ago I just tossed it in the trash. which the garbage truck has already picked up. so that is not a problem anymore.

one of the biggest changes that has made the biggest difference is eating a much healthier much for nutritious diet.

 During the winter I was getting so sick too sick in fact to make meals so I just bought a bunch of preprocessed stuff that I would only have to warm up big  mistake.
that was when I'm felt the sickest of all.

But I fill best when there's a heavy downpour outside I mean the rain really comes  down with lots of lighting and thunder I feel better during it and part of the next day after it.

But I did not have any of these problems untill I moved from Texarkana Arkansas to Hot springs Arkansas.

I bought a wind up pocket watch so I could tell time without looking at my phone constantly.

Also for some reason green and blue fibers keep growing out of my navel. The worse I feel the faster it grows and the bigger the mass of fibers gets.
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Re: I think I may have ems or ehs

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You should definitely limit your exposure to electrical equipment. The most important is your sleeping location. I myself shut off all the breakers from the fuse box to my bedroom. This ensures there is no electricity anywhere in the bedroom.

Sleeping is the most important time for body regeneration. Therefore you need to minimize EMF exposure during that time.

If you do this (shut off the fuses) keep in mind that wires run inside the walls, which means you have to take into account wires for outlets in adjecent rooms also. Those need to be disabled too from the fuse box.

You should turn off all wireless stuff. Use ethernet cables for your computer, and stop using your phone. Get a USB keyboard and mouse, and don't sit close to the computer itself.

Remember that your phone radiates even when you're not using it. Don't put it in your pocket, or put it in airplane mode or at minimum disable wireless data.

Foods are not (that much) affected by electricity. I suspect your reaction to foods made using electricity is more because you're standing close to the appliances when you make them(?).

However microwave food is not good for you. You should stop eating that immediately. I also ruined my health with such food. You need to look for food that does not come with a label. Simple rule: if the food you're eating has a label with a bunch of stuff that's hard to pronounce, it's most likely garbage.

Now an important question, because this often makes EHS much much worse: have you checked for mold? Anywhere in your house/apartment where there is moisture, AT ANY TIME, mold can form.

Where is the most moisture? The bathroom is the first obvious candidate to check. But all sinks, faucets, and drains need to be checked.

Old drains which have not been cleaned, also become mold factories. Mold pollutes your indoor air, and lowers your immunity. Remember to clean your drains regularly, and keep your shower clean from deposits, grit and grime (all of that crap attracts mold).

So in summary:

+ You need to dump everything wireless
+ Minimize electricity in your sleeping area
+ Improve your food
+ Stop using the microwave
+ Check for mold and keep places with regular moisture clean

And the last thing I keep repeating to everyone that has EHS; try to get an EMF meter. It will make diagnosing exposure much easier.

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Re: I think I may have ems or ehs

In reply to this post by electronicalchemist42
I bought a emf meter at the begining of the month when I suspected I might be having trouble with emf. The more I use it I'm learning  slowing what to advoid.

I will post more of my experiences later.
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Re: I think I may have ems or ehs

In reply to this post by electronicalchemist42
Have you thought of going back to the town where you felt better?

Perhaps the levels are better there if you can measure.
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Re: I think I may have ems or ehs

In reply to this post by electronicalchemist42
I can tell you from my experience that you have EHS because that headachy feeling and closed sinuses is one of the first things that happens, then my digestive system function goes out the window complete with a heart burn feeling often if it was bad enough, then from there it in a nutshell feels like someone just deleted part of my brain and my body becomes about as useful as a rock because of how weak I get. That's just the standard process for me that repeats itself every single time. Also keep a clean diet, if you have a horrible diet it's going to be even worse. Mine is as plain and nutrient rich I can have it but still be satisfied.  
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Re: I think I may have ems or ehs

In reply to this post by electronicalchemist42
Me too, I agree with others. You do have EHS.

And for the fibers coming out, it's Morgellons, very probably.

it's a sort of modified lyme disease, of infectious order.

True what you said: diet helps healing. Also sunlight, grounding.

And heavy metal detox.

I hope you feel better soon.